Department of Networking, Women Empowerment cell and Women Health Care Centre together conducted a seminar on commemorating “National Girl Child Day 2023” on 24.01.2023. The session started with the prayer song. Mrs. N. P. Rajeswari, AP, Department of Networking, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest, Mrs. Neela, HOD/AP, Department of Hindi, SLCS, Madurai. Dr. K. Archunan, Vice Principal, briefed on  the program. Our chief guest gave an intellectual lecture on National Girl Child day. It is observed as a day to raise awareness on the rights of a girl, support the nation’s girl children, eliminate gender bias, and emphasize the importance of education, health, and nutrition. The felicitation address was delivered by Dr. Priya, Dean Academics, SLCS. Totally, 150 students were benefited through this seminar (I year students from various department). The vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. R. Nithya Kalyani, AP, Department of Commerce and the session ended with the National Anthem

The Nightingale of India, Smt. Sarojini Naidu’s 140th Birthday Celebrations

The Nightingale of India, Smt. Sarojini Naidu’s 140th Birthday Celebration was organized by the WOMEN EMPOWERMENT CELL &WOMEN HEALTH CARE CENTRE on 13-02-2023. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, Dr. Archunan, Vice Principal, Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics and Faculty of various department graced the occasion. Mrs.Jansi Rani, Assistant Professor, Department of Vis com., appreciated the greatness of Smt. Naidu and her successful career, in spite of several struggles in her life.Dr. Archunan, Vice Principal, reiterated the multi dimensional skills of Smt. Naidu and highlighted a quote that suites Smt. Naidu’s divergent skill set from the Mahabharata. He delivered a lecture on Smt. Naidu’s biography, highlighted the milestones as a poetess and her role as a freedom fighter. He also quoted a few inspirational quotations from Smt. Sarojini Naidu. Finally, Mrs. N. P. Rajeswari, Assistant ProfessorofNetworkingproposedvoteofthanksand thankedthemanagementfortheirsupportinorganizingthe event

Awareness Programme on KAVALAN SOS APP

Women Empowerment Cell conducted an Awareness Programme about the benefits of the “KAVALAN SOS APP” on 10.03.2022 at Seminar Hall. . It is an app launched by the Tamil Nadu Police as part of its Master Control Room initiative and this service is available throughout the day. It enables the users to alert the police immediately during emergency situations such as assault, kidnap, eve teasing and natural disaster. The working system of the app was demonstrated  . Mrs. H.Geetha, Assistant Professor of Tamil  and Women Cell coordinator,  Mrs. Jansi Rani, Assistant Professor of Viscom, and Mrs. Nithya Kalyani, Assistant Professor of Banking and Insurance helped the students to download the app and they explained the function keys of KAVALAN SOS APP. In total, 200 students participated  in the program.


Art & Media Club of Animation Department organized an “Art from Waste Competition” in the Animation Classroom – I held on 13.04.2023 from 08.00 am to 10.30 am. “REGARD BEFORE YOU DISCARD” is the main theme of the competition and it is one such craft which follows this environmental friendly principle and at the same time creates useful and attractive objects out of waste products. Young hands and imaginative minds came together in a creative burst of energy. Mind-blowing, beyond expectation, fantabulous ideas were demonstrated by students. They prepared very creative and innovative models and art items from different waste materials. They used reusable and recyclable materials like newspapers, shoe boxes, bangles, ice cream stick’s and much more. From these items, they created an amazing array of display items and useful everyday objects leaving everyone totally impressed. The values like preservation, recycling, conservation, reduce, reuse etc. are imbibed on the young heart and minds by demonstrating this noble act of caring our environment.

Totally 38 Students (19 Teams) from various departments participated in the competition.



Prize I Prize Class Department
I V.ROOPINI I Year B.Com B & I
II S.RAGAVI II Year B.Sc. Animation
III A.ANUPRIYA II Year B.Com Honours




Art & Media Club, the students of SLCS had an opportunity to participate in the “Art from Waste Competition” in the Animation Classroom – I heldon 11.03.2022 from 02.00 pm to 03.30 pm.

“BEST OUT OF WASTE” is one such craft which follows this environmental friendly principle and at the same time creates useful and attractive objects out of waste products. Young hands and imaginative minds came together in a creative burst of energy. Mind-blowing, beyond expectation, fantabulous ideas were demonstrated by students. They prepared very creative and innovative models and art items from different waste materials. They used reusable and recyclable materials like newspapers, shoe boxes, bangles, ice cream stick’s and much more. From these items, they created an amazing array of display items and useful everyday objects leaving everyone totally impressed. The values like preservation, recycling, conservation, reduce, reuse etc. are imbibed on the young heart and minds by demonstrating this noble act of caring our environment.

Totally 20 Students from various departments participated in the competition.



S.No. Name of Student Roll No. Department Year Level
1 K. Keerthana
S. Ragavi


B.Sc. Animation II I
2 S. Sreevardhini

M. Sangareeswari



B.Com. B&I I II
3 S. Anbu Krishnan

H. Jennyson Christopher



B.Sc. Animation I III


Art of Script Writing Competition

Art of Script Writing Competition was organized by the Art & Media Club of Animation Department for all the Students on 24.02.2021at Animation drawing hall.

The Competition started with an Icebreaking Session followed by a special address, given by Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Head i/c, Department of Animation. He gave a magnificent talk on Art and its origin. He described the significance of Script writing and narrated different stories of our country. He encouraged students to express their views through art as it would lead to their spiritual and emotional happiness. He cited the example of renowned artists and sculptors from different nations who worked only for their inner joy and a fulfilling life. Mr.Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Coordinator of the club proposed the vote of thanks.

The Competition concluded with the students Creative writing skills and requesting for more such competitions. 30 students from various departments were participated in the Competition.



S.No. Name of Student Roll No. Department Year Level

Miniature Sculpting competition

Miniature Sculpting competition was organized by the Art & Media Club of Animation Department for all the Students on 10.02.2020 at Animation drawing hall. Guest lecturers Mr.Sakthivel.,M.F.A., and Mr.Radhakrishnan.,M.F.A., (Sculptors) are the Chief Guest for the Events.

Ms.R.Subhiksha, II Year Animation delivered the Welcome address. Dr.R.Sujatha, Vice Principal delivered the Presidential address. Dr.S.Priya, Dean – Academics, delivered the Felicitation address. Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, HoD, Introduced the Chief Guests and shared about the Competition. Ms.B.Swetha, I Year Animation delivered Welcome address in the Competition Inauguration. All our students from various departments were participated and prepared their clay model in various forms with lots of creative thoughts. Department Faculty Members Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Coordinator, Mr.M.Purusothaman, Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim Instructors made all the arrangements. Overall, it was a fun and artistic Competition.

30 students from various departments were participated in the Competition.



S.No. Name of Student Roll No. Department Year Level
2 ISWARYA M 18407 B.Com. B &I II II


Drawing competition

Art & Media Club organizing a Drawing Competition on 14/11/2018 at 12.40 pm at Animation Drawing Hall.  The programmed was inaugurated by Mr. P.Thirunavukarasu, Head-Department of Animation.The primary aim of the competition is to nurture creativity and talent and to promote an artistic bent of mind amongst young artists. He addressed that Drawing competitions encourage to think outside the box, explore their creative potential, and come up with unique ideas and concepts. When they participate in such competitions, they are exposed to a diverse range of themes, topics, and challenges that challenge their imagination and creativity.

Creativity flows out in a rhythm, vibrant and alive, present in every student. They should be guided with the right tools to transform their imagination into successful dimensions. It is the duty to give them freedom and space to let their creativity blossom to its full potential.The students expressed their creativity and unbridled imagination through the palette of colours. They were very energetic and their Sketches wereremarkable.The competition was an enriching experience for all the participants.

27 students from various departments were participated in the Competition.



S.No. Name of Student Roll No. Department Year Level
1 ELAYARAJ K 17438 B.Com. B&I II I

Student Induction Program 2022

On 4th August, 2022, Student Induction Program organized for the first year students of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science. The program is arranged for the first year students and their parents to familiarize with the institution and make them comfortable. As a Precaution for COVID- 19, the program had two sessions with around 400 members per session. The session had an insight into the perspectives and infrastructure of the college. The program coordinators are Mr. P Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Assistant Professor of Animation and Dr. D Abraham Pradeep, Assistant Professor, MBA. The various committees of the Program enhanced the comfortability of the parents and the students with the help of the management. The first session of the day, started with the lighting of the panchamuga lamp by the Principal, Vice Principal, Dean Academics, Chief Guest and a volunteer from Parents side. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. S Priya, Dean Academics, SLCS. Dr. K Archunan, Vice Principal, SLCS, gave his views on Punctuality to the freshers. Dr. Pavithra, Head/ Department of Food Science welcomed the Chief Guest. Mr. Baburajan, Programme Head- TCS, Chennai was invited as the chair person for the session. He insisted on the idea of Self Education as an important aspect to build one’s self for the future. He also stated that, “Excuses and Success would never go together. Grab the opportunity and excel with success instead giving excuses.” Then, Dr. R Sujatha, Principal, SLCS, introduced the departments and faculties to the gathering. Mrs. R Suganthi Hepzibha, IQAC Coordinator cum Assistant Professor of  English, briefed on the rules and regulations of the college. Finally, Dr. N. Selvi, Department of Tamil proposed the vote of thanks. The second session of the day, started with the lighting of the panchamuga lamp by the Principal, Vice Principal, Dean Academics, Chief Guest and a volunteer from Parents side. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. S Priya, Dean Academics, SLCS. Dr. R Sujatha, Principal, SLCS, gave her views on discipline and skill development. Mrs. V Padmavathy, Head, Department of Banking and Insurance, introduced the Chief Guest. Mr. K Balasubramanian, Charted Accountant, was invited as the chief guest for the session. He insisted on the idea of employability with a specified goal as an important aspect with experience as a tool to achieve it. Then, Dr. Sujatha, Principal, SLCS, introduced the departments and faculties to the gathering. Mrs. R Suganthi Hepzibha, IQAC Coordinator cum Assistant Professor of English, briefed on the rules and regulations of the college. Finally, Dr. N. Selvi, Department of Tamil proposed the vote of thanks.Totally 398 students have participated in the program.

SLCS-Samaaj Seva – Outreach Activity – Rally on “Save Forest & Save Environment”

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management and Yuva Club organized SLCS-Samaaj Seva – an outreach activity – rally on “Save Forest & Save Environment” at Chinna Suruli, Theni district on 30.11.2023. 37 students and 3 staff members from the department of MC&HM took part in this outreach program.  The program aimed at creating public awareness about ‘Save Forest & Save Environment” in the vicinity of Chinna Suruli and surrounding area. The initiative of the program aimed at the conservation of trees and optimum utilization of natural resources which ultimately contributed towards the benefit of future generations.