The department of Film and Television Production has organized a guest lecture on radio production on Nov12, 2016.

The lecture was taken by Mr. Fiaz, Programming Head, Radio Mirchi, Madurai. The students of B.Sc. Film and Television Production 1st and 2nd years attended this section. The lecture was about the marketing and production techniques involved in radio medium. He discussed about the creation and execution of ideas and making programs based on the RAM &ISR techniques in the radio industry. Students have gained experience in many things from his lecture and interactions. EL.Shanmugapriya, The student of B.Sc.FTVP – 2nd year proposed the vote of thanks.

Election Awareness Programme

Election Awareness Programme was held at Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science on 11.11.2016. The Madurai District Collector Mr.K.Veera Raghava Rao, IAS., was invited as the Chief Guest. Students from various departments actively participated. A skit highlighting the theme that “Never sell your votes, and new voters should never hesitate for voting” was enacted. New voters were given a voting demo using a simulator voting machine. The Madurai District Collector Mr.K.Veera Raghava Rao, IAS., delivered the special address. The election oath was taken by the students in the presence of the Collector.

The programme was presided by the college principal Dr.R.L.Ramnath. The Vice Principal Mr.K.Archunan welcomed the gathering. NSS Coordinator Mr.S.Kumar delivered the vote of thanks. Management Executive Mr.Ramkumar, Director – RLIMS Dr.S.Rajasekar, Tashildar, Revenue Inspector, Village Administrative Officer participated. The programme arrangements were made by the Public Relations Officer Mr.K.Rajesh Kumar.


Central Vigilance Commission, the Premier Integrity and Anti-Corruption Institution of our country observed Vigilance Awareness Week 2016 from 31.10.2016 to 05.11.2016. The objective of observing Vigilance Awareness Week 2016 is to create public awareness against corruption and for ensuring a wider outreach especially for creation of awareness on corruption and its effects amongst the youth and college students. SLCS as a stake holder also observed this program with a great effort. As a part of this program, as an outreach initiative, NTPL propose to organize the following program in our esteemed campus with an objective to create impactful awareness on the young minds of the students.

The theme of this year is “Public Participation in promoting Integrity and Eradicating Corruption.” Based on the theme various competitions like Elocution competition in Tamil and English and Essay competition in Tamil & English were conducted. Around 15 students participated in Tamil and English Elocution competition and 40 students in Tamil & English Essay competition.

A special Lecture program was also arranged and organized on 3rd November, 2016 at the SLCS auditorium. Shri.M.Suresh, Dy. General Manager/Vigilance welcomed the gathering. Our President Dr.R.Lakshmipathy gave his presidential address. Followed by him Shri.M.Prabhagar, GM/O&M and Shri.A.R.Neelakanta Pillai, CEO, NTPL, Tuticorin gave the felicitation address. Lime Ganesh, gave a special lecture on the eradication of corruption. The competition winners of the Vigilance Awareness Week 2016 were motivated by issuing awards and certificates. Finally, Shri.A.Perumalsamy, DGM/HR gave his vote of thanks and the program wound up patriotically.

Industrial Visit – Tuticorin VOC Port Trust

An industrial visit to Tuticorin VOC Port Trust was organized for students of BBA – Logistics & Shipping Management on 23.11.2016. The students had the great opportunity to learn the operations of Tuticorin VOC Port Trust related to Logistics & Shipping. Students also got the experience of witnessing a Cargo Ship, thereby learning its activities. The authorities at Tuticorin VOC Port Trust were kind enough to elaborately explain the day to day activities at the port. Students felt the visit to be very useful and related to their course of study


On September 19, 2016 a guest lecture on “Print Journalism” was organized in the department of Film and Television Production. The first year students of B.Sc. Film and Television Production and M.Sc. Visual Communication attended the session. The guest Ms.Divya Bharathi, visual editor in Dinamalar, shared the information about the News Ethics, News Objectives and News Angles in the Print Journalism. In this moment the department of Film and Television Production felt very proud to say that Ms.Divya Bharathi is an Alumnus of the department. On the whole the day wound up productively.


A Guest Lecture on Cinematography was organized in the department of Film and Television Production on September 17, 2016.The second and third year students of B.Sc. film and television production and first year MS.c Visual communication participated in the Guest lecture. The Guest lecture was conducted by Mr.Saravanan Abimanyu a renowned Cinematographer who worked as a Cinematographer for the Tamil feature films “Eetti” and “555”. He discussed about the relationship between the director and cinematographer in the making of the film, the latest technology that is used in film making, lighting techniques, aesthetic of composition, conveying the mood of the scene through camera, artistic skill and dynamic role of cinematography in production. The students gained a lot of information which will be very helpful for them to get into the field in the near future. They also felt that the Guest Lecture will be very helpful for them to complete their projects during the academic.


The first year Students of B.Sc. Film and Television Production and MSc Visual Communication participated in a Guest Lecture Program on the topic “Print Media” on September 15,2016. Dr.S.Saleema Rabiyath, Assistant professor, Department of Mass Communication, Madurai Kamaraj University was the resource person of the session. She discussed about the history of print media to the contemporary media scenario. The students felt that the guest lecture was very informative and expected to have many lectures in the near future.

Study Tour to Munnar, Kerala

he Students of BSc Film and Television Production and MSc Visual Communication have gone to Munnar, kerala as a part of their photography project from September 8th to September 10th, 2016. The Students visited various places such as Rose garden, Mettupetty Dam, Top Station, Photo point, Attukkadu falls and others. The students were enjoying capturing the pictures of the magnificent view of the tea plantations, rolling hills caressed by the blankets of mist, hill slopes get covered in a carpet of blue, resulting from the flowering of Neelakurinj, Architecture and various falls. Top Station View, it is the highest point in Munnar where students took Ariel view photographs of Theni and Bodimettu town.

In addition to that the students enjoyed the trekking to the most sought after destination of Eravikulam National Park, the first of its kind in Kerala, where the endangered Nilgiri Thar is protected. The Thars also not to forget to give poses to our student’s camera. On the whole the tour to Munnar was a productive and an enjoyable one.


A department level workshop on “Robotics and Automation” was conducted for the students of III B.Sc CS on 12/08/16 and 13/08/16. The students are trained on Overview of Open source Dev boards, Raspberry Pi, Automation using Arduino and RPi. The training was given by Mr.S.N.S.Gopalan and Mr.K.G.Harshan from Third Party Developers Community for two days 12/8/16 and 13/8/16 Madurai.

This session facilitated the students to get basic knowledge in robotics concept.We appreciate Mr. S. N. S. GOPALAN and Mr.K.G.Harshan, alumni of B.Sc., (CS) for  sharing their knowledge. We wish them all success in their future endeavors

Music Production Workshop – July 25, 2016

A pop-music production workshop was held at the department of Film and Television Production on July 25, 2016. The renowned pop singers Shakeer and Senthil trained the 3rd year students to compose the song. The objective of the song is about the current education system in India. “If the information is educated to the students in the correct way is the such a good thing other than else, but if it is forced on the students it is the most worst thing like a poison” is the sparking lyrics in the song. It gives a new enlightening to the parents, not to cut the wings of their children and stop them flying in their own sky of dreams. The visuals of the song is now under the production