The department of  Viscom has arranged a screening program on “ Panchayat Union Primary School,Eliyarpathy,Madurai” on Wednesday, Oct 13, 2017. In this program, the television program “ Yoga for Children” , produced by K.S.Subasree and C.Ajithkumar, the final year students of B.Sc.Film and Television Production was screened. The video contains the importance of yoga and its procedure to practice.

Nearly 100 students under age of 10 of school, teachers were participated in the program. The students who participated in the screening session was taught yoga asanas by the Film and Television Production final year students M.Subash, R.Priyadharshini and faculty member Mr.Ramesh. The school children eagerly participated and perfomed the yoga.

 The copy of the yoga video was handover to the Headmaster of the School.