CDC & SIP Cell of SLCS organized a webinar on “Travel – An Essential Life Skill”. Education is an endless travel. To enhance the ability to adhere Education, we have to travel along with it. To motivate the students about the topic “Travel – An Essential Life Skill”, the session was handled by an eminent external expert, the famous writer Mr.Muthukrishnan from Madurai on 03.09.2020. He expressed that travel improves diversity among the people. Each and every student should have travelled in his lifetime not in a worldwide but at least to a limited travel in their own city. He insisted that travel has no boundaries. When a person wants to become a broad minded, he/she has to travel wide at the same time while travelling the person’s perspective of considering issues will change. Our country is known for exchanging of Culture and its Traditions from one State to another, it is all because of the people who have travelled long ago. Finally, he concluded his speech by motivating the students to travel as much as he / she can. Totally 230 students participated in the session.