The Department of Commerce (Honours & ACCA) organized a Professional Development Program on “Ethical issues in Accounting” on 15.03.2022 at our Auditorium of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai. The program commenced with a prayer song. The felicitation address was given by our respected Principal, Dr. R.Sujatha. The key note address was delivered by our respected Vice Principal Dr. K.Archunan. The special address was given by our respected Dean Academics, Dr. S.Priya. The Resource Persons of the program was Dr. A.Mayil Murugan, Professor of The Madura College and Dr. Rosy Godwin, Professor of Lady Doak College. They shared their experience to the faculty members and pointed out that ethical improprieties by accountants will be ‘detrimental to society, resulting in distrust by the public and dysfunctions in the economy’. Plus, due to globalisation, the ethical practices of accounting professionals can have worldwide implications. 10 teaching faculty members participated and got benefitted by attending this program.