Alumni Interaction

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management  alumni student  Mr.Vivek (2014-2017 batch ) interact our department final year  students and  he share his experience to the students in the title of current scope of shipping industry and discus about following points:

  1. Duties and responsibility of general steward
  2. Documents are required to join in ship
  3. Sign in / sign off procedure
  4. Safety drill practices
  5. Discus about contract period

Campus Recruitment Drive

Department of Animation organised the Campus Recruitment Drive for the final year students (Batch 2016-19) on 17.09.2018, company 2AD Pro, Chennai conducted the Interview for them. Totally 26 Students participated and 21were selected. Mr.Nirmal, HR & Mr.Ramesh Dhanasekaran, Senior Manager from the company selected the students.

Career Guidance Program

Department of Animation organised the Career Guidance Program for the final year students (Batch 2016-19) on 17.09.2018. Mr.Nirmal, HR & Mr.Ramesh Dhanasekaran, Senior Manager from the 2Ad Pro company (MNC – 2D based Company), Chennai Conducted the program. They shared about the Opportunities in the field, recruiting procedures, Training Methodologies, Mode of working and difference in the pay for the trainees & employees. Stress relaxation and Brain training games were conducted for the students. Students enjoyed the session and actively participated.

Alumni Interaction

On 15.09.2018, alumni, Ms.M.Suruthi Lakshmi (Batch: 2014 – 2017) working as Software Developer, Tata Consultancy Service interacted with I B.Sc CS (SSS) students by sharing her work experience. She explained about the resources and infrastructure available in our college and advised the students to utilize them effectively. She also advised the students to concentrate on programming by doing many projects in Java & .NET.

Ms.M.Suruthi Lakshmi motivated the students to participate in competitions conducted by various colleges to gain self confidence and also she shared her work experience in TCS. The session gave career guidance for the students.


On 15.09.2018, alumni, Ms.M.Suruthi Lakshmi (Batch: 2014 – 2017) working as Software Developer, Tata Consultancy Service interacted with I B.Sc CS (SSS) students by sharing her work experience. She explained about the resources and infrastructure available in our college and advised the students to utilize them effectively. She also advised the students to concentrate on programming by doing many projects in Java & .NET.

Ms.M.Suruthi Lakshmi motivated the students to participate in competitions conducted by various colleges to gain self confidence and also she shared her work experience in TCS. The session gave career guidance for the students.


Our alumni Mr.S.K.Sathish Kumar (2011-14 Batch), Concept Artist, Technicolor, Bangalore conducted a Workshop on “Career Guidance – Current Updates and Openings in the Industry” for our I, II and III Animation students on 14th September 2018.Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Instructor, Dept. of Animation, introduced the guest to the students. Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Mr.N.Naveendra Kumar, Mr.M.Purushothaman has done the needed arrangements. He spoke about the current situation & Opportunities in the Industry and conducted classes in Digital Painting & Concept Art in detail. Also he shared his Working experiences with the students.

Student Entrepreneurs – Success Story 1

A group of self – motivated and vibrant students from II BBA involved themselves in entrepreneurial activities by learning the methodology of extracting honey. They had formally attended a training program on extraction of honey, which enabled them to start a business on their own. The students were thankful to the department for incubating the idea of entrepreneurship and its benefits. They are all transformed today as proud job providers rather than job seekers.

2D Animation Workshop

Department of Animation organised two days workshop on 2D Animation for I, II and III year Animation Students. Industrial Expert, Mr.C.Alagappa, 2D Animator, Chu Chu TV, Chennai was the Guest Lecturer. Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Instructor delivered Welcome Address. Dr.K.Archunan, Vice Principal delivered Presidential Address and Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, Head of the Department, Introduced the Guest Lecturer & spoke about the importance of Workshop. Guest Lecturer  Mr.C.Alagappa, spoke about the opportunities in the industry and shared his industrial experiences. He taught students about Basic Perspective concepts, Back Ground designing, Character Turn around & Animation in Animate CC and also clarified the students doubts. Mr.Priya Dharshan, III-B.Sc Animation, delivered the Vote of thanks. Department Faculties Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar – Coordinator, Mr.N.Naveendra Kumar – Instructor, Mr.M.Purushothaman – Instructor, Mr.P.Kishore Kumar – Instructor played a key role in conducting workshop.

Parents Teachers Meeting

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have conduct parents teacher meeting to our department students on 08.09.2018 , The professors has explained to the parents about their progress report ,attendance , and behavior of the student in the class hours  and their extracurricular activities.

The parents also suggest increasing the student’s skill through remedial class and practical hour’s .and the parent are given their feedback in the feedback form.


Nutrition week is being celebrated globally and in India since the year 1982 in order to alleviate malnutrition and deficiency disorders among the citizens through generating awareness. In this regard, during the first week of September (1 to 7) the Department of Food Science and Processing Management developed and displayed a poster with the caption of ‘Pick Right, Feel Bright’ to create an awareness among the students regarding the importance of diet choices. The students of the department also wore a tag stating the theme of the week. This was done with the dual aim of generating the spirit of the week as well as to enlighten their peer group regarding the cause and theme of the occasion.

The department of food Science and Processing Management developed a nutrition awareness poster showing easy tips for including all essential nutrients in the daily diet and regarding good and bad forms of fat and the need to choose wisely between the different forms of fat. The students offered the pamphlet to honorable President of the college. The pamphlets along with nutritious gifts, were distributed to all the faculty members of the various departments of the college.