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QMS – Internal Auditor Training Programme

The RL Institute of Nautical Science conducted Two days QMS – Internal Auditor Training Program on 8th and 9th January,2018.

The faculty members from RL Institute of Nautical Science(RLINS), Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science(SLCS), RL Institute of Management Studies(RLIMS), Krishnamal Ramasubbaiyer School (KRS) and Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy Foundation(SLF) participated.

Mr.G.M.Ravi Kumar, Lead Assessor from IR Class was the trainer. The session started with the felicitation address by Mr.R.Muthukrishnan – Principal, RLINS. Mr.M.Subramanian – Technical Advisor, RLINS introduced the trainer.

The trainer,Mr.G.M.Ravi Kumar explained about the ISO 9001:2015 standard, QMS process and Internal auditing procedures with many real time scenarios along with his experience. The participants were trained with the group activities and they have also undergone examination as a part of the training programme.

At the end of the session, Mrs.M.Shanthy – Principal, KRS shared her training experience and thanked the organizing committee and the management.