Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization) organized Two days workshop on “Web Development using an Open Source Angular” for III B. Sc CS (SSS) students on 01/12/2022 & 02/12/2022 from 09:00 AM to 04:30 PM.  A. Yuvashree, III B.Sc CS (SSS), Compeered the session. V.Nivedha, III B.Sc CS (SSS), delivered the Welcome address. The chief guests, Mr.Subash, Team Leader and Mr.James, Angular Developer, Amizhth Techno Solutions, Madurai, was introduced by S. Badri Narayanan, III B.Sc CS (SSS). Mrs. D. Padmapriya, HoD, delivered special address on the importance of web development.

            The resource person started the session with the introduction of an Open Source Technology Angular. He elaborated the importance of Angular of web development in IT industry. Trainers interacted with the students and clarified their doubts. At the end of the second day session, the students were advised to develop a project by following the software engineering life cycle using the topics they learnt during the workshop. Students learnt several advanced concepts in Angular for developing their Mini Project. Totally, 43 students participated in the workshop.


Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization) organized a session on Guest Lecture on Industrial Oriented Applications Using C for I B. Sc CS (SSS) on 24/11/2022. Dr. T. Chandrakumar, Associate Professor, Dept of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, acted as the resource person. Ms. J. S. Divya Dharsini, I B.Sc. CS (SSS), welcomed the gathering. The chief guest introduction was given by Mrs. D. Padmapriya, Head of the Department. The resource person explained the importance of learning C and its implementation through Java programming. She explained job opportunities in C domain by sharing her own experience. Totally, 60 students participated in the event and they made the event interactive and got all the doubts clarified.  Finally, vote of thanks was delivered by S Divya, I B. Sc CS (SSS).


Department of Computer Science (SSS) organized a “Hands- on Training on MS-Word”, as a part of Extension Activity (SLCS – Samaaj Seva), on 21.11.2022 at 09:30 AM in Academic Lab I for the 8th standard students from T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai. Seven students from III B. Sc CS (SSS) gave training in MS-Word to the school students. They demonstrated on letter writing, table creation and various tools in Ms-Word. School students actively participated by asking doubts from our students. Overall, 29 students from T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai got benefitted by involving themselves in this activity.

Department of Languages & Institution’s Innovation Council On 17.11.2022

Department of Languages in association with SLCS- Institution’s Innovation Council organized Essay Competition and Poster Making Competition to commemorate “National Education Day 2022” with the theme Changing Course, Transforming Education” on 17.11.2022 at 11 am in S62 of our college premises. The objective of this event is to make the students understand the importance of the Education at present for the betterment of their future and to celebrate Education as a wealth that cannot be ceased.  Totally, 25 students participated in Poster Making Competition and 11 students participated in Essay Competition. The event came to an end with blissful enlightment of the students on education.

Workshop on Innovative Power BI Dashboard

Session Details: Workshop on Innovative Power BI Dashboard
Title of the Session : Workshop on Innovative Power BI Dashboard
Date : 12/11/2022 Duration : 120 mins (10:00 pm to 1:0 pm)
Activity Category : Self Driven Activity Nature of the Session : Online
Theme : Innovation
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: MR. NAGAKUMAR KONDISETTI Designation: Director
Organisation: Devspark IT Solutions, Hyderabad.
Brief about Expert/Speaker:


·        7+ Years of Experience in various Microsoft Technologies in different Organizations.

·        5 years of .NET Framework (v-3.0, 3.5, 4.0) technologies including ASP .NET, mainly using C#.

·        2 years of SQL Server 2008, Microsoft Office SharePoint 2013 & WCF.

·        Experience analyzing and designing software solutions with OOAD and UML

·        Experience using Microsoft tools and technologies for building various applications.

·        5+ year of experience using HTML, XML, XAML, ASP, JavaScript.


Objectives of the activity: 

Ø To understand the basics of Business Intelligence through innovative techniques.

Ø To gain the knowledge about the role of business user, business analyst and business professional.

Ø To attain the importance of power BI software in implementation of innovative business analysis automation.

Ø To achieve and analyze the insights within an organization’s data.


Outcome of the activity:

At the end of the  session, the participants  were able to:

1)      Understand the basics of Business Intelligence innovative techniques by taking the sample dataset.

2)      Gain the knowledge about the various role of personnel like business user, business analyst and business professional involved in analyzing the insights.

3)      Attain the importance of power BI software in business analysis automation, through innovative solutions.

4)    Analyze the insights within an organization’s data with the use of various charts and graphs using power BI Software.

Key Highlights:

A few major points explained by the speaker to the participants about the power BI:

1)      Way to build personalized and innovative Power BI dashboards and interactive reports easily.

2)      Approaches to integrate Innovative methods in MS – Excel with wide range of data sources.

3)      Methods to extract business insights from various data handling tools like MySQL, Oracle etc.,.

Participants Details:
 Total No. of Student Participation: 40
 Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation: 5
 YouTube Links: nil


Department of Computer  Science( Security system Specialisation)  organised a value added course on “Microsoft MTC Power BI” for II B.Sc., (CS) students from 07.11.2022  to 11.11.2022. The  Inauguration  was  organized on 07.11.2022 at 9:30 a.m. in the seminar hall. The session started at 11:30 a.m  with the brief  introduction on importance of Power BI software and its implementation of innovative business analysis automation by the trainer Mr. M. Nagakumar Kondisetti, Dev spark IT solutions, Hyderabad.

The insights within an organizations’ data with the use of various charts and graphs using Power BI Software were analyzed. It serves as an easy way to build personalized and innovative Power BI dashboards and interactive reports. This course served as an approach to integrate innovative methods in MS – Excel with wide range of data sources and methods to extract business insights from various data handling tools like MySQL, Oracle.

No. of students Benefited = 34 (II B.Sc.  CS) Batch: 2021-2024.


The Technofest Association, Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization), organized a session on Career Opportunities in Cyber Security Domain for II& III B. Sc CS (SSS) on 04/11/2022. Ms. S. Shruthikaa, Senior Analyst at Ernst & Young LLP, Chennai, acted as the resource person. S. Bala Ganesh, III B. Sc CS (SSS) welcomed the gathering. The presidential address was delivered by Dr. K. Archunan, Vice Principal. The keynote address was given by Mrs. D. Padmapriya, Head of the Department. The chief guest introduction was delivered by Mrs. N. Anuradha, Assistant Professor. The resource person explained the importance of learning Cryptography and its implementation through Java programming. She explained job opportunities in cyber security domain by sharing her own experience as a Cyber Security Analyst. Totally, 71 students participated in the event and they made the event interactive and got all the doubts clarified.  Finally, vote of thanks was delivered by S. Jeyaraman, III B. Sc CS (SSS).


The Techie Quest Club of Computer science department conducted Practical Sessions on Google Docs and Google Sheetson (19.10.2022) at Academics Lab I.The students of various department attended this session. Mrs.S.Ponmalar, Club Coordinator, welcomed the gathering.   Students from various departments participated and practised at lab on creation of document, work sheet and PowerPoint Presentation. Finally, the session ended with the vote of thanks by Kishore Kiruthik,I BBA. Totally, 19 students participatedin this event.

Workshop on Cyber Forensics

Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a three days workshop on “Cyber Forensics” for III B.Sc. CS (SSS) from 10.10.2022 to 12.10.2022. Mr. S Vivek, CEO and Mr. Arun, CTO of Ozone Cyber Security, were the trainers. He trained the students in the domain of Cyber Forensics concepts and demonstration using Forensic tools. This training program equipped the students to master significant concepts of Forensics Investigation and implement its various services. Students got an in-depth understanding of Cyber Forensics tools, deployment, and its services. Totally, 51 students actively participated in this workshop and got benefited.

Social Engineering

The Techie Quest Club of Computer Science department conducted a seminar on the topic-“Social Engineering” on 05.10.2022 at F40. Social Engineering attacks like phishing were illustrated to the students and also precaution steps were taught.Phishing is a type of internet scam in which user’s private information is stolen and used for criminal activity.So, the steps to secure their data were taught to students during this session.Students from various departmentswere participated in the program effectively. Totally, 25 students got benefitted through this club activity.