On behalf of Department of CS & IT Career Guidance programme have been organized on 06.08.2018 for III B.Sc CS and III B.Sc IT students at Communication Lab. The session was started with the welcome address by L.Dhanabal, III B.SC IT and presidential address was given by our Vice Principal Dr.K.Archunan. Then our Coordinator delivered felicitation & introductory address about the resource person.

The resource person of this session Mr. M.Lingeswaran, Associate Software Consultant Developer, AMTEX SYSTEMS, Chennai shared his own industry experience and the various job opportunities in IT industry. Also he encouraged the students to choose any particular domain to shine in their career. Finally the session came to an end with vote of thanks by G.Monica Priyadharshini, III B.Sc


On behalf of Department of CS & IT Career Guidance programme have been organized on 06.08.2018 for III B.Sc CS and III B.Sc IT students at Communication Lab. The session was started with the welcome address by L.Dhanabal, III B.SC IT and presidential address was given by our Vice Principal Dr.K.Archunan. Then our Coordinator delivered felicitation & introductory address about the resource person.

The resource person of this session Mr. M.Lingeswaran, Associate Software Consultant Developer, AMTEX SYSTEMS, Chennai shared his own industry experience and the various job opportunities in IT industry. Also he encouraged the students to choose any particular domain to shine in their career. Finally the session came to an end with vote of thanks by G.Monica Priyadharshini, III B.Sc CS.


The one day training workshop on “Laravel Framework, Mongo DB & NodeJS” took place on 06.08.2018 for II B.Sc CS (SSS), III B.Sc CS and III B.Sc IT students. The resource person of this session Mr. Lingeswaran, Associate Software Consultant Developer, AMTEX SYSTEMS, Chennai, had given strong knowledge in web programming domain.

Also he trained the students with practical session by giving individual projects in Laravel Framework. Through this practical session students came to know the importance of web designing and they got the knowledge of how to design a web page in Laravel framework with database connectivity. The session came to an end with the various job opportunities in web designing. Totally 26 students got benefited through this program.


Department of Computer science and Information technology conducted TechTalk event on 3, August 2018 at MBA Seminar Hall. The TechTalk event was started with a devotional prayer song. T.Kaleeswaran of III B.Sc IT had delivered the welcome speech. K.J.Venkatesh of III B.Sc IT & C.Sowmiya of II B.Sc CS(SSS) had compered for the entire section. And the session continued with the power point presentation by the students, S.Sankara Narayanan and J.Sriram about  “Holo lens”, C.Shanmuga Priya and P.Archana about “Chat bot” and then R.Srivajan and R.Joan Joseph Rexith on “Optogenetics”. The session came to an end with the vote of thanks delivered by N.Vignesh of  II B.Sc CS(SSS).


On 03.08.2018 alumni, Mrs.V.Jeyaletchumi (Batch: 2007 – 2010) interacted with CS & IT students. She shared her experience as a student and faculty in SLCS. She explained about the resource availability and utilization for the student community. She also motivated the students to do many projects and to concentrate much on studies for better living.

Mrs.V.Jeyaletchumi enlightens the students about the opportunities for security systems and its scope in industries and other sectors. The session was good career guidance for the students.


Department of Computer Science and Information Technology conducts Peer Teaching for students. In this method , senior student instructs their junior student in academics. Priety Leka M , II B.Sc CS(SSS) mentee of Mrs.Nirmala Devi S  had given her peer teaching  on 2, August 2018 at I B.Sc CS(SSS) class room(S4) . And the session was continued with the board presentation in the topic of Interrupt in Comp Organizations to I year B.Sc (SSS) students. The session came to an end with query section.

SICA- Carving Workshop

Four students of Third year MC & HM were participated in South India Chef’s Association organized two days (30.07.2018 & 31.07.2018) Carving Workshops in SNR College Campus. The event includes knowledge sharing session about carving, fruit & vegetable carving demonstration, techniques of plate presentation. and carving exhibition. They received Participation Certificate finally.

Following students are participated:

  1. N.Sarandass
  2. T.G.Balaji
  3. Shubham koli
  4. R.Ashok Kumar


On 30/07/18, Department Of Networking has organized “ROUTER CONFIGURATION”.  Students from both second and third year networking have participated in Router Configuration program. The welcome speech address was delivered by A. Sabari Pandian III B.SC Networking. The Inauguration address given by Mr.M.Athigopal,Head of the Department and Felicitation Address given by Dr. K. Archunan, Vice Principal.

  Students from both second and third year Participated in two day Router Configuration workshop program, At last, the session end up with vote of thanks delivered by S. Lakshmi Priya, II B.SC Networking. The session has finally ended by the National Anthem.


On 28/07/18, Department Of Networking has organized “TECH-TALK 2018”.  Students from both second and third year networking have participated in Tech-Talk  2K18 program. The welcome speech address was delivered by S. Samaya Manthra II B.SC Networking. The Inauguration address given by Dr. K. Archunan Vice-Principal and Felicitation Address given by Mr. M. Athigopal Head of the Department.

Students from both second and third year presented the papers titled as INTERNET PROTOCOL HACK KEY, WHAT IS YOUR VALUE, TYPES OF WEB, and MUTI WAN.

The vote of thanks was delivered by S. Janani Swetha, II B.SC Networking. The session has finally ended by the National Anthem.


On behalf of Department of CS & IT an ICE BREAKING SESSION was organized to welcome the freshers on 27th July 2018. The presidential address was delivered by our Vice Principal Dr.K.Archunan followed by our Coordinator Mrs.N.Anuradha delivered the felicitation address. G.Divya Bharathi & K.K. Rajasree of III B.Sc CS had given awareness about online certification websites through their PPT. Then the session was continued with the games conducted by II year & III year students to I years. Few students exhibited their talents like playing keyboards, singing songs and mimicry. At the end of the session seniors had given a gift to their juniors as a token of memory.