The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management  students has attended one day seminar in the title of  international trade over the world in spices On 14.08.2018  organized by vibrant Tamilnadu  in – IDA scudder trade centre Madurai


There are 20 students are participated in this program

In view of this five chief guest from various places they deliver their message to the students in much useful way




1.Dr. Rajesh Kazi Shrestha,
Chairman, Nepal Chamber of Commerce, Nepal



2. Girish Kumar K. S,
Senior Trader, Al Saqr General Trading Co. LLC, Dubai &Societe Al Saqr Madagascar SARL, Tamatave, UAE Food Importer
3. KalanithyAmirthalingam,
Director, Rabeena Food Sri Lanka and Honorary Assistant Secretary of NCE


4. George Bodgan,
Vice President, AMRL SEZ, India
5. V.K.K. Rajasekaran,
Deputy President, KLSICCI Malaysia
6. SmitJani,
Co-founder, Custom Food Packaging, Canada
7. RavichandranRagupathy,
Founder – South Indian Food & Film Festival Australia, Australia
8. WalfredTagorManichuruk,
Director of Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) in Chennai, Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia


The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have organized Career Counseling Program on 11.08.18. for  All the third  year students of our department

The programme was inaugurated by Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head, Dept of MC&HM, Mr. Sandip Chothe, Training Manager briefed following titles and he gave his presentation also

  1. about the student’s selection of their subject,
  2. Formation of their study habit and make them progress in those subject and activities and to attain the ultimate aim of getting good career as per their wish.
  3. Job responsibility of each and every individual position and persons
  4. Responsibility galley during operation

SICA- Carving Workshop

Four students of Third year MC & HM were participated in South India Chef’s Association organized two days (30.07.2018 & 31.07.2018) Carving Workshops in SNR College Campus. The event includes knowledge sharing session about carving, fruit & vegetable carving demonstration, techniques of plate presentation. and carving exhibition. They received Participation Certificate finally.

Following students are participated:

  1. N.Sarandass
  2. T.G.Balaji
  3. Shubham koli
  4. R.Ashok Kumar


The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management II & III students has organized fresher’s party program for the department I – year students those who join in the academic year 2018-2019 on 21.07.2018 and they welcome their juniors by presenting mementos. The functions was started with cutting cake and they entertain the first year by exhibiting their talents. They had interaction with I year students in the presence of faculty


The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has was organized bridge course  program  for the department I – year  students on 2.07.2018 to 04.07.2018 Mr. C.Sureshkumar, Head  was addressing the students and informed about the rules and regulations, Department Discipline, Academic details, Syllabus, Attendance, Department Activity, Introducing the Staff members and Subject handling staff , and  after that  respective staff members were started their bridge course according to the schedule given by the Head of the Dept

Ungalal Mudiyum

The Dinamalar and Chennai Institutes of Technology was conducted the live program “ Ungalal Mudiyum” on 01.6.2018 at Chennai. .The MC&HM HOD has participated as a resource person for that program.This programme was fully focused and to create awareness to the public about the Catering course. Sharing of information has taken place between the host – spectators and guest about the importance of the Catering Technology. Both discussed face to face to ensure viewers to get clear instruction about the value of Catering.

Orientation Program

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized orientation program for the II & III year Marine Catering and Hotel Management students on 1.06.2018, Our department faculty Mr. V. Gangadharan, Assistant professor have addressed all students & subject handling staffs and  informed about the Department discipline / Rules and regulations of examination, Academic details(lesson plan), Syllabus, Attendance procedure , Departmental Activity for the ODD semester,(workshop and seminars) and handed over the hand book to the class representative,(lesson plan, time table, attendance log sheet)

Young Chef Conclave

The Department of Hotel Management and Catering Science of AJK  college of arts and science , Coimbatore has conducted two days seminar , workshop and interaction sessions (16.02.2018 & 17.02.2018) on the title of Young Chef Conclave (Connecting Young Future Chefs Season II) 7 students from our college has participated in the program.



The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have organized the Bodhi class on  28.12.2017 for I,&II year students Participated and Head of the Department, all other staff members discussed the points regarding

  1. student’s academic achievements,
  2. student deficiencies related to course with remedial actions,
  3. Identification of slow learners.

We have planned to find solution for all the deficiencies and steps have taken is resolving the crisis of the students. The need and requirement have identified for the slow learners and regular test will be given for them



The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have organized Career Counseling Program on 09.12.17. All the second year students

The programme was inaugurated by Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head, Dept of MC&HM,

Mr. Sandip Chothe, Training Manager briefed about the students selection of their subject, formation of their study habit and make them progress in those subject and activities and to attain the ultimate aim of getting good career as per their wish.