Training in Quality Cooking Skills and Techniques

The department of Marine Catering and hotel Management has organized Training in Quality Cooking and Techniques for the staff working in the canteen and Mess staff on 02.09.2017. The most important hard skill chefs need is an ability to cook, as well as knowledge of the kitchen. This broad skill includes a variety of smaller skills, including knife skills and tasting skills. Chefs need to be able to cook precisely and efficiently

CHEFTASTIC – Cookery Competition

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized an Inter – department cooking competition “ CHEFTASTIC” on 31.8.2017 at 9.30 a.m. The students of various departments have registered their names to the Programme Co-ordinator Mr. Anand, Asst Professor, 13 teams were registered. On the day of cooking competition, our Principal inaugurated the competition followed by that, our Head of the Department have welcome the team members and explained the rules and regulations of the cookery competition. The programme started enthusiastically, and the team were displayed very attractively with menu card. We invited Chef. K. Suresh, Hotel Fortune Pandian, Madurai as a chief guest and he judged the dishes prepared by the team members based on certain criteria and score have been given and the participants were provided with participant’s certificates and the winners were awarded with certificates and prizes.

I st prize:  Monisha.P.S and Bhuvaneshwari Meena .K , III Animation

IInd prize: Manimekalai.N and Vani Jayashree.K ,  I MBA.

Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Karan Singhaal, III year student.

Students Achievement in “Cheftastic”

On 31st August 2017, cheftastic (intercollegiate competition) conducted by the Department of Maritime Hospitality Studies in our college. Mr. Suresh Kumar (Executive chef of Fortune Pandian Hotel, Madurai, Chief Guest of the Competition also Judge of the Contest. Totally 13 teams from various Departments of our college participated in this contest. From our Animation department two teams were participated.

P.S.Monisha, N.K.Buvaneshwari Meena of III Animation participated as a team and Prepared Fish Curry, Uppu Kari, Kerala Aviyal and Erissery.M.Dharane, R.M.Pavurna of III Animation participated and prepared chicken Briyani, fish fry with mint juice& Green chutney.P.S. Monisha and N.K.Buvaneshwari Meena won the Competition.

Viva-Voce Examination

As part of academic enhancement, Final year B.Com students are presented their Internship training report through point presentation in seminar Hall, the panel members are Mrs. V.Padmavathy, HOD, Mrs.S.Gurupriya and Ms.B.Shanmugapriya,

Principal and Vice-Principal also encouraged the students.

Parents Teacher Meeting – 2017-18

Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized Parent Teacher Meeting on August 26, 2017 for all the departments. Parents of all students were informed about the PTA meeting in advance.

All the parents attended the meeting. During this session the parents were informed about their child’s performance, behavior and other academic related issues.

This meeting made a platform between the parents and the faculty. It gave an opportunity to the parents to know about their child’s attitudes, behaviour and performance in the college.

Many parents appreciated the college for taking steps for caring the students by conducting this type of meeting and they requested to do this atleast twice in a semester. Principal Dr.P.Saravanan and Vice Principal Mr.K.Archunan supervised the meeting.

Training in Flower Arrangement

The department of Marine Catering and hotel Management has organized Training in Flower Arrangement for the staff working in the canteen and Mess staff on 26.08.2017. We have given training to the workers cutting fresh, fragrant blooms from the garden and using them to make colorful displays for photo shoots, videos or events. We have shared lots of information and many of my tips in my magazines and books.

Career counseling – UG

Department of Visual communication conducted a Career counseling session on 24/08/2017, for the 2nd & 3rd year B.Sc Viscom.

Mr. M. Raghukalidasan is the mentor of 3rd year Viscom students. He counseled the 3rd year students about career opportunities in current media industry.

Totally 19 students participated in the event. The staff who took the workshop were immensely experienced and professional. The interactions made sure that there was no low point in the session. It gave everyone a clear perspective for the long run. All the factors affecting the choice of the students were addressed and the myths and superstitions regarding the choices were removed to a large extent. They showed presentations and various forms which were and organized and broken down into particular streams. It was very informative and interactive and even quite fun. They quite well managed to persuade the parents to attend their sessions being conducted separately too.

Isha Yoga Centre – RALLY FOR RIVERS.

On 24 August 2017, 10 Students from Animation Department had participated in the Drawing and Verse writing competition organized by Madurai Isha Yoga Centre with the guidance of faculties Mr. N.Naveendra Kumar (Instructor, Dept of Animation), Mrs. N.Selvi (Asst.Prof ,Dept of Tamil). Mr.S.V.Sekar (Director and Actor) chief guest inaugurated the function and the theme of the competition is RALLY FOR RIVERS. The students S.Nagaraja Dharsan, S.Keerthiga, R.Thilaga Meena, E.Veera ganapathi, J.Pavithra, N.K.Buvaneshwari Meena, P.S.Monisha from 3rd Animation and T.Sudharsana Raja, A.Gowri Shankar and M.Selva Meena from 2nd Animation had participated in these competitions. S.Nagaraja Dharsan from 3rd Animation won the 2nd prize, cash reward of Rs.5000 in the drawing competition

Scope on career opportunities in Hospitality Sector – Guest Lecture

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized a Guest Lecture Program on 24.8.2017  at 2.30 p.m. We invited the Guest speaker Mr. P.K. Venkatesh Rao , General Manager and Key Note Address given by Mr. A. Nagarajan, Assistant Manager, Hotel Sangam, Madurai. Our Principal, inaugurated the program, followed by Welcome address and introduction of Guest was given by Mr. C.Sureshkumar, Head of the Department. The Guest speaker was addressing the I,II & III year students of MCHM on the topic “ Scope on career opportunities in Hospitality Sector”. This program was precious, and to provide the platform to the students to participate in various professional and extracurricular activities and provides many opportunities for work experience and job placement in the surrounding area. The students when they complete graduation, they will find excellent employment opportunities in their profession. Graduates in this specific field can find work as a restaurant manager, hotel manager, catering director, food and beverage director, food service manager in a college, university, or corporate setting, manager in a motel & Facility Management, healthcare hospitality food service director, school food service director, club manager, meeting planner, manager in senior nutrition programs, stadiums or amusement parks, or as a food and beverage controller. Obtaining experience in this industry helps to create a competitive advantage in more rapid advancement.


The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized Association cell on 24.8.2017 consists of Event Management, Food Production Association, Food and Beverage Service Association, Bakery Association and Housekeeping & Front office Association. The Association members of the students from II & III year were nominated by the Staff members based on criteria such as Area of specialization, attitude, discipline, work performance, sportiveness, and punctuality, regular to class. They were honoured by providing batches.

Our department has planned to select the students nominees to elect for Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasure. This selection is purely based on the discipline, good in studies (rank holders), and regular performance in the class. The staff members selected 3 best students for Chairman from III year, 3 students for Vice Chairman from II year, 3 students for Secretary and 3 best students for Joint Secretary from II year and 3 students for Treasure from II year. The students from I, II & III year (totally around 155 students) place the vote. The staff members count the numbers of vote placed by the students of I, II and III year. Finally, the students have elected the Chairman Mr. Prasanna Bashyam, III year, Vice Chairman Mr. Karan Singhaal II year, Secretary Mr. Mohammed Fazil  III year, Joint Secretary Mr. Karthick-.II year , Treasure Mr. Thirumal Raj , II year.