On 10.11.2020, Mr.Shyamruthan – 18242 and Mr.Dilip Kumar. K – 18229 of III B.Sc CS(SSS) taught their peers through Google Meet, the concept of Cloud Computing. The most important aspects in Security and Vulnerability Assessment Tools for Cloud were explained by them. They also shared their knowledge on how to implement the tools with real-time scenarios. 52 students from III B.Sc CS(SSS) benefited through this session.
Ms.Raagem– 18212 of III B.Sc CS(SSS) conducted a Peer teaching session for 52 students of III B.SC CS(SSS) on 10.11.2020 through Google Meet. She taught the students “Cloud Security Fundamentals”. Through her presentation, she explained the fundamental security features of Cloud. The students actively participated and clarified their doubts.
Kalaisaral,the Association Meet was conducted by the TechnoFest Association Members on 07.11.2020 for the students of I and II year of Computer Science department through Google Meet. Ms.Shalini of III C.S(SSS) compered the programme, which started with the welcome address given by Mr.Santhosh Sivan of II CS(SSS).
Mrs.N.Anuradha Head of the Department gave the felicitation address. For the benefit of the first year students, who are new members of the Association, the HoD, CS(SSS) explained the importance of the Association and the students role in it. Mr.Vikas and Mr.Bharathwaj of III C.S(SSS), demonstrated the creation of Blogs for the I year students. Ms.Subhasree of II C.S(SSS) & Ms.Naganandhini of III C.S(SSS) presented the Blogs of II & III CS students which are regularly updated by them.
Non-technical events were conducted for the edutainment of the students. Ms.R.Swetha & Ms.Deepthi of II CS and Mr.Vinoth & Mr.Vengadesh Kumar of III CS hosted a Riddles event and Quiz programme, respectively. The session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr.Pranava Kumar of II C.S(SSS). The students were able to expose their talents and also gain knowledge on technology through this programme.
Totally 152 students got benefited through this program.
On behalf of the Department of CS, the seventh Mentor Meeting for the Odd Semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 6.11.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. Mentees were taught how to do eye exercises. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.
The second activity of Techie Quest club was conducted online on 4.11.2020 through Google Meet and Google Classroom. The club members, club coordinator and student club coordinators participated in the meeting. The welcome address was given by Mrs.J.Varalakshmi, AP of CS. Mr.K.U.Sastipriyan and Mr.K.Shyam Ruthan, student coordinators from III Year CS conducted a session on “IP Address”. They explained to the members about IP Address, Application Security and Google Chrome Security. They also clarified the queries of the members regarding Mobile Security. Finally, a “Quiz” was conducted through Nearpod application for the club members.
Career Counselling Program on “Cyber Security”
The Department of CS organized a Career Guidance program on “Cyber Security” on 02.11.2020 for the III year students through Google Meet. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Dept. of CS introduced the Chief Guest, Mr.S.Vivek,CEO, Ozone Cyber Security,Trichy.
The Chief Guest of this session shared his industry experience and the current technical requirements needed for shining in the Cyber Security domain. He encouraged the students to develop skills in Cyber Security and to take training for clearing the Ethical Hacking certification. Around 58 students were participated in this event.
Career Counselling Program on “Importance of Learning Current Technologies in IT Industry”
The Department of CS organized a Career Guidance programme on 28.10.2020 for the III year students through Google Meet. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Dept. of CS introduced the Chief Guest,Mr.N.Shaliya, Managing Director, Zerame,Chennai.
The Chief Guest shared his industry experience and importance of learning current technologies in the IT field. This session was an eye opening session for students as it enables them to choose their domain in the IT industry.Around 58 students were participated in this event.
The first activity of Techie Quest club was conducted online on 28.10.2020 through Google Classroom and Google Meet. The club members, club coordinator and student club coordinators participated in the meeting. The welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Gayathri, AP of CS. Mr.K.U.Sastipriyan and Mr.K.Shyam Ruthan, student coordinators from III Year CS conducted a session on “Cyber Attacks and Types of Security”. They explained the various types of cyber attacks and created awareness on Social Media Security and Mobile Security. The club members clarified their doubts regarding Mobile Security during the presentation. Finally, an event “Jumbled Words” was conducted for the club members.
On behalf of the Department of CS, the sixth Mentor Meeting for the Odd Semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 23.10.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.
The department of Computer Science conducted the inaugural of the Techie Quest club online on 21st,October 2020 through Google Meet and Google Classroom.Students from various departments participated in the inauguration. The session started with the welcome address. Mrs.J.Varalakshmi, Event Coordinator, Dept. of CS delivered the felicitation address. She shared many concepts regarding the importance of information security. She, also, encouraged the students to participate in club activities and develop their skills in Cyber Security. Mr.K.U.Sastipriyan and Mr.K.Shyam Ruthan, student coordinators from III Year CS presented a topic on “Cyber Security-Challenges in Today’s World”. This session was an eye-opening session for the students from different domains.