On behalf of Department of CS & IT Career Guidance programme have been organized on 03.10.2018 for II B.Sc CS(SSS), III B.Sc CS and III B.Sc IT students at Seminar Hall. The resource person of this session Mr.Nagakumar, Managing Director, Metro Labs, Hyderabad shared his own industry experience and the various job opportunities in IT industry.

 Mr.Nagakumar encouraged students to have a creative idea to excel in IT industry. He shared the importance of Python in the development of Web application and cloud based applications. Also he shared the job opportunities available in IT industry in the domain of Python. The session was an eye opening to the students those who waiting for placement.


ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a One day workshop on “Export Documentation”. Mr.G.Rajamurthy, Director, Global School of Foreign Trade was invited as the resource person. Ms.M.Rohini, II BBA delivered the welcome address. The resource person highlighted the various documentation procedures regarding exporting. The ease of documentation was also explained. Dr.K.Rajesh Kumar, HOD – BBA delivered the vote of thanks. The program was successfully organized by the student office bearers of ZEAL, BBA Association. Totally 58 students got benefited through this program.


As a part of the nutrition week celebrations, the students of I B.Sc, Food Science and Processing Management, performed short skit presentations on different topics related to health and disease of women and children. Programs were presented in the local language centered on the role of nutrients namely calcium and iron in the diet and the importance of breast feeding. The topics were chosen based on the current scenario of poor calcium and iron status among women and young children and the need to create awareness on the importance of breast feeding in the society. The presentations were lively and informative emphasizing on the role of nutrients, their requirements and deficiency disorders. The third skit highlighted the importance of feeding colostrum to new born infants and the benefits of mother’s milk over bottle feed.


The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized a seminar on world tourism and its digital transformation conducted on 27/09/2018 in the seminar Hall.

The outcomes of this seminar is a unique opportunity to raise awareness among the students on the potential contribution of digital technologies to sustainable tourism developments while providing a platform for investment , partnership towards a more responsibility and inclusive tourism technologies.


The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management students has participated in swatcch bharath awareness rally is held on 27.09.2018 for World Tourism Day- 2018 organized by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation (Madurai chamber) . More than 40       MC&HM  students took part in this programme. Carrying placard and banners, and the participants distributed pamphlets to passers by Swatcch Bharath mission initiatives

IoT Workshop

The two days training workshop on “IoT” took place on 20.09.2018 & 21.09.2018 for II B.Sc CS (SSS), III B.Sc CS and III B.Sc IT students. The resource person of this session Mr.S.N.S.Gopalan, CEO, Syndicate Incorp, Madurai had given strong knowledge in IoT domain.

Resource person trained the students with practical session by giving individual projects in IoT. As an outcome of this workshop students have been divided into groups and they have been assigned with a real time IoT project. The session came to an end with the various job opportunities in IoT.


Totally 25 students got benefited through this program.


On behalf of Department of CS & IT Career Guidance programme have been organized on 20.09.2018 for III B.Sc CS and III B.Sc IT students at Communication Lab. The resource person of this session Mr.S.N.S.Gopalan, CEO, Syndicate Incorp, Madurai shared his own industry experience and the various job opportunities in IoT.

Mr.S.N.S.Gopalan shared his own company job openings and projects which he currently doing. Also he shared the job opportunities available in IT industry in the domain of  IoT. At the end he assured that he will provide internship training for the final year students in his company.

Alumni Interaction

On 20.09.2018, alumni, Mr.K.G.Harshan, CEO, (Batch: 2012 – 2015) interacted with I B.Sc CS (Security System Specialization) students by sharing his work experience. He shared about the resources and infrastructure available in our college and advised the students to utilize them effectively.

Mr.Harshan motivated the students to participate in competitions conducted by various colleges to gain self confidence and also he shared his own company started experience. The session gave career guidance for the students.


On behalf of Department of CS & IT Career Guidance programme have been organized on 20.09.2018 for III B.Sc CS and III B.Sc IT students at Communication Lab. The resource person of this session Mr.S.N.S.Gopalan, CEO, Syndicate Incorp, Madurai shared his own industry experience and the various job opportunities in IoT.

 Mr.S.N.S.Gopalan shared his own company job openings and projects which he currently doing. Also he shared the job opportunities available in IT industry in the domain of  IoT. At the end he assured that he will provide internship training for the final year students in his company.

Fusion cuisine

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized one day skill development program on fusion cuisine to the final year students.

Our department head Mr.C.Sureshkumar take a session in successful manner and deliver his knowledge in the title of modern technique and etiquette of fusion cuisine.