The Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a Webinar on “Effective use of N List for literature survey to design a new food product” on 21-07-2021 at3.30pminF26roomthroughthis link around The resource person of this webinar is Mrs.M.Guna Sundari, the Asst. librarian of our college, explained about the steps involved in N-list link for downloading the e-books and e- journal. The resource person also enlightened the students about how to do a literature survey which is a part of Food design and its practical course. This webinar would definitely help students to get an idea about N-LIST for downloading E-journal and books which will be useful for the students to identify the problem and to develop a new food product. The session was interactive and the resource persons answered the participants queries. Totally 25 students of FSPM I&II year got benefited from this webinar. The feedback of this webinar was collected from the students and the feedback showed that the students were highly satisfied with this webinar.