Basic awareness on Right to Information Act through Rally – Observing Human Rights Day on 12.12.2022

Consumer Awareness Club & Department of BBA conducted an activity on Basic awareness on Right to Information Act through Rally – Observing Human Rights Day on 12.12.2022. The students of Consumer Club Members and BBA conducted a rally in the nearby village Eliyarpathi.  They promoted the 6 Fundamental Rights available to all Indian Citizens. They explained about the 1. Right to Equality 2. Right to Freedom 3. Right against Exploitation 4. Right to Freedom of Religion 5. Right to culture and Education and 6. Right to Constitutional Remedies. The people from the Eliyarpathi village appreciated the students for their promotional work. This activity was lead by    Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram, Consumer Club Coordinator. Totally, 9 students of consumer Club Members and 14 students of I BBA and 4 Students of II BBA eagerly participated in the activity.


Department of Languages celebrated Bharathi Bhaasha Uthsav on the eve of 141st birth anniversary of Maha Kavi Bharathiyar on 12.12.2022. Quiz and Elocution competitions were conducted. The students were asked to write the verses on the title ‘Barathiyin Kanavu India’ or ‘En Desam En Paarvai’ or ‘Barathi Endroru Naveena Kanavu’.  Ten students from different departments have participated in the competition.

Among them, (Ms.P.Harish I B.Sc Networking) has been selected,   as the  best performer student is

Quiz competition was conducted between12.00 to 1.00 pm. In the first round, 45 students have participated and 20 students have been qualified for the second round. Finally, three students have been declared as winners of the competition. The winners are as follows:

List of Winners:Quiz

First – P.Harish from I year Networking.

Second – R. Hariparameshwari from I year B.Com. B&I

Third – S.Suwedha from I year Networking.


First – P.Harish from I year Networking.

Intra Departmental Competition “Human Rights Day”

Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management (YUVA Tourism Club) conducted an Intra-Departmental Competition, as a celebration for “Human Rights Day,” on December 12, 2022. The participants prepared their posters and PPT presentations related to Human Rights Day and tourism topics like- Dark Tourism, Agri Tourism, Wine Tourism, Coffee Tourism, etc. Mr. Alan Maries Raj from the MC&HM Department won first prize; Mr. V. Sudharshan won second prize and Mr. R. Karthikeyan won third place in this competition. This competition provided a platform for the students to foster their creativity and decision-making skills. It also helped them to explore their hidden talents and discover new areas of interest. Totally, 9 students from the MC&HM department actively participated.

Industrial Visit to Indian Oil Corporation – LPG Bottling Plant, Vadipatti

ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, organized a Industrial visit to Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, – LPG Bottling Plant, on 10.12.2022.  The purpose of this visit is to learn the processing of filling the LPG Cylinders for domestic and industrial use. Initially, Mr. Balasubramanian, General Manager, IOCL, addressed the students and explained the various activities that is undergoing in the plant.  Later the students visited the area of filling and observed how a LPG cylinder is cleaned and filled with LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) in different types of cylinders. They also observed the process of sealing the cylinders and the precautionary safety measures taken care by the unit to run the operations smoothly. The students finally visited sprinkler area, where the LPG is downloaded from the Lorries in to a bulk bullet tanks. Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram, Assistant Professor, accompanied the students for this activity. Totally, 53 students from III BBA were benefited by this factory visit.

Industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized an industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul on 10.12.2022. Totally,78 II B. Com (B&I) students along with Mrs.R.Nithyakalyani and Mr.R.Dhamotharan visited the factory.. The students were briefed on  the historical background, the top level management, various departments and various products of Naga. The students were able to witness the production process of vermicelli and pasta directly. In total the industrial visit was very much useful for the students and they had a practical exposure to the commerce field.

Administrative Training Programme on SWOT & SKILL vs WILL

The NetKings Association of the Department of Networking organized an Administrative Training Program for the Non-teaching staff members of SLCS on 10.12.2022 at Seminar hall. Mrs.N.P.Rajeswari, AP/Networking handled the session about performance of SWOT analysis and SKILL vs WILL in a successful way. Through this session, non teaching staff members were gained basic knowledge about what is SWOT analysis & how to categories the person at SKILL vs WILL. They were eagerly attend the session and learnt how to analysis the SWOT, how to apply the SWOT in a practical manner. Totally, 8 members were benefitted through this program.

Positive Youth Development

Department of Commerce  B. Com (B&I),  conducted a Personal Counseling Program to the students of I B&I students on 10.12.2022 in Seminar Hall. Our Alumni ,  Mr.S.P.Balasubramanian, Founder, Aram Seivom Foundation  addressed the gathering on Positive Youth Development. Mr.Bathrinath and Ms.Amitha, members of the foundation, also addressed the students. They educated the responsibilities of youth in their own development and the society. They highlighted how the younger generation is  exploited towards unwanted addictions like social media, alcohol, etc. They elaborated how to engage themselves positively for their own development and the society as a whole. Totally, 81 students attended the program and got benefitted.

Career Guidance Programme cum Alumni Interaction on “Opportunity Zones – Graphic Design in Corporates

D.P.Roy Choudhury Association of Department of Animation organized a Career Guidance programme cum Alumni Interaction on “Opportunity Zones – Graphic Design in Corporates” on 10.12.2022 from 09.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. at Animation Academic Lab – I.

Mr.M. Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Animation welcomed the gathering.  Ms. BhuvaneswariMeena (2015-18 batch), Visual Design Associate,
Level – III, AmazonPvt. Ltd, Chennai, acted as the chief guest of the event.

She addressed that the graphic designer has many responsibilities ranging from conducting themselves in a professionaland ethical manner in their work to employing well thought through solutions based around sustainabledesign processes and practices in the corporate sectors. It is the role of a graphic designer to use colors, text, images, and symbols to assist with their company’s design process and make communications easier to understand for all audiences.

She also insisted that Graphic designers come in many forms: web/online, 2D & 3D animation print, video, multimedia, branding, illustration.A graphic designer’s portfolio should include their most recent and impressive projects. A diverse portfolio is ideal for providing a quick summary of accomplishments and abilities. It is also important that a designer’s portfolio is credible with reviews and references in addition to their work. She shared experiences with 2Adpro &Amazon and the pipeline followed by them which gave an insight to the aspiring students.

The programme endedsuccessfully and totally, 69 students from I &III year B.Sc. Animation& P.G. Diploma were benefitted through this event.


The Internal Quality Assurance Cell & Placement Cell of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai, jointly organized a Professional & Administrative Training on “Personal Investment Methods” on 10.12.2022 at 2.15 pm in the College premises for the welfare of the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff Members. Dr. R.Sujatha, the Principal of SLCS & A Team from Bajaj Capital were the Resource Persons. Mrs. R. Suganthi Hepzibha, IQAC Assistant Coordinator, welcomed the gathering. Dr.S.Priya, the Dean Academics graced the session through her active participation.

Dr.R.Sujatha enlightened the Staff Members by presenting and explaining about various investments. She also explained the importance of saving for future with her own experiences. The session was really an eye opener for all the students.

Followed by her, a Team from Bajaj Capital took over the session and explained about the plans which will be a helpful one for the staff members. Totally, 57 Faculty members and 11 non-teaching staff members participated in the training session. Mr.Maniraj, the Placement Officer proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Session on “Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop”

ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, along with Institution’s Innovation Council- SLCS conducted a Session on “Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop” on 09.12.2022. Mr. R. Ramachandran, Field Coordinator, EDII Hub, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, was the chief guest.  He discussed the various problems that are expected during business operations when they have a start-up company. He further explained the major difference between start-up & entrepreneurship and various steps involved in start-up such as Ideation, Pre – Incubation, Incubation and Acceleration. He discussed the various strategies to identify and forecast problems during our business and out of the box thinking for problem solving.  Finally, he discussed the various feasibilities such as Technical, Financial and Marketing Feasibilities for making a start – up company. Totally, 48 students of I BBA, 30 Students of II BBA eagerly participated in the program.