Recruitment Process in Accenture Pvt Ltd Company

On 20.08.2021, Alumnus of Computer Science Department,Mr.K.G.Harshan,(Batch: 2012 – 2015) Recruiting Analyst, Accenture PvtLtd, Chennai interacted with thestudents of II&III B.ScCS (SSS), through Google Meet.He shared his industry experience with the students. He advised the students to prepare for the interview during the college days itself. He explained the need of current IT industry and procedure for attending the interview. He also shared his views on the recruitment process in Accenture. Overall 94 students benefitted through this interactive session. The students clarified their queries during the interactive session.


World Humanitarian day is held every year to pay tribute aid workers who risk their lives in humanitarian lives. The Department of Languages in association with IQAC celebrated World Humanitarian Day through a webinar on 19th August, 2021 at 11.30pm in Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science. The program was conducted through online mode. Mrs. S. Neela, Assistant Professor of Hindi, SLCS was the resource person. She delivered the speech on the topic “Respect Humans and Save Humanity”. In her speech, she insisted to cultivate the habit of helping tendency and count their deeds that benefited others every day. She also reiterated that the qualities like compassion, love, and patience should be sown in everyone’s heart to spread humanity and to make the world a better to live in. Towards the end of the session, students were benefited through her inspirational speech.  Totally 67 students attended the session and a feedback link was sent to receive their responses.


The Medius Coronet Association of Visual Communication department conducted a webinar on “World Photography Day” for the students on 19.08.2021. Totally 45 students (I B.Sc-11, II B.Sc-14, III B.Sc-16, I M.Sc-1, II M.Sc-3) participated in this event.  Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Head Incharge, Department of Visual Communication, inaugurated the session at 11.00 am and spoke about the College and the Department. Mr. C. J. Rajkumar, Chief Guest of the day gave lectures on camera and the job opportunities available. Ms. Susmitha from II B.Sc Visual Communication proposed the vote of thanks and the event concluded with the National Anthem.

Mr. C. J. Rajkumar gave an elaborate lecture about the camera industry and on the new technology. The students enthusiastically participated by raising many queries regarding photography.

Association Inaugural Function

Marine Catering and Hotel Management Department organized the “Hospitality Education Network (HEN) Association” inaugural function on August 19, 2021. The inaugural function started with a welcome speech by Mr.R.Ganesh, Instructor, Department of MC&HM. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the department delivered key note address. He spoke about the importance of Hospitality Education Network Association and said it that involved in the planning and integration of student technical activities. It promotes a sense of group responsibility and plays the critical role of student representation for preparing themselves to the Hospitality Industry. The event concluded with the vote of thanks by the new student association President-Mr.Dharun Perumal.K, III Year MC&HM.

Seminar on “Smoking Cessation & Vaccination Awareness”

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai in association with the NSS Unit of the college organized a Seminar on “Smoking Cessation & Vaccination Awareness” on 18.08.2021. Dr.Ramesh Dtcd , MD – chest diseases & Associate professor, Department of respiratory medicine & Dr.P.Niranjan Prabhakar MD – respiratory medicine,  Department of respiratory medicine, Velammal Medical College were the resource persons. The adverse effects of smoking were explained in detail. Some strategies to quit smoking were also suggested. This was followed by an awareness session on Covid – 19 vaccinations. The overall benefits of vaccination and the reasons for eradicating hesitancy towards vaccination were explained in detail. A total of 18 teaching faculty and 23 non teaching staff participated and got benefited in this seminar.


Extension activity on “Vaccination awareness”

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai in association with the NSS Unit of the college & Shyamalavani Community Radio station organized an extension activity on “Vaccination awareness” on 18.08.2021. Dr.P.Niranjan Prabhakar MD – respiratory medicine, Department of respiratory medicine, Velammal Medical College was the resource person. The overall benefits of vaccination and the reasons for eradicating hesitancy towards vaccination were explained in detail. The neighboring community and families residing at Nedumadurai, Eliyarpatty and Valayankulam villages got benefited through this extension activity.

Extension activity on “Smoking Cessation”

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai in association with the NSS Unit of the college & Shyamalavani Community Radio station organized an extension activity on “Smoking Cessation” on 18.08.2021. Dr.Ramesh Dtcd , MD – chest diseases & Associate professor , Department of respiratory medicine, Velammal Medical College was the resource person. The adverse effects of smoking were explained in detail. Some strategies to quit smoking were also suggested. The neighboring community and families residing at Nedumadurai, Eliyarpatty and Valayankulam villages got benefited through this extension activity.

National Leader Sri Auro bindo Ghosh Birthday Celebration

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized and celebrated the birthday of one of the greatest national leaders, Sri.Aurobindo Ghosh on 16.8.21.    Mr. V.Gangadharan, Asst. Professor, gave the welcome speech. Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head of the Department addressed the students and spoke about the great political leaders who ruled the country effectively and also protected our nation. The Department students gave a video presentation about the leader and they said that Sri.AurobindoGhosh was an Indian PhilosopherYogiMaharishi, Poet, and Indian Nationalist. He was also a journalist and edited newspapers like Bande Mataram. He joined the Indian national movement for independence from the British colonial rule and then became a spiritual reformer, introducing his vision on human progress and spiritual evolution. Mr. R.Ganesh, Asst.Professor delivered the Vote of Thanks.


Adhering to the restrictive norms that curtailed celebrations, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science had a meaningful semi-sesquicentennial Independence Day ceremony without much ado but with the sincerest devotion to the nation. The celebration began with the euphonious rendition of the prayer song. The department of Languages in association with the Physical Education department made the arrangements for the 75th Independence Day celebrations. The Principal of SLCS Dr.R.Sujatha, hoisted the National flag and delivered the special speech. The Principal, in her thought-provoking address titled “UNITY IS STRENGTH”. Followed by her, the Vice Principal Dr.K.Archunan, gave speech on reiterating the UNITY.  The celebration was concluded with the National Anthem. Totally 68 faculty members attended the celebration.

Webinar on “International Youth Day”

A Webinar on “International Youth Day” was conducted by the Department of Languages in association with the NSS & IQAC on Aug 12th, 2021 through Google Meet. Mr.J.V.C. Sreeram, Founder and CEO- AURA Leadership Foundation has been invited as the Chief Guest to address the session. Dr.P.Shanmugapriya, Assistant Professor of English, delivered the Welcome Address and shared the importance of conducting the webinar. Followed by her, Mr.P.Dhamotharan, Assistant Professor of Commerce cum NSS PO introduced the Resource person, Mr.J.V.C. Sreeram, Founder and CEO of AURA Leadership and briefed his journey in establishing the foundation. The resource person addressed the gathering by delivering an inspirational speech on “Youth Empowerment”. He shared his experience on his book “No Reference Point” and further he added his views on Youth’s participation in the current scenario. The students were motivated when the resource person emphasized on the proverb “Failure is the stepping stone of success” and he gave instances from Olympics held in Tokyo as many Indian youngster brought laurels to our country who are the evidences of Empowered Youngsters. The session was ended with Vote of Thanks delivered by Ms.R.Sailakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil. Totally 90 students attended the session and a Feedback link was sent to the students to receive their response.