Orientation Program on Behavior Management and Counseling

SLCS with intention of amplifying the skills of its faculty members conducted yet another Faculty Development Program , “An Orientation Program on Behavior Management and Counseling”  for the teaching staff of both SLCS & RLIMS on 06.05.2018 at the Seminar Hall.

The session was jointly handled by experts Dr.M.Kannan, Research Director, M.S.C.I.M.H. and Rehabilitation and Dr.Guru Bharathy , Principal , M.S.C.I.M.H. and Rehabilitation.

Dr.R.L.Ramnath , Advisor, IQAC  warmly welcomed the dignitaries and the faculty members. Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal , SLCS, gave the presidential address. In his address he spoke of the immense service of Chellamuthu Trust to society.

The program was divided in to two sessions, with the first session taken by Dr.M.Kannan on “Behavior Management” .The session concluded with a Psychometric Assessment Test. The second session was handled by Dr. Guru Bharathy . He discussed and expounded student behavior with the help of interesting activities.

The program greatly benefitted the faculty members who are keen on participating in more such programs.

Mrs.K.P.Maheswari , Assistant Professor , Dept. of CS & IT proposed the vote of thanks and thanked the resource persons for not only enlightening the faculty members but also for conducting it in a lively and interesting manner.

Professional Training on Hardware and Networking

On 04th May 2018, Department of Networking organized 1 day “Professional Training onHardware and Networking” for +2 students. 20 Students from various places like Madurai, Theni, Sivagangai were participated. The session was started with the prayer song.Mr.M.Athigopal, HoD, Dept of Networking gave an introduction about the workshop.
Mr.S.Satheesh Kumar, Business Head,Winways Infomatics Pvt Ltd, Madurai, explained about the Career & Job Opportunities in Networking. His brief explanation made everyone to understand about networking industries and cleared their queries.Mr.B.Nijanthan, CEO, SN IT Solutions, Madurai, has explained the troubleshooting laptop,
and gave live demonstration to assemble, disassemble and troubleshooting of Laptops. The students were divided into teams each team work on laptops, they practice to troubleshoot it. The students were trained with PC Hardware Devices & PC Assembling.The students learnt Assembling & De- Assembling of PC practically & they also participated in the Contest. Finally Our Principal Dr.P.Saravanan thanked all the parents,students and faculty members and Certificate with Best performance awards were distributed to all the participants.Vote of thanks given by B.Lakshmipriya II B.Sc Networking.


The Department of Fire & Industrial Safety organized a Safety Awareness Program –cum-Workshop on 03.05.2018. Dr.S.Tamilselvan Ph.D, (Industrial Safety), Anna University was the Resource Person. The program started at 10.30am in the M.B.A hall and the welcome speech was given by Mr.V.N.Devkumar HOD, Department of Fire & Industrial Safety. The Chief Guest, Dr.S.Tamilselvan, lucidly explained the future growth of Safety and the demand for Safety Professionals in various fields. He also gave useful tips for the participants regarding the job opportunities in Safety in various sectors. Later a practical session was conducted at the RLINS ground by the HOD of Fire & Industrial Safety to create awareness among the participants on handling of Safety Equipments. At the end of the program an Interactive session was conducted and the Resource Person clarified the queries of the Participants. The feedback from the Students who participated in the program was good and the program ended with the Vote of Thanks.

21st Graduation Day

Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and R L Institute of Management Studies, Madurai organized its 21st Graduation Day Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal, welcomed the gathering. Mr.Kannan Ganesh, Executive Director & Chief Financial Officer, CMA CMG Shared Service Center, (India) Pvt. Ltd. was the Chief Guest. The Chief Guest emphasized that with Self-confidence we can succeed. He further said that it is important to identify one’s skills and build a strong academic foundation.

In his Presidential Address, Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, President of the college said that a Degree Certificate is not just a piece of paper but an educational qualification that gets you respect. He continued by adding that education is a powerful tool that develops a country, eradicates poverty and brings about gender Equality. He also emphasized that learning is a never ending process.

Dr.L.Ramasubbu, Secretary, Mr.R.Ramkumar, Management Executive, Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal, Mrs.Meera Meenakshi Sundram, COE, faculty members and parents participated.

Oviyam and Animation Workshop 2018

Date: 18 & 19 Apr 2018

A career guidance program, “Oviyam & Animation Workshop2018” was organized by the Department of Animation, SLCS and DINAMALAR for the +2 students. The objective of the program was to train the students to get knowledge about  Animation, Drawing and Sculpting concepts and to make them realize their importance in Industries. The Program presided over by Dr. P.Saravanan, Principal, SLCS and was felicitated by Dr.K.Archunan, Vice Principal, SLCS.

It was a two day program (18th & 19th April 2018) which involved the active participation of students in creating  drawings and paintings as performed by the guest artists, namely, Mr. S. Sivabalan, M.F.A., Watercolor Artist and Mr.Ilayaraja, M.F.A., Freelancing Artist, Chennai. Students used the Animation Lab facilities to create their own animation shots as directed and coordinated by Mr. P.Kishore Kumar, Instructor, in 3D Animation techniques.  Mr. N.Naveendra  Kumar, Instructor, explained 2D Animation concepts and Mr. M. Purushothaman, Instructor, gave a demo on VFX techniques (Green matte shots) to the students and parents. Mr. V.Chenthil Kumar, Coordinator of the Animation Department, played a key role in all arrangements.

Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, Animation-HoD gave a great speech on the growth aspects of the Animation Industry and also proposed the vote of thanks. Participation Certificates were distributed to all the students.

The participants greatly benefited from and thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and gave positive feedback about the program. The program was useful in bringing out the creative skills of the participants

Film Feast

Film Feast

      “Film Feast” an award ceremony for creators was conducted by the department of Visual Communication on Feb26,2018. Principal Dr. P.Sarvanan inaugurated the event. Mr. Venky Al, CEO, Radaan Media Networks was the chief Guest for the program. Student’s projects A News Bulletin , Ad films Pradan Manthiri Suraksha BheemaYojana & Save Trees, TV programs Namma Court & Anne Ennathu, Short Films Suzhal, Karam, Chill Out, VeeraVanakkam, , KadavulinThiraikathai and  Neer Thuli, A video album the Broken Wings were screened.

     P.Jayamurugan of M.Sc.I Viscom received the Best Non- Fiction award for his News feature Stem Cells, S.Sruthi of M.Sc. II  Viscom received the BesFiction award for her short film Kadavulin Thiraikathai, M.Preetha of B.Sc. FTVP III year won the Best TV program award for her program Namma Court and N.Mahananthan of B.Sc. FTVP II year won the Special Jury award for his short film Veera Vanakkam. Faculty members and Students of all departments were participated and appreciated the student’s works.

24th Annual Day

The 24th Annual Day of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science & RL Institute of Management Studies was celebrated on 24th February 2018 at the College Auditorium in a grand manner. The Chief Guest of the Function was Mr.Shanmugam, Deputy General Manager, Canara Bank. The welcome address was given by the Mrs.Suganthi Hepzibha, Asst. Professor, English.

Our College President, Dr.R.Lakshmipathy presided over the function and gave an eloquent presidential address about the College growth & Autonomy.

Mr. Abraham Pradeep, Asst. Professor, RLIMS explained the new software, Student Loan Management System developed by Software Team of SLF. The reading of messages from various institutions was given by Dr.K. Navarathinam, Deputy Director (Admission), RLIMS.

       Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal SLCS presented the Annual report of the college for the Academic Year 2017- 18. Dr.S.Pugalanthi, Deputy Director RLIMS presented the annual report of RLIMS for the year 2017-18.

Dr.Rajesh Kumar, HoD – BBA gave an introduction about the chief guest.

The Chief Guest Mr.Shanmugam explained about the Career Opportunities in Banking Sector & advised the students to utilize the wonderful facilities available in SLCS & RLIMS. The Prizes were distributed by the Chief Guest to the students for Proficiency in academics, various competitions and best outgoing students for both Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and RL Institute of Management Studies.

The College Management honored the Teaching and Non teaching faculty members.

         Mrs.V.Padmavathy ,HoD of Commerce & Assistant Coordinator of the Annual Day delivered vote of thanks.

சுடுமண்‌ சிற்பம்‌ செதுக்கும்‌ பயிற்சிப்பட்டறை

சுப்புலெட்சுமி லெட்சுபதி அறிவியல்‌ கல்லூரியில்‌ அனிமேஷன்துறை சார்பாக19.02.2018 திங்கட்கிழமை தொடங்கி இரண்டு நாட்களுக்கு களிமண்ணில்‌ சுடுமண்‌சிற்பம்‌ செதுக்கும்‌ பயிற்சிப்பட்டறை நடைபெற்று வருகிறது. துவக்க விழாவில்‌துறைத்தலைவர்‌ திரு.P.திருநாவுக்கரசு வரவேற்புரை நல்கினார்‌. கல்லூரிதுணைமுதல்வர்‌ திரு.அர்ச்சுனன்‌ அவர்கள்‌ தலைமையுரை ஆற்றினார்‌.சிற்பத்துறை வல்லுநர்கள்‌ திரு.S.திஷாந்த்‌, திரு.M.செல்வம்‌, மற்றும்‌ திரு.P .ராமராஜன்‌ ஆகியோர்‌ சிறப்பு விருந்தினர்களாக கலந்து கொண்டூ அனிமேஷன்‌துறை மாணவர்களுக்கு பயிற்சி அளித்தனர்‌. அனிமேஷன்‌ துறை பேராசிரியர்‌திரு.V.செந்தில்குமார்‌ நன்றியுரையாற்றினார்‌.

Young Chef Conclave

The Department of Hotel Management and Catering Science of AJK  college of arts and science , Coimbatore has conducted two days seminar , workshop and interaction sessions (16.02.2018 & 17.02.2018) on the title of Young Chef Conclave (Connecting Young Future Chefs Season II) 7 students from our college has participated in the program.

Creative Zone

Creative Zone

  “Creative Zone” a State Level Inter Collegiate Creative Competition was conducted by the Department of Visual Communication on Feb16, 2018. Nearly 160 students from twenty colleges have been participated in various parts of Tamilnadu. Principal Dr. P.Sarvanan inaugurated the event. Short film, Photography, Creative Writing, Radio Jockey, Art and Graphic Design competitions were conducted. The cash prizes were awarded for each competition. AVC College, Mayiladuthurai won the overall championship