Traditional Pongal festival

The Southern Regional Office, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India (YUVA Tourism Club) conducted a traditional Pongal festival on 12.1.24 at Keelakuyilkudi, Madurai. In this celebration, 69 students from the MC&HM department actively participated. The students explored the demonstrations of traditional household utensils such as a stone grinder, mortar, pestle, winnowing fan, sieve, and rope cot. It was also featured with traditional games such as Thaiyam, Goli, Kittupul, and Pallanguzhi, as well as forgotten sweets such as kuchimittaai, Kurivi rotti, kalgona, then mittai, pori urundai, seergam mittai, suda mittai, and koradji mittai. A hut was set up to celebrate our tradition, with food grains drying near the Pongal stove in the courtyard of the house. Animals such as goats, cows, chickens, and dogs were also tied up. During the celebration, sugar pongal and white pongal were offered to cows and calves and then served to everyone. Following this, students performed cultural programs and participated in cockfights and sports competitions. This festival motivated and encouraged the students, providing a memorable experience. Through this celebration, students were able to understand the true expression of our rich culture and tradition.


The Department of Networking organized a session on January 12, 2024, titled “How to Celebrate the Pongal Festival in Tamil Nadu”. The welcome address was delivered by Mr. Arish. P, a II B.Sc. Networking student. The event witnessed active participation from students of the Networking department. Mrs. N.P. Rajeswari, Assistant Professor in the Department of Networking, addressed the gathering.

In her speech, Mrs. Rajeswari elucidated on the traditions associated with Bhogi and Pongal. On this day, people engage in lighting bonfires symbolizing the eradication of negativity and the commencement of new beginnings. Homes are meticulously cleaned, adorned with flowers, lights, and Kolam. Additionally, a special Pongal dish, prepared with freshly harvested rice, jaggery, and milk. The festival spans four days, named Bhogi, Surya, Mattu/Maatu, and Kannum/Kaanum.

Concluding the session, Ms. Charshika, a II B.Sc. Networking student, extended a vote of thanks. She expressed gratitude to the management for their unwavering support in organizing the event. The informative session provided valuable insights into the rich cultural celebrations of Pongal in Tamil Nadu.


The Department of Networking organized an Alumni Interaction Session for 1st-year Networking students on 12.10.2023. Our alumnus, G. HarishKumaran (2019-2022 batch), emphasized the importance of different types of Internet Protocol addresses and their relevance to networking technologies. He encouraged the students to pursue higher studies, highlighting the emerging trends in the networking field. He shared innovative thoughts with the students. In total, 28 students benefited from this alumni interaction session

Christmas Eve & New Year Celebration-2024

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management celebrated “Christmas Eve and New Year Celebration 2024” on December 23, 2023, at the Training Restaurant. The restaurant was decorated with a Christmas theme, and the event was celebrated with Christmas carols, pomp, and grandeur arranged by MCHM students (62 students). The Principal, along with 65 faculty members, participated in this event.

Innovative Ideas for Entrepreneurship through Mega Sales (Demo) Day

The Department of Animation in association with IIC organized the Event entitled “Innovative Ideas for Entrepreneurship through Mega Sales (Demo) Day – SLCS Santhai 2022” on 26.11.2022 at the College Premises. Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal –SLCS and Dr.M. Subramanian, Head-MBA were the Chief Guests for the event. The main objectives of the event are to impart the passion towards entrepreneurship among the young generation through innovation practices, as well as to identify and expose the students’ promotional abilities through their participation. The Chief Guests addressed the students to learn the fundamental concepts of start-ups and innovative ideas for developing entrepreneurship skills and also to develop entrepreneurship skills while learning about the product, cost – effectiveness, and Management Skills. The Student participated actively and Demonstrated their presentation skill sets through banner & product displays, which created a basic idea of entrepreneurship through Innovative ideas and executed various strategies to sell their products. The Event ended productively and totally 179 students benefitted through this event.

Interaction on “Career opportunities in Tourism and Travel Industry”

On December 9, 2023, the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a career guidance program titled “Career Opportunities in the Tourism and Travel Industry” for second-year students (37 students) to raise awareness about career opportunities in the tourism and travel industry. Mr. Vaidyalingam S (Batch 2003–2006), an alumnus of the department, is currently employed as a Senior Manager, Leisure (Karnataka), at Club7 Holidays Ltd., Bangalore. He briefed the students about how the tourism industry is currently dominated by youngsters, emphasizing the crucial role played by small and medium enterprises in the tourism and travel business. This industry requires young individuals with a pleasing personality, a smiling face, and good communication skills for employment. So, he advised the students to develop these qualities, as there are abundant opportunities in the travel and tourism industry. Additionally, he explained that tourism is one of the emerging academic disciplines in social science with promising employment and career prospects. Students can explore opportunities to work or develop their careers in various crucial areas within the tourism and travel industry, such as tour operations, event management companies, tourism boards, adventure tour companies, etc. At the end of the session, students were encouraged to ask questions and express their doubts. This program significantly boosted the confidence of the students.



The Women Empowerment Cell & Women Health Care Centre of SLCS celebrated the International Women’s Equality Day 2022 by conducting a“One Day Seminar on Women’s Rights & Equality” in the auditorium of our college premises on 26.08.2022 (Friday) at 11.00AM – 12.30PM.

The Event commenced with the welcome address by Mrs. H. Geetha, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Tamil, and Coordinator of the Women Empowerment Cell & Women Health Care Centre. Dr. R. Sujatha,delivered the Presidential Address &Dr. S.Priya, Dean-Academics introduced the Chief Guest, Mrs. BimlaChandrasekaran,Director – EKTA Resource for Women, Madurai.

She addressed that “Women’s make up half of the civilization and humans owe their existence to the womenfolk. We are born and brought up by them and our society and civilization would collapse without them. Women play a major role in all walks of life is it social, economic or political. Studies show that increased women’s participation in public life helps the country and society develop.Though Indian women got the right to vote ever since Independence, they still lack social, financial and political representation in society to date.Our nation cannot develop to its potential if we keep half of its population – the womenfolk – behind several social and cultural barriers.Women’s economic empowerment is a must for our economic growth and overall development of the nation and the sooner we realize it the better it will be for the country.

At last, the vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Sridevi, Asst., Prof., Dept. of English. Totally, 350 students from all the departments were participated in the Seminar and were benefitted.


The Women Empowerment Cell & Women Health Care Centre of SLCS organized “One Day Seminar on “Women Entrepreneurship & Empowerment” in the auditorium of our college premises on 27.08.2022 (Saturday) at 11.00AM – 12.30PM in association with ICT Academy.

The Event commenced with the welcome address by Mrs. H. Geetha, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Tamil, Coordinator of the Women Empowerment Cell & Women Health Care Centre. Dr. M. Subramanian, Head, RLIMS delivered the Presidential Address &
Dr. K. U. Pavitra Krishna, Head, Food Science & Processing Management introduced the Chief Guest, Mrs. C. Meena, Freelance Trainer – Soft skills& Communicative English, Madurai. The event endeavored to develop entrepreneurial mindset among women to set up their own enterprises. The event focused on the required skills and competencies of business among perspective and active women entrepreneurs. She also stressed that, there are increasingly more policies supporting female entrepreneurship at regional, national and local levels, women’s entrepreneurship and business creativity remain an untapped resource for jobs and economic growth. A number of challenges, from difficult reconciliation of business and family, limited access to business networks, lack of funding opportunities, and mentorship, make entrepreneurship for women less attractive and often too far to reach. The seminar offered a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas on effective policies that would help to empower and support female entrepreneurship.

At last, the vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Sridevi, Asst., Prof., Dept. of English. Totally, 380 students from all the department were participated in the Seminar and were benefitted.

Inter National Women’s Day

Women Empowerment cell& Women Health care Center organized a program “Inter National Women’s Day on 08th March 2023 between 12.30 pm and 01.30 pm at our Auditorium Hall.Mrs. H. Geetha, Assistant professor and Women Cell Coordinator welcomed the gathering. Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics felicitated the gathering. Our College Principal Dr. R. Sujatha mam talked about the importance of celebrating women’s day to the audience.  Dr. USHA KIM, Chief, Orbit, Oculoplasty, Ocular Oncology & Ocular Prosthetics Professor in Ophthalmology, Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai. acted as the Chief Guest of the program. She talked about the importance of celebrating womanhood. She advised the students to keep role model and keep mentor to be successful in life. In total, 300 students participated in the program.

“Empowerment Essentials: Providing Napkins as a Symbol of Respect and Dignity”

Women Empowerment cell& Women Health care Center organized a program “Empowerment Essentials: Providing Napkins as a Symbol of Respect and Dignity” on 07th March 2023 between 12.30 pm and 01.30 pm at our Auditorium Hall. As a part of Government initiative to provide Napkins to Women, We distributed ‘Pudhu yugam’ napkins sponsored by the government to our college students. The Students from Banking and Insurance department enacted a play on the usage of napkins and how to dispose the used napkins. It created a awareness among students. In total, 200 students participated in the program and received free napkins provided by the government napkins provided by the government