ZEAL, an Association of BBA, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a seminar on “Recent trends in Business & Commerce” on 25.03.2022 for final year UG commerce students of Parvathy’s Arts and Science College, Dindigul. Dr.K.Rajesh Kumar, HoD – BBA has addressed the session as the resource person. Mr.R.Gopi (II BBA), Ms.V.Gobika (II BBA) and Ms.C.Aarthy (I BBA) have accompanied the resource person as co-trainers. The resource person along with his co-trainers elaborated the current advancements in the field of business and commerce. The students felt the seminar to be very interesting and interactive. A total of 38 students participated and got benefited through this seminar.