MoU with Export Promotion Centre

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai signed an MoU with Export Promotion Centre, Madurai on 25.11.2019. It is an apex body of the Tamil Nadu Chamber Foundation. The MoU will help the students in the areas of internships and placements. Resource persons from Export Promotion Centre may also be called for delivering guest lectures and seminars. This is an important milestone in the history of the Department of BBA. The MoU was signed between the Principal of the college and the Chairman of Export Promotion Centre in the presence of the students.

Diploma in Banking and Finance

Diploma in Banking and Finance (DBF) Examination conducted by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING AND FINANCE (IIBF) is a desirable qualification along with other prescribed entry level qualifications for recruitment in the officer cadre. As part of their curriculum, the  Students of III B.Com B&I are prepared to appear for this examination every year. This year our students appeared for the examination in Trichy Engineering College, Konali, Trichy. The examination was held for three days 13.11.2019, 17.11.2019 and 24.11.2019. On all exam days the students commuted from Madurai to Trichy in our College Bus. Students and Parents felt happy and thanked the Management for their support. We are very happy to inform that Mr.Alfred Wesley Pinku of III B.Com has cleared all the papers successfully. It is also heartening to note that Many of our students were able to clear one or two papers.

Best Practices

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a Tree Plantation Programme by our students at the college campus on 23.11.19.  Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, HoD, the faculty members and students actively participated in the event.

Varies Types of tree saplings such as Mango ,coconut trees, Neem, Guava, Bamboo, Banyan, Velvelam, were planted and watered by the students. The Tree plantation programme was a great success with the staff and Management appreciating the endeavor.

Value Added Course

Value Added Course on “Cyber Security (Ethical Hacking)”   was conducted for the III B.Sc CS students from 11.11.2019 to 23.11.2019. Mr. S.Vivek,   Mr.G.Dinesh and   Mr.Arun Kumar from Ozone Cyber Security, Trichy trained the students on Cyber Security Concepts. The students worked with the Hacking tools and performed System Hacking, Web Server Hacking, SQL Injection in an ethical way. The students benefitted with the hands-on session given by the trainers. Based on the performance of the students in the assignments allotted during the training program, two students got job Opportunities at Ozone Cyber Security, Trichy.

Exposure Visit to Parle G

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Exposure Visit to Parle G, Madurai on 23.11.2019. The processes involved right from the procurement of raw materials to the production of biscuits were explained in detail. The supply chain management involved in taking the biscuits to the retail shops was also clarified. The students had a great learning experience.


The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on HTML 5 for the I year students of CS from 11.11.2019 to 22.11.2019

Mr.N.Shaliya , COE, Zerame Solutions, Chennai was the trainer. The students were trained with CSS and Javascript.  Through this course the students were able to create their own websites using HTML 5 and Java Script. They were also trained to appear for Microsoft International Certification in HTML5.

TechTalk Event

A TechTalk session was conducted on 22 November 2019 by the Department of Computer Science(SSS) for the students of II B.Sc CS(SSS). Ms. R. Abinaya presented a paper on “IOT”. Mr. P. Nirmal Raj gave a presentation on “Augmented Reality” and Ms. S. Shruthikaa spoke about “Augmented Reality” with Power Point presentation.

Career Guidance

The Department of CS & the Department of Networking jointly organized a Career Guidance programme on 21.11.2019 for the II year students at the Seminar Hall. Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Dept. of CS introduced the Chief Guest, Mr.Wilber Saloman, IT Dept, Dinamalar. He addressed students on the topic “How to create a Resume based on Job Description?”.

The Chief Guest urged students to prepare their resumes based on the Job Description given in Online Job Portals such as Naukri , TimeJobs, Monster etc. He advised the students to upload their resumes in Online Job Portals as they may receive telephone calls from the Job Portals. This will help the students to get an idea as to, “How to face an interview?”.  It may also help the students get internship training and placement opportunities.


The Department of Networking organized a Career Guidance programme on 21.11.2019 for the II year students at the Seminar Hall. Mr.M.Athigopal, HoD, Dept. of Networking introduced the Chief Guest, Mr.Wilber Saloman, IT Dept, Dinamalar. He addressed students on the topic “How to create a Resume based on Job Description?

The Chief Guest urged students to prepare their resumes based on the Job Description given in Online Job Portals such as Naukri, TimeJobs, and Monster etc. He advised the students to upload their resumes in Online Job Portals as they may receive telephone calls from the Job Portals. This will help the students to get an idea as to, “How to face an interview?” It may also help the students get internship training and placement opportunities. Totally 29 students get benefited by this program.

Alumnus Interaction

An Alumnus of MC&HM Mr. Patil Sanket Shivaji (2014-2017 batch) had an interaction with our students on 20.11.2019. He shared his experience in the Shipping and Hotel industry. He delivered the duties and responsibilities of a General Steward and the Documents required for joining the Shipping Company. He also spoke of the Safety Drill practices followed in ships.