Women Empowerment Cell (WEC), RRC & NSS of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science jointly celebrated “International Women’s Day” on 07.03.2020 at the seminar hall, between 10.30AM and 12.30PM. All the women faculty members (both teaching and non-teaching) and girl students of the college participated in the programme. Mr. S. Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil welcomed the gathering. Dr. R. Sujatha, Vice-Principal presided over the celebration. Dr. S. Priya, Dean-Academics, felicitated the event. Students from NSS demonstrated some Self Defense Martial Art moves for the safety of girls during emergency situations. All the Faculty members shared their wishes and views regarding the celebration of Women’s day. Dr. M. Tharani, Coordinator-WEC proposed the vote of thanks and the programme ended with the National Anthem.