Webinar on Career opportunities in Marine Catering and Hotel Management

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a webinar on “Career opportunities in Marine Catering and Hotel Management” on 14.8.2020 for the 2019-20 batch +2 students. Mr.V.Gangadaran, Asst. Professor, welcomed the gathering. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department introduced the chief guest and resource person, Dr Dhamodharan , President of SICA, Celebrity Chef & Guinness Record  Holder, Chennai. Dr.Dhamodharan, in his address, spoke of the advantages of choosing the Hospitality Industry as a Career path. He also explained the College`s Infrastructure, faculty members` qualifications, the Department`s affiliation and the Jobs available in the Hospitality Industry.

A Report on Staff participation in webinars

The faculty members of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management participated in several webinars conducted by various colleges in India during the month of May and June,2020. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, HoD  participated in 12 webinars, Mr.V.Gangadharan, Asst.Professor in 12,Mr.K.Perumal Kannan, Asst.Professor in 14, Mr.P.Anand, Asst.Professor  in 12,Mr.E.Jacob Jebaraj , Asst.Professor in 22, Mr.N.Ramesh, Asst.Professor in 13 and Mr.R.Ganesh  Instructor in 5. The details of the webinars attended by the faculty members are available in the Department.

Webinar on Understanding Health Insurance and COVID Coverage

Department of Commerce B.Com B&I organized a “Webinar on Understanding Health Insurance and COVID 19 Coverage” on 12-08-2020. The programme started with the welcome address delivered by Mrs. V.Padmavathy, Head of the Department.  Mr.L.Chendurnathan, Chairman, Madurai Institute of Insurance  delivered the presidential address. Mr.Pradip Sarkar, Principal, College of Insurance, Kolkata, the resource person, explained the different policies under  health insurance and the different types of  COVID 19 coverage policies available in health insurance. Around 120 students of B.Com (B&I) and B.Com (Honours) participated and benefited through this online session.


The department of Visual Communication conducted a webinar on Acting Theory II on 08.08.2020, as a continuation a webinar conducted on 01.08.2020. A total number of 50 students participated in the event which started at 04.30 pm. Mr. Rajavardhan, Head i/c gave an introduction to the acting theory. Mr. Shan Sudhakar, the expert for the day, provided tips along with co- actor and student Miss Aishwarya Manian on acting and provided career guidance. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Assistant Professor gave his tips on acting. Mr. Sivarajan, proposed the vote of thanks and the function concluded with the National Anthem.

Interaction with “Oh My Kadavule” Director through Webinar

The department of Visual Communication conducted a webinar on direction for its students on 03.08.2020. A total number of 79 students participated in this event.  The session was inaugurated at 10.30 am. Mr. Rajavardhan, Instructor spoke about the college and the department of Visual Communication. Mr. Ashwath Marimuthu (Director, Oh My Kadavule), Chief Guest of the day gave a lecture on Screenplay and Direction. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Assistant Professor delivered the key note address. Mr. Sivarajan proposed the vote of thanks and the function concluded with the National Anthem.

Mr. Ashwath Marimuthu gave an elaborate lecture on the New Technology, Screenplay, Direction and the new technology used in film making. Students enthusiastically participated in this event and asked many technical oriented questions. The chief guest answered all the questions and at the end of the session he provided career guidance to the students. The program was a grand success.


The Department of Visual Communication conducted a webinar on THEORY OF SCIENTIFIC METHOD OF ACTING for its students on 01.08.2020, a total number of 50 students have been participated in the event.  The inaugural session which was started by Mr. Rajavardhan, Head i/c briefed about the Department of Visual Communication. Mr. Shan Sudhakar, was the expert for the day. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Assistant Professor delivered the key note address. Mr. Sivarajan proposed the vote of thanks and the function concluded with the National Anthem.

Mr. Shan Sudhakar said that acting is a type of Communication and covered aspects of acting. He explained the role of actors and the important role of characters. He also explained live expression. Mass media can instruct people and educate them. At the end of the session he provided career guidance to the students. The session was appreciated by the students.

National level Quiz Program on Accounting-2020

The Department of Commerce – B.Com B&I conducted a National Level Quiz Program on Accounting-2020 from 6th July 2020 to 31st July 2020 through “Google Form” for the general public who are interested in Commerce. The details of the quiz were circulated through mail and social media. Around 165 members participated in the quiz programme from various places in India. The quiz included objective type questions relating to Accounting. The participants showcased their interest by eagerly participating in the quiz. They felt that the quiz enabled them to apply their theoretical knowledge in a useful manner.

Online Seminar on “GST & Trademarks – Practical Taxation Procedures”

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Online Seminar, “GST & Trademarks – Practical Taxation Procedures” on 25.07.2020. Mr.L.Giri Babu, Tax Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor was the resource person. The meaning and purpose of trademarks were explained in detail. Simple taxation procedures relating to GST were discussed. Students actively participated and interacted with the resource person. No. of Students Participated: 78 (47+31)


Department of  MBA (RLIMS) proudly presented a one-day National webinar “Lakshaya Disha – 2020” on 25.07.2020 for the final year students of Arts and Science and Engineering colleges across India. This program aimed at enabling the students redesign their aspirational career choices, with aptly designed program inputs. Totally 106 students from different parts of India participated in the program. Our MBA   46 students has be benefitted from this program.   Guest speakers for this program “ Dr. S. P. Singh, Professor, Alliance School of Business, Ms. Nithya Karunanithy, Business Head – HCL Technologies, Chennai and Dr. Madhavi Karanam, Assistant Professor, Jain University, Bangalore”.


The department of Visual Communication conducted a webinar, TECHNOLOGY SESSION ON SONY ALPHA SERIES for its students on 25.07.2020. A total number of 79 students participated in this event.  The inaugural session started at 10.30am with Mr. Rajavardhan, Instructor, giving the inaugural address. Mr. Sathesh, Chief Guest of the day gave a lecture on Camera techniques. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Assistant Professor delivered the key note address. Mr. Sivarajan proposed the vote of thanks and the function concluded with the National Anthem.

Cinematography and Studio Light was the topic of the session, Mr. Sathesh gave an illuminating lecture on New technology Bit rates, Codec’s, Cinema camera and Lighting. He also gave hands – on practice in camera handling to the students and also provided career guidance. The session was very beneficial to the students. They enthusiastically participated in this event and asked technical oriented questions, which were answered by the guest. The program was a grand success.