The Department of Computer Science (SSS), as a part of its SLCS – Samaaj Seva (Extension Activity), organized a program “Awareness about Online Safety for Women” on 12.02.2022 at Samathuva Makkal Mandram, Kariapatti. Five students from I & II B.Sc CS (SSS) participated and created awareness about social media safety for women in this digital era. They explained various safety features in WhatsApp & Facebook. Finally they explained mobile security applications. Mrs.V.Gayathri, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS (SSS) accompanied the students. Overall 39 people got benefitted by involving themselves in this activity.

Soft Skills Program

An Online Soft Skills Program Resourced by Nithya Santhakumar was conducted on 12.02.2022 by the Students Forum and Curriculum Development Cell at 9:30 am in the auditorium through the google meet.

All the second year students of Batch 2020-23 participated in the program.  Madam spoke about dependability, listening, positivity, communication and team work. The session was made live with the students’ interaction. Ways of talking and positive body language postures were also elaborated by the resource person. A total of 303 students enjoyed the session and said that it was very useful.


                              The PINNACLE, Association of Department of Commerce (Honours) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science conducted an Association Meeting to facilitate, consolidate and coordinate the activities of the department at SLCS Annexure building on 12.02.2022 (Saturday). The chief guest of association meeting was Dr. K. Rajeshkumar, Head of the Department of BBA. The association meet started with the prayer song followed by welcome address given by R.Thiyagesh (II Honours).

The Chief Guest introduction was given by Mr. Ravi Shankar, Head of the Department of Commerce (Honours). The following activities were conducted in the session:

  • Paper presentation
    • Mind games
    • Cultural events

The paper presentation was judged by the Chief Guest Dr K.Rajeshkumar. The session ended with the Vote of thanks given by S. Sri Vigneshwari (II Honours). Totally, 63 students participated in the program.

Seminar on ‘Financing through Public Offerings’

           The Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) along  with Cuentas Association organized a Seminar on   “Financing through Public Offerings” on   12.02.2022 in the Seminar Hall. Mr.R.Kavi Arvindan, Associate Accounting, DXC Technology, Chennai, who is also our Alumnus of 2013-16 Batch, was the resource person.  He explained in detail about the process in raising finance through Public Offerings,  the treatment of  fixed assets and charging Depreciation – Practices and Procedures followed in Companies. The session was very useful as it was also focused on the employment opportunities. All the B.Com Banking & Insurance students participated. A total of 188 students participated and got benefited in this program.

Seminar on Letter of Credit

      The Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I)  Cuentas Association organized a Seminar on   “Letter of Credit” on   12.02.2022 in Seminar the Hall. Mr.S.Ashwin Kumar, Senior Officer , Standard Chartered Bank who is also our Alumnus of 2013-16 Batch , was the resource person.  He explained in detail about the Letter of Credit – Practices and Procedures followed in Banks. This was also useful to increase the level of employability . All the B.Com Banking & Insurance students participated. A total of 188 students participated and got benefited in this program.

Seminar on Bank Reconciliation Statement

         The Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I)  Cuentas Association organized a Seminar on   “Bank Reconciliation Statement” on   12.02.2022 in the Seminar Hall. Mr.Raj Prahaladhan, Senior Reconciliation Specialist Citi Corp Services India, Chennai, who is also our Alumnus of 2013-16 Batch, was the resource person.  He explained in detail about the Bank Reconciliation Statement – Practices and Procedures followed in Banks. The session was very useful as it was  also focused on the employment opportunities . All the B.Com Banking & Insurance students participated. A total of 188 students participated and got benefited in this program.


Webinar on “Close the Care Gap”

To commemorate World Cancer Day, FAGAS, an association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management and Health & Nutrition club jointly organized a Webinar entitled “Close thecaregap”on 12.02.2022 through google meet link between 5.00 and 6.00 pm. The resource person of this webinar is Ms.Ragadeepa Assistant Professor, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College explained the foods in relation to cancer and also enlightened the students on the real progress in reducing the global impact of cancer. This webinar would definitely help students to get an idea about cancer and how to overcome this deadly disease. The session was interactive and the resource persons clarified the participant’s queries. Totally 46 students (13students from I year FSPM, 13 students from II Year FSPM and 20 students from Health and Nutrition Club) got benefited from this webinar.

Soft Skills Program

An Online Soft Skills Program Resourced by Nithya Santhakumar was conducted on 12.02.2022 by the Students Forum and Curriculum Development Cell at 9:30 am in the auditorium through the google meet.

All the second year students of Batch 2020-23 participated in the program.  Madam spoke about dependability, listening, positivity, communication and team work. The session was made live with the students’ interaction. Ways of talking and positive body language postures were also elaborated by the resource person. A total of 303 students enjoyed the session and said that it was very useful.

SLCS SamaajSeva -“Gender Sensitization”

On 12/02/2022 (Saturday) first-year (4)and second-year (7)MBA Students took initiative and conducted an extension activity on GENDER SENSITIZATION for people of  Nedumadurai Village near Kariyapatti (Madurai).

Totally 50 women and men in and around the village participated in the activity and were benefitted. The aim behind this extension activity is to create awareness on Gender equality and importance of each gender and various opportunities available for both genders. We taught them about the importance of Gender and to overcome the obstacles. It was an eye-opening session for the villagers. Dr.S. Pugalanthi from our department was the faculty guide for the extension activity.