The Department of Computer  Science( Security system Specialisation)  Organised a Value added course on “COMPTIA SECURITY PLUS ”for I B.Sc., (CS) students from 20.03.2023  to 23.03.2023 and from 17.04.23 to 21.04.23(EVEN SEMESTER).The  Inauguration  was  organised on 20.03.2023 at seminar hall at 10:30am under the guidance of  Head of the Department Mrs.D.PadmaPriya.The session started at 11:30 am  with the brief  Introduction on importance of  Network  Hardware  its software and  implementation of  Network  . Mr.Aravinth and.Mr.Ajith Director of Pro Vectra Techno soft Pvt. Ltd., Chennai were the trainers for the course of Comptia security plus. Security Policy , Threat Actors, Social Engineering, Phishing & Types of Malware Vulnerability Scanning and Pen Tests were explained by the trainers. IP address, classes and technologies of network algorithm were also taught. The exam was conducted on 21.04.23 at Academics Lab-I.

No. of students Benefited = 59 (I B.Sc.  CS) Batch: 2022-2025.

Inter-departmental “Dumbsharade” Competition

The Hospitality Education Network (HEN) Association of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted an inter-departmental “Dumbsharade” competition on April 11, 2023. Students from various departments (totaling 32 students) actively participated in the competitions. K.R.TRISHIKA and SK.SHATHISHRI, II B.Com. B&I, took first place, and SOLAIAPPAN SIVABALAN.S. and P.ILAKKIYA RAJA, II FSPM, took second place; S.GOKULAKANNAN and G.PRASANNA, II B.Sc. (SSS), took third place in this competition..


Techno Fest Association, Department of Computer Science (SSS), celebrated the birthday of the Computer Legend Mr.Wesley Allison Clark, was an American physicist who is credited for designing the first modern personal computerwas celebrated on 10.04.2023 at the Seminar Hall. The students from I BSC CS (SSS) and II BSC CS (SSS) have attended the Session.The celebration started with the welcome address delivered by P. Gokulannamalai, II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mrs. D. Padmapriya, Head of the Department rendered the felicitation address. Sasi Regha S, II BSC CS (SSS) delivered speech on the computer legend Mr.Wesley Allison Clark. As a part of the celebration, R.Divya & V.Vanitha from II BSC CS(SSS) conducted a technical Quiz program I BSC CS (SSS) and II BSC CS (SSS) students. Totally 82 students participated in the computer legend birthday and got benefitted. The session was concluded with Vote of Thanks delivered by T.Karthi of II BSC CS(SSS).

Webinar-RDBMS and its security privilege

Department of Computer Science(Security System Specialization) organized a session on Webinar-RDBMS and its security privilegeforII B.Sc CS (SSS) on 23/03/2023. Dr. E. Ramanujam, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India acted as the resource person. ARUL P, II B. Sc CS (SSS), welcomed the gathering. The presidential address was delivered by Dr. K. Archunan, Vice Principal. The keynote address was given by Mrs. D. Padmapriya, Head of the Department.The chief guest introduction was delivered by Dr.R.Bagavathi Lakshmi, Assistant Professor. The resource person explained the RDBMS and its security privilege.She explained job opportunities in databasedomain by sharing her own experience. Totally 29 studentsparticipated in the event and they made the event interactive and got all the doubts clarified.  Finally, vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Divya R, II B.Sc. CS (SSS).


Department of Computer Science (SSS) & Alumni Cell jointly organized an Alumni interaction Program on “Work Experiences in IT Industry” for I Year CS (SSS) students on 11.03.2023. Alumnus of 2019- 2022 batch shared their Industry Experiences, explained the importance of value added courses, workshops and guest lectures. They also explained the job opportunities in Cyber Security. They emphasized the students to practice lab exercises and the self-learning to upgrade technical skills. They briefed on the programming skills needed for getting placed in an IT industry.   Totally, 30 students from Computer Science got benefitted. The following alumnus interacted with I year CS (SSS) students.

Seminar on Innovative  Methods  in  Ethical  Hacking

Title of the Session: Seminar on Innovative  Methods  in  Ethical  Hacking
Date:06/03/2023 Duration : 5Hrs (10:00amto3:00pm)
Activity Category :Self Driven Activity Nature of the Session :Offline
Theme: Seminar on Innovative Methods in Ethical Hacking
Expert/Speaker Details:
Name:Mr. S.VIVEK   Designation: Cyber  Security Officer / CEO
Organisation: Ozone Cyber Security Kerala | Trichy, India 
BriefaboutExpert/Speaker:(Highlightpointsfromprofileoftheexpert) ·        5+Year of Experience in Cyber Security Officer / CEO at Ozone Cyber Security ·        1+Year of Experience in Information Security Engineer at Triple Hat Security Lab-Kerala ·        1+Year of Experience as Security Engineer at Mirox Cyber Security-Kerala, India ·        Having strong knowledge in Web Server Hacking in Ozone Cyber Security.
Objectivesoftheactivity:   ·        To gain knowledge about Ethical hacking and penetration testing. ·         To learn about various types of attacks, attackers and security threats and vulnerabilities present in the computer system. ·         To gain knowledge of the tools, techniques and ethical issues likely to face in the domain of ethical hacking and ethical responsibilities. ·         To felicitatethe students to get the job opportunities in ethical hacking domain  
Outcomeoftheactivity: Attheendofthesession,theparticipantswereableto: 1)      Acquire latest tools in Cyber Security Analytics. 2)      Learn about the aspects of cyber security from defensive as well as offensive side, along with the methodologies that must be practiced to avoid various attacks 3)      Obtain the technical knowledge about the tools, techniques available in ethical hacking domain. 4)      Understand the job opportunities in ethical hacking field.
KeyHighlights: A few major points explained by the speaker to the participants: 1.      The role of an ethical hacker and the identified vulnerabilities to the organization were clearly explained. 2.      The key concepts of all vulnerabilities, types of hackers and various types of defensive and offensive hacking were demonstrated. 3.      The students gained knowledge about the white hat, black hat and gray hat hackers. 4.      The students were explained about the importance of scripting languages and the functionalities of all layers in OSI model in networking concept.  
Participants Details:
Total No. of Student Participation:75
Total No. of Staff (Teaching/Non-Teaching)Participation:5
YouTube Links: nil
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Chhatrapati Sivaji Birthday Celebration

The TechnoFest Association and  Department of Computer Science (SSS) jointly celebrated the birth day of  Chhatrapati Sivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Kingdom on 20.02.2023 at the  Seminar Hall. The celebration started with the welcome address delivered by S. Gokulakannan of II B.Sc CS (SSS), Mrs.D.Padmapriya, Head of the Department, delivered a speech to commemorate the life of Sivaji Maharaj.  Dr. R.Bagavathi Lakshmi, AP of CS delivered a felicitation address and insisted the importance of student’s participation in the association activities.

In order to celebrate Chhatrapati Sivaji’s birth day, the department organized various competitions such as Elocution, Drawing and Debate for the students of I & II B.Sc CS (SSS).  Totally 88 students of I & II B.Sc CS (SSS) participated in their event.  Finally the session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. B. Bhargavi  of I B.Sc CS  ‘ A’(SSS).

Outreach Program (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on “Act Now. End Leprosy”

To commemorate “World Leprosy Dayon 30th January 2023, FAGAS Association and Health and Nutrition club together organised an outreach program on the theme “Act Now. End Leprosy”. Our students explained the importance of self-awareness on the early diagnosis of leprosy in an individual. Our students shared the improved access to essential health treatments which are crucial to eradicate the stigma associated with leprosy.  Totally, 9 students of I FSPM participated in this outreach program and 10 members from the public got benefited through this activity.

Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit – A Design of Mobile ROBOT

Title of the Session: Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit – A Design of Mobile ROBOT
Date:20/01/2023 Duration: 7.5Hrs(9:00amto4:30pm)
Activity Category :IIC Calendar Activity Nature of the Session : Offline
Theme: Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit-A Design of Mobile ROBOT
Name: Mr.Sriram Nagarajan Designation: Co Founder & CEO,
Organization: RoboRAM Technologies, Nagercoil
Brief about Expert / Speaker:(Highlight points from profile of the expert)

·        1+Year of Experience in Industrial Automation Consultant at Dr.MGR Research Institute.

·        4+Year of Experience in Co-Founder &CEO at RoboRAM Technologies

·        3+Year of Experience as Automation Trainer at RoboRAM Technologies

·        2+Year of Experience as Business Partner in DataBee.

·        Having strong knowledge in Product Development in IoT and Mobile Robotics

·        HavingexperienceasProfessionalTrainerforEntrepreneurshipDevelopmentatdifferentInstitutions.



·  To understand the application of Automation Technology in software industry.

·         To gain the knowledge the importance of embedded C++ in robotics field.

·        To attain the job opportunities in automation field.

·         To get knowledge about the frame work “Tinkercad”.

Outcome of the activity:

At the end of the session, the participants were able to:

1)      Understand the various applications of Automation Technology in software industry and in all other industries.

2)      GaintheknowledgeaboutthesignificanceofembeddedC++inthedevelopmentofMobileRobots.

3)      Understand the various roles in automation industry and the job opportunities in robotics field.

4)      AbsorbthevariousoptionsandfunctionalitiesavailableinTinkercadframework.

Key Highlights:

A few major points explained by the speaker to the participants were

1)      The role of mobileobots in industry, military and security environments.

2)      The components like laser scanner ,mono cularcameras and RFID devices.

3)      The importance of robotics applications to travelapre-defined navigation route in relatively controlled space.

Total No. of Student Participation:60
Total No. of Staff (Teaching/Non-Teaching)Participation:5
YouTube Links: nil

Workshop on Design of a Mobile Robot for Material Handling Application

TechnoFest Association of Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization) organized a “Workshop on Design of a Mobile Robot for Material Handling Application” for I B.Sc. CS (SSS) students on 18/01/2023 & 19/01/2023 from 09.30 A.M to 04.15 P.M in the Academic Lab II. The workshop commenced with the welcome address by K. S. Tharani, I B.Sc. CS (SSS). The presidential address & the chief guest introduction were given by Mrs. D. Padmapriya, HoD, Department of CS (SSS). The Chief Guest Mr. Sriram Nagarajan, Co Founder & CEO, RoboRAM Technologies, Nagercoil, explained the application of Automation Technology in software industry. He demonstrated the importance of embedded C++ in robotics field. He briefed on the importance of robotics by making the students to write the coding. The chief guest also stressed upon the job opportunities in automation field. Students had hands-on training using the frame work “Tinkercad”. The members of TechnoFest Association, Department of CS(SSS) compered the entire session. Totally, 60 students attended the session and got benefitted. Finally, vote of thanks was delivered by K. Karthikeyan, I B.Sc. CS (SSS).