To commemorate “National nutrition week celebration, FAGAS association from the Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Health and Nutrition Club jointly celebrated a nutrition week on the theme of “Feeding Smart Right from Start” for our students of II &III Year from 1.9.21 to 7.9.21 through Google meet ( at 9.30 am in F26 classroom. The program was inaugurated by the guest speaker Ms.Shivpoornima. Various competitions like Drawing, Quiz, Doodle art, and Vegetable carving were conducted for our department students to showcase their talents. Mrs. Gunasundari, librarian of our College, delivered a valedictory speech about the importance of nutrition for all. Totally 27 students participated in the entire program and got benefited from this program. The feedback of the program was collected and over all analysis showed that the students were highly satisfied.