• Admission open 2024-25
NIRF | IQAC | CAREERS | RESEARCH | Grievance Redressal Committee | Blossoms
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SLCS-Samaaj Seva: Outreach Activity Rally on “Save Forests Save the Climate”

HEN Association, Marine Catering and Hotel Management and Yuva Club (Ministry of Tourism) conducted SLCS-Samaaj Seva: Outreach Activity- awareness program on “Save Forests Save Climate” among the rural communities of Sirumalai, Dindigul District on 28.1.2023. As part of the program, students collected waste materials from popular tourist spots in Sirumalai and disposed them in an environment friendly manner.

A rally was held amidst the rural community to raise awareness on issues related to climate change. In total, 39 students and 3 teachers participated in this program from MCHM.