Leadership Training Program

he department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management students are participated in the Leadership Training Program on 03.09.208 & 04.09.2018 the program was organized by the memory of the late M.T Pai, arranged by M.R.Pai Foundation, Mumbai, at Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College, Madurai.

The following Points were discussed:

  • Setting & Achieving goals
  • Sharpening vital skills
  • The power of habits
  • Effective communication
  • Coming together – A beginning
  • Understanding self & others

9 students participated and they have gained the knowledge about the leadership quality.

Leadership Training Camp

The department of marine catering and hotel management students are participated in the seminar on 03.09.208 & 04.09.2018 the program was organized by the memory of the late M.T Pai, arranged by M.R.Pai Foundation, Mumbai, at SubbalakshmiLakshmipathy College, Madurai.

Department there are 9 students are participated and they have gained the knowledge about the leadership quality.

Points were discussed:

Setting & Achieving goals
Sharpening vital skills
The power of habits
Effective communication
Coming together – A beginning
Understanding self & others


On 02.09.2018, As part of teacher’s day celebration Peer teaching was conducted by the Department of Commerce. II & III year students engaged the classes for their junior students, i.e. II  year B.Com students handled classes to I year B.Com students.

ODC at Marriott

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has sent 12 students for the outdoor catering (ODC) in Marriott hotel Madurai.  There are 12 students are participated in this program

In view of this we have sent the students in two batches as per the hotel requirements 21.08.2018 to 31.08.2018 and 01.09.2018 to 02.09.2018.  And they getting the knowledge in the aspect of outlet operation procedures mise en place work and many industry modern techniques

Rendering a helping hand to flood victims in Kerala

Students from the Department of BBA proved that they would definitely become ethically and socially responsible citizens of future India by engaging themselves in a noble gesture of rendering a helping hand to the flood victims of Kerala. They donated dress materials and food to the flood victims by joining hands with Radio City on 25.08.2018.

Journalism – Guest Lecture

Department of Visual communication conducted a guest lecture titled  “Organizational Structure of Press” on 24/8/18, for Ist year B.Sc Viscom. Ms Dhivya Barathi from Dinamalar gave a lecture about all the aspects of news gathering and hierarchical structure of a news organization.

Peer teaching on “Business Plan”

Mr.S.Makeshwar (17018), student of II year BBA involved himself in peer teaching on the topic of “Business Plan” on 24.08.2018. He educated students in the benefits of entrepreneurship and the strategies to be adopted in starting a profitable business. Students were also taught on the risks involved in businesses and the ways of tackling them. Students had a different experience of listening to their peer.


Mr.P.Makeshwar, student of II year BBA involved himself in peer teaching on the topic of “Business Plan” on 24.08.2018. He educated students in the benefits of entrepreneurship and the strategies to be adopted in starting a profitable business. Students were also taught on the risks involved in businesses and the ways of tackling them. Students had a different experience of listening to their peer. Totally 58 students got benefited through this program.

Audio Recording Workshop

The 2nd B.Sc Visual communication students attended a audio recording workshop on 22/08/2018 conducted by Mr.Lawrence, Chief Sound Engineer, Radio City, Chennai.

The students learned the aspects of sound engineering and sound mixing. The workshop was very useful and productive for the students

One day Work-shop on GST

As part of academic enhancement, First and second year students were participated in one day work shop on GST, in The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for women, Sivakasi, , in that 2 students were participated in debate on GST, 6 students were participated in Skit on GST and 3 students were presented their paper on impact of GST, totally 11 students were participated and get their participation certificate.