Session Details: An Exposure visit to Incubation Unit PSYE College | |
Title of the Session : Exposure visit to Incubation Unit | |
Date : 23/05/2022 | Duration : 11.00AM to 3.00 PM |
Activity Category : IIC Driven Activity | Nature of the Session : Physical |
Theme : Innovation | |
Expert / Speaker Details: | |
Name: Mr.S.Manikandan | Designation: C-FIE, General Manager |
Organisation:Pandian Saraswathi Yadav Engineering College, Sivagangai | |
Brief about Expert/Speaker: (Highlight points from profile of the expert)
Educational Qualification: Completed M.E(Ph.D)
Achievements: · Guided 12 graduated startups and 8 incubated startups. · He got few funded startups Like, Rain Stock,Mystips and Mithu Dairy Products.
Experience: · Worked as an entrepreneurship cell manager from January 2014. · Working as the PSY-CFIE incubation Centre general Manager since January 2022. · Having eight years of vast experience of nurturing students with an entrepreneurial bent. |
Objectives of the activity: (minimum four)
1. Encouraging and enabling the alignment of R&D activities to potential needs of the industry 2. Gain an exposure towards business environment 3. Get an idea on long-term sustainable business development strategies 4. Know about Start-up initiatives and Management 5.Understand Progress and Product outcomes |
Outcome of the activity: (minimum four)
1. Reflecting ideas into innovations and explore startup based strategies. 2. Understanding the steps to become an entrepreneur right from zero level. 3. Understand the concept of Incubation centre and also got exposure towards government funding agencies 4. Understand the various prototype of business models and their operations |
Key Highlights: (minimum four from the talk of expert)
Mr.S.Manikandan, C-FIE, General Manager, PSYEC, discussed the role of centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in providing the orientation, training and development, mentoring and getting patent rights for a product.
The expert enlightened the students on identification, nurturing and translating technical ideas and innovation into a service or product which serves the society.
He explained many sources for business creations and shared few successful entrepreneurs.
Also students had an discussion session with the expert team and gained ideas on start up. He also shared his own experience as an entrepreneur.
He has made sparkle on students to become job creators rather than job seekers. |
Participants Details: | |
Total No. of Student Participation: 10 | |
Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation: 03 – Teaching | |
YouTube Links: Nil | |
Report on Site Visit to PSYEC Incubation Centre
On behalf of Networking Department, Mr.M.Athigopal, Mr.V.Deepan Chakkaravarthy and Ms.T.Shunmugapriya along with the students of I Year Networking visited Pandiyan Saraswathy Yadav Engineering College Incubation Center at Sivagangi on 23rd May, 2022 from11:00am to 3:00pm. The objective behind this visit was to make the students understand the concept of incubation center,see the facilities provided by such centers, understand the various prototypes of business models, their operations and change perceptions from seeking job to creating the job.
SLCS team met Mr, Arun Arjunan Incubation Center Facilitator, discussed the role of Incubation Centre in providing the orientation, training and development, mentoring, getting patent rights, and commercialization of the product etc,. He explained various sources for business creation such as production of e-Bike,e-Cycle, 3D Printer, Transchair and Solar train trolley . The centre is established in a 2500 square feet of land having a dedicated area with access to shared office infrastructure,Wi-Fi,Conference facilities,auditorium and ample parking space. The students were also given insightful information and demonstration on the basic accounting and managerial techniques adopted for the businesses that have been recently incubated by the center and how they are financed. Many school and college students in and around Arasanoor are working at the centre on their innovations. They shared their ideas and inspired our team. The team had also an opportunity for one to one discussion with many budding entrepreneurs.Totally 10 students were benefitted by this visit.
Webinar on “Software Development Prototype”
Title of the Session: Webinar “Software Development Prototype” | |
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) | Department of Computer Science |
Date : 22.05.2022 | Time: 10.30 am to 11.30 am |
Mode of the Session : Online | Venue: Webinar |
Theme(If Applicable) : Design Thinking | |
Expert / Speaker Details: | |
Name: Mr. N. Shaliya | Designation: Founder and Managing Director |
Organisation: Zerame Infotech,Coimbatore | |
Objective(s) of the activity:
PO1: To understand various prototype models used in software development field. PO2: To get the knowledge about the Waterfall Model. PO3: To acquire the insight on Agile Development Model. PO4: To obtain more information about Scrum Model.
Key Highlights:
A few major points explained by the speaker to the participants: 1. Concepts of Prototype Models 2. Waterfall Model 3. Agile Development Model 4. Scrum Model
Outcome(s) of the activity:
At the end of the session, the participants were able to: 1. Understand the concepts of Prototype Models in Software development field. 2. Get knowledge about the Waterfall Model 3. Acquire the knowledge on Agile Development Model 4. Imbibe more information about Scrum Model
Participants Details:
v Total No. of students participated: 62 v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 5 |
Hebert William Henrich Association of Fire and Industrial Safety department organized SLCS SAMAAJ SEVA – an Outreach activity on “AWARENESS OF DOMESTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT” at Kanjanaiyakkenpatti, Aruppukkotti on 21/05/2022. The II year students have conducted the activity and created the awareness to homemakers about the segregation of biodegradable and non biodegradable waste and how to store it separately for handing over to municipal garbage Collectors or authorized waste pickers. Many homemakers were unaware of the hazards of solid waste such as offensive odour, health problems and aesthetic problem.
The aim of this campaign is to emphasize not to put waste in collectively in one dust bin and highlight about health issues and environmental issues related to it. The homemakers rendered their fullest cooperation & involvement of the students were commendable to reach out the maximum beneficiaries.
Totally 8 students got benefited through this program.
Seminar on “Start up ideas for Bakery and Confectionery Skills
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management and Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of our college jointly organized a Seminar on “Start up ideas for Bakery and Confectionery Skills” on 21.5.2022. We have invited Mr. N.Jaya Ganesh Rajan., Fores Bakery, Madurai, as a resource person. 48 students from various departments actively participated. The resource person brought awareness among the students. Bakeries are a popular type of foodservice establishment, and they allow our students to express their culinary creativity while also serving a unique market. Additionally, people with non-culinary backgrounds can get into the industry easily by opening a home bakery. Opening a bakery presents many unique challenges that are different from other types of businesses. This program kindled the interest of the students to think innovatively and ventures them to start the bakery business as a part of start idea and besides it made a memorable experience for all the participants.
The D. P. Roy Choudhury Association of Animation Departmentorganized three days hands-on training session titled “Boot Camp on UNREAL ENGINE” from 19.05.2022 to 21.05.2022 for I, II year B.Sc., Animation & Visual Comminication students and PG Diploma in Animation Techniques. Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Asst. Prof., welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief guests – Mr. Karan Parik, Founder GREEN RAIN Studio, Mumbai and Mr. Rajesh, Technical head, Scopick Edutech Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Karan Parik, the authorized trainer of UNREAL ENGINE, interacted with the students and trained them. Mr. Rajesh, inspired the students by sharing his experience and the growth of VR & AR in Gaming Industry. The students felt the program very useful and learnt new things with UNREAL ENGINE. They also learnt and practised the software taught by the trainer and showed the output. Totally 54 students were benefited by the program.
Training program on “Management by Objective (MBO)”
ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a training program on “Management by Objective (MBO)” on 21.05.2022 for the non teaching staff of the college.
Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram, AP, Department of BBA was the resource person. He explained in detail the concept and process of Management by Objectives (MBO). He also explained the Pros and Cons of implementing MBO. The participants found the training program to be very lively and interesting. A total of 13 non teaching staff members participated and got benefited from this program.
Administrative Training program on “Service Etiquettes and Grooming”
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an Administrative Training program on “Service Etiquettes and Grooming” for non-teaching staff of our college on 20.5.2022. Twenty Non teaching staff members have actively participated in the program. Mr. C.Suresh Kumar, HoD, Department of MC&HM, explained to the non teaching staff members about the importance of grooming and service etiquette which is a combination of character, style and discipline. It is to project an image of organization’s culture and ethics to our esteemed customers who are our guests. It also enhances the personality of an employee, character of an organization and value of the company. This program was completed successfully to the greatest satisfaction of the staff besides making it a memorable experience for all the participants.
Factory Visit to Nila Sea Foods Private Limited
ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a factory visit to Nila Sea Foods Private Limited, Tuticorin on 19.05.2022. The students learnt in detail about the various packaging and export processes related to sea foods. The logistics operations involved in these processes were also explained in detail. The students had a great learning experience. Totally 30 students comprising of I year BBA participated and got benefited through this visit.
The Department of Fire and Industrial Safety, Hebert William Henrich Association jointly organized SLCS SAMAAJ SEVA – an Extension Activity on “AWARENESS ON HEAT WAVES (SUMMER SEASON)” at Pandikovil, Madurai on 18/05/2022. 9 students from I & II year have conducted the activity and shared few tips to overcome the heat waves during the summer season along with the safety measures. The students suggested the people to avoid going out in noon time, stay hydrated by taking sufficient hygienic drinking water , wear light colored loose cotton clothes, avoid alcohol as well as tea & coffee, eat fresh seasonal fruits, avoid high protein food. The students also suggested the people to keep their home cool by using fans and damp cloth. The students also reiterated the people not to leave children in hot vehicle.
The aim of this campaign is to emphasize effects of ‘HEAT WAVES’ and save our health. The Village people rendered their Cooperation & the involvement of the faculty and the students were commendable to reach out the maximum beneficiaries. Nearly 20 peoples benefitted through the activity.