Exposure Visit

Exposure Visit – RL Clean Power Plant Private Limited, Kalayarkovil

First & Second year students from the Department of BBA were taken for an exposure visit to RL Clean Power Plant on 27.07.2017. The various strategies for using Sun light as a conventional source of energy towards power generation was explained. The benefit of using Solar as a means of power generation over other sources of power was clearly demonstrated to the students. The students understood the various means of generating solar power.

“Fancy De Cookies” – Baking Competition

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized a intra – departmental cookery competition “Fancy de cookies” on 27.7.2017. Head of the Department and faculty members judge the performance of the students and awarded marks. Winners were

1.Rajpriyadharshan and team

2.Sudharshan and team

“To The Table” – F & B Seminar

The Department of Marine catering and Hotel Management  conducted two days SEMINAR on the topic of  “TO THE TABLE  ” from 26.07.2017 – to 27.07.2017. Dr.P.Saravanan , PRINCIPAL – SLCS as Chief Guest and inaugurated the Seminar ,  Mr.C.Suresh kumar, HOD gave an inspirational speech, Mr. Rishikeshkumar, III year student gave the vote of thanks. The students of second and third year had taken the seminar on various Food and Beverage service related topics.


The inaugural function of “MEDIUS CORONET” A Students’ Association,Department of Visual Communication was held on Tuesday, July 25,2017.  Prof.T.Thivakar, Film & Television Institute of India was the Chief Guest of the program. The Chief Guest, Principal Dr.P.Saravanan, Vice Principal Mr.K.Archunan and Head of the Department Mr. C.Manikandan inaugurated the students’ association. Student Mr.R.Shanmugapriyan was elected as Secretary of the association. Ms. Esther and EL. Shanmuga Priya were elected as Joint Secretaries. Mr.C.Ajith Kumar, Mr. M.Mani Azhagu, Mr. P.Arumugam, Ms.M. Bhamini and Ms. M.Thirumala were elected as Executive Committee members.

Short- films Senguruthi, Avan and Panjali directed by the Chief Guest were screened and discussed. Staff members and the students of the department were participated.

Art De La Cuisine – Cooking Competition

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized an intra – departmental cookery competition “Art de la Cuisine” on 25.7.2017.  The Dr. P. Saravanan, Principal, Mr.K.  Archunan, Vice Principal and  Mr. C. Sureshkumar, Head Dept of MCHM acted as judge and  distributed the prizes for the students .


The Department of Networking conducted 1stInfotainment Association Meet on 24.07.2017. It was organised by III Year B.Sc NETWORKING students. The session was started with the prayer song. Mr.P.Srinivasan of III B.Sc NETWORKING welcomed the gathering. Our Vice Principal MR.K.Archunan, Inaugurated the meet with his wonderful speech. The Head of the Department MR.M.Athigopal introduced the   Guest of Honour Mr.S.Sekar, Associate Professor- RLIMS . Our Chief Guest delivered wonderful inspirational speech, which motivated the students. He also shared his success story and also interacted with the students. The students cleared their doubts through the interaction.

The students of IInd& IIIrd year B.Sc.Networking has conducted game events for the Ist Year students. The students exposed their talents through various events and got prizes for the events. The vote of thanks was given by M.Janani of II B.Sc Networking and the meet ended with the National Anthem.

Field Visit – National Banana Festival

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in association with Tamil Nadu Agricultural College & Research Institute, Madurai had organized a National Banana Festival from 21.07.2017 to 23.07.2017. Students from I & II year BBA were taken for a field visit on 22.07.2017. Interactive sessions & Guest Lectures with experts, explanations & exhibitions regarding innovative practices in banana cultivation were organized. The exhibition showcased various varieties of bananas. The event also covered some insights on supply chain and logistics in the banana sector. The students had a great learning experience.

Training in Floor Cleaning Equipments

The department of Marine Catering and hotel Management has organized Training in Floor Cleaning Equipment for the staff working in the canteen and Mess on 22.07.2017. We have given training to the workers the cleaning services that more focused some areas like bathrooms, floors and lobbies.


From 17.07.2017 to 22.07.2017, Department Of Networking has organized Value Added Course on “RHCSA – Redhat Certified System Administrator” for II B.Sc Networking students. The Training was handled by the trainer Mr.V Sarathkumar, Redhat Certified Technical Trainer, Vectra Technosoft Pvt.Ltd, Chennai.17 students got benefitted

Students Motivational Programme

        As part of academic enhancement, Welcome address by Ms.Pradeepa, III year B.Com student, Motivattional speech by Mr. S.P.Balasubramanian, Alumina of our college, 2013-2016 passed out student gave  a motivational speech which inspires the I and II year B.Com(B&I) students .