The department of Computer Science organized a two day workshop on “Web Designing using Bootstrap” from 19.7.2021 to 20.07.2021.The students form II & III B.Sc CS (SSS) participated in the workshop through Google Meet. The resource person of the workshop was Mr.Subash, UI Developer, Amizhth Techno Solutions, Madurai. The welcome address was given by Ms.K.K.Subashree from III B.Sc CS (SSS). Ms.N.Anuradha, Head, CS Department delivered the felicitation address. She introduced the Chief Guest and explained the importance of learning web designing. The resource person delivered the web designing concepts like HTML, CSS, Java Script & Bootstrap. He interacted with the students and also cleared their doubts. At the end of 1st & 2nd day session, a task was assigned to the students to develop web pages. Feedback about the workshop was collected from the students and participation certificate was issued to the students. Totally 94 students participated in the workshop. The workshop was very useful for the students to develop their Mini Project.