Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science conducted the Orientation program for the first year students on July 1, 2023, at 10 a.m. in the college auditorium as a part of Student Induction Program ‘23. The major objective of the program was to make the parents and students aware of the academic aspects of the course, the rules and regulations of the institute, and to ensure parental participation in monitoring the performance and progress of the students. The program commenced with a prayer song. The dignitaries, along with a volunteer from the student and parent, inaugurated the event by lighting the panchamuga lamp. Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics, SLCS, welcomed the gathering and gave an introduction regarding the student Induction Program. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, SLCS, gave the presidential address, elucidating the importance of updating yourself in the current technological world. She expressed her gratitude to the parents and students for having faith and confidence in the institution. Dr. M. Bala Kumar, Vice Principal introduced the Chief Guests Mr. C. Mohan Ram and Mrs.Muhil. Mr.C.Mohan Ram, Chief Mission Integrator & Innovator FISST & Adjunct Professor, IIIT Bangalore, elucidated the importance of creativity, consistency, competence, communication, perseverance, and patience to succeed in life. He prompted the students to identify and nurture their skills to shape their lives. Motivation and determination are more important than background. Mrs. Muhil, Psychologist & Counsellor, Ahana Group of Hospitals insisted on the importance of communication to maintain good relationships with others. She directed the students to seek help from others whenever they were in trouble. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, SLCS, briefed about the infrastructure of the college, departments, and rules and regulations to the students and parents. Mrs. R. Suganthi Hepzibha, Asst. Coord. (IQAC) cum Asst. Prof., English, proposed the vote of thanks.

Orientation Program – 01.07.2023