Kalaisaral, the Association Meet was conducted by the TechnoFest Association Members on 22.12.2021 at F32 class room. II B.Sc CS (SSS) Students participated in the event. Ms.K.Shahithya of II B.Sc C.S (SSS) compered the programme. The event started with the welcome address given by Mr.Ramji of II B.ScCS (SSS).Mrs.V.Gayathri, AP of CS (SSS) gave the felicitation address.Students participated in various non-technical events in enthusiastic manner and their details are given below. Finally the session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr.Gururathinavel of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Totally 51 students participated in this program.

Value Added Course on Python Programming

The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on Python Programming for 51 students of II B.Sc CS (SSS)- Batch 2020 – 2023 from 13.12.2021 to 17.12.2021. Mr.N.Shaliya, CEO, Zerami Infotech Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore was the trainer. The students were trained with the basics of Python Programming. He trained the students by assigning scenario based exercises and assignments, which is helpful for the students to appear for Microsoft International Certification in Python Programming.

Techie Quest club-Don’t Feed the Phish

The Techie Quest club of Computer Science department conducted an activity-3 program on 16.12.2021 at Academic Lab-1. The club members, club coordinator and student club coordinators participated in the meeting. Mrs.V.Gayathri, Club Coordinator welcomed the gathering. Mr. Mr.Srivatsav, II CS (SSS) conducted an interactive session on “Don’t Feed the Phish”. Phishing is a type of internet scam in which user’s private information is stolen and used for criminal activity. He explained about the impact of phishing attack with real time examples. Students from various departments participated in the program in an enthusiastic manner. Finally the session ended with the vote of thanks delivered by Mr.Visagan of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Totally 21 students participated in this event.


In association with alumni cell, Alumna of Computer Science Department, Ms.Abirami (Batch: 2016 – 2019), Software Engineer, Ezovion Intelligent HMS, Chennai, interacted with I year CS (SSS) students on 14.12.2021. She shared her industry experience with the students. She insisted the students to learn domain related courses and their application in current industry.  She also asked the students to clear value added courses offered by the college. Totally 36 students participated in this program. Entirely the session was an eye opener for the students.


Technofest, an association of Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization) & Syndicate Incorp, Madurai, jointly organized a workshop on “Computer Graphics Tools” for II B.Sc CS (SSS) students. The workshop was held on 10/12/2021 & 11/12/2021 from 09.00AM to 04.15PM. The workshop was started with the welcome address by S.Srivatsav, II B.Sc. CS(SSS). The presidential address was delivered by Prinipal Dr.R.Sujatha. Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor, Department of CS (SSS) introduced the Chief Guest.

            The Chief Guest Mr.S.N.S.Gopalan, CEO, Syndicate Incorp, Madurai, elaborated the tools in Adobe Photoshop on 10.12.2021. Next day, the trainer elaborated the tools in “Illustrator”. Finally vote of thanks was delivered by S.Badri Narayanan, II B.Sc. CS (SSS). The association members of TechnoFest,  Department of CS(SSS) compeered the entire session. Totally, 46 students attended the session and got benefitted.

Value Added Course on AZ900- Azure

The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on “AZ900- Azure” for 39 students of III B.Sc CS (SSS) – Batch 2019 – 2022 from 06.12.2021 to 10.12.2021. Mr.Nagakumar, CEO, Devspark IT Solutions, Hyderabad was the trainer. He trained the students in the domain of cloud concepts and demonstration in AZURE. The students were actively participated and got insight in AZURE. They were also trained to appear for Microsoft International Certification in AZ900.

Techie Quest club-Multi Factor Authentication Techniques

The Techie Quest club of Computer Science department conducted an activity-2 program on 08.12.2021 at Academic Lab-1. The club members, club coordinator and student club coordinators participated in the meeting. Welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Gayathri, AP of CS. Mr.Aadhithyan, from II Year CS conducted a session on “Multi Factor Authentication Techniques”. He explained on the importance of using Multi Factor Authentication such as “Something you know”, something you are”, something you have. He also insisted the students to secure their personal information using multi factor authentication system. Finally vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.Srinisudhan of III B.Sc CS (SSS). Totally 9 students participated in this program.


The Department of CS organized a Career Guidance programme on “Software Development” on 3.12.2021 for the III year students at F32 class room. Totally 34 students participated in this session. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Dept. of CS introduced the Resource Person, Mrs.Nirmala Devi, HR / Abservtech Private Ltd, Madurai. She explained about their company, ongoing projects and technical requirement for software development in their company. She clarified all the queries raised by the students. This session was very useful for the students.

Minutes of the Course Committee Meeting

The Department of Computer Science conducted a Course Committee Meeting on 29-11-2021 at 10.00 AM to get the students opinion and grievances, if any, regarding academics before the commencement of the Internal Examination-I  for I year. The Internal Examination-I for I year students will commence on 01.12.2021. In this meeting, 9 students from I B.Sc CS (SSS) and a faculty member participated. The syllabus coverage and comprehension of each course were discussed. I year students participated in the Meet. Students gave valuable feedback and were assured that their requirements will be taken care of and academic standards will be maintained with a comprehensive syllabus and its implementation in an effective way.


The first activity of Techie Quest club was conducted on 22.11.2021 at Academic Lab–I. The club members, club coordinator and student club coordinators participated in the meeting.  Welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Gayathri, AP of CS. Mr.Aadhithyan, from III Year CS conducted a session on “Hacking and Motive of Hacking”. He explained about the hacker, skill set of hacker and the motive of hacker. He also explained about the security measures to be followed while using e-commerce sites. The club members clarified their doubts from the club coordinator. Finally vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.Srinisudhan of III B.Sc CS (SSS).