Extension activity at SACC, Madurai

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Extension Activity at SACC Psychiatric & De-addiction Treatment Centre, Madurai on 29.02.2020. Dr.K.Rajesh Kumar, HoD of BBA was the resource person. He motivated the inmates and boosted their confidence in a positive way. The importance of family and social relationships were explained in detail. Some real life examples of successful personalities with personal disabilities were shown to the inmates and their life history were explained.

Placement drive

CMA CGM World’s fourth largest shipping Company conducted a Campus Placement drive for the third year students of Commerce Department in our college campus on 28.02.2020. The recruitment process consisted of Aptitude Test, Typing Test and Personal interview. Around 17 students participated in the recruitment and performed well, among whom 6 students were selected.

Hands on Training on Cardio Vascular Disease, Diabetes mellitus and Renal Diet

A Hands on Training Programme on Cardio Vascular Disease, Diabetes Mellitus and Renal Diet was organized by the Department of Food Science and Processing Management, SLCS, Madurai on 25.02.2020.  Mrs. V. Suganya Senior Clinical Dietitian & Head of the Dietetics Department, Apollo Speciality Hospital, Madurai, was invited as the technical expert

The Programme was inaugurated by Dr. R.Durgadevi (Assistant Professor & Head in Charge) who gave a brief introduction of the programme. The Training was attended by all the I B.Sc and II B.Sc students of FS & PM. Mrs.V.Suganya started the training with a presentation on cardiovascular diet followed by Diabetic Diet and Renal Diet. A discussion was held between the students and the expert.

The students were divided into four groups. Each group planned a Day’s diet and prepared selected recipes for specific conditions. These were discussed with the expert who also clarified the student’s queries. The outcome of the workshop was that the students had a positive interaction among themselves.

Industrial Visit/Tour

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an Industrial Visit /Tour for the second year students on 25.02.2020. The students visited Cumbum Valley Winery Factory, Theni. This Industrial visit enhanced the technical and practical skills of the students. The students were taken to all the different sections of production of wine in step by step process.


On 25th Feb 2020, the following aspects were addressed during the session;

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine
  • E-government offers new opportunities for more direct and convenient citizen access to the Government and for Government provision of services directly to citizens.
  • Social media security is the process of analyzing dynamic social media data in order to protect against security and business threats. Every industry faces a unique set of risks in the  social media, many of which have put organizations in the Press or at the center of controversy.
  • The Information Technology Act2000 provides legal recognition to the transaction done via electronic exchange of data and other electronic means of communication or electronic commerce transactions
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On 25th February, Mr.S.Harevalagan, an alumnus of the department, shared his experience on the scope in IT and Networking Industry with the 2nd year students. 29 students got benefited.

He discussed the following topics as per the needs of the industry:

  1. Cloud Computing Infrastructure
  2. Wireless Devices Configuration Method
  3. Designation Responsibilities  
  4. Importance of  International  Certification


SLCS celebrated its 26th Annual Day on 24.02.2020. IQAC Administrator Dr.R.Parthiban welcomed the gathering. The President of the College Dr.R.Lakshmipathy delivered the presidential address. He emphasized that maintaining quality is paramount in life and providing quality education not only makes students employable but also helps to lead a better life. The Principal In-charge Dr.R.Sujatha read out the College Annual Report and also introduced the Chief Guest Mr.T.V.Nagaraju, Executive Director, Sanmar Matrix Metals Limited, Viralimalai, Trichirapalli.  The HoD of R.L.Institute of Management Studies, Dr. S.Pugalenthi read out their Annual Report.The Chief Guest Mr.T.V.Nagaraju delivered the Chief Guest Address wherein he stressed that passion is a must to do any work. He also appreciated the College for offering unique employability programs since 1994 and insisted that the college departments are actually Skill Development Departments.  Shri.R.Ramkumar Management Executive, Dr.L.Ramsubbu Secretary and Dr.R.L.Ramnath Advisor NAAC were also present on the dias. The Chief Guest along with the dignitaries distributed Awards and Certificate to the Students. Faculty members were honored for their immense contribution in Academics and for their contribution towards NAAC. The HoD of BBA Dr.B.Rajeshkumar proposed the vote of thanks., Dr.S.Priya Dean Academics, Dr.G.R.Balakrishan Advisor SLF, Dr.Shanmugam Former Principal, Heads of the departments, faculty members and students participated and made this a grand one.

Parents Teacher Meeting

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized the Parent Teacher Meet on 22.2.2020 at 9.00 a.m. for the students of first and second year, in allotted class rooms.  Parents met the class teachers and the teachers explained their wards internal & semester examination marks, levels of participation, behavior in class, and their views on the respective students. The department teachers also detailed the initiatives taken for the weak students, such as, remedial class, assignment work, and counseling so as to enable them to score more marks.


It was a proud moment for Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science to celebrate its 26th Annual Day. As a part of the Annual Day the College celebrated Achievers Day on 21.02.2020. Assistant Professor of Computer Science Mrs.K.P.Maheswari welcomed the gathering. The Principal In-charge Dr.R.Sujatha delivered the presidential address. The NAAC Advisor Dr.R.L.Ramnath introduced the Chief Guest. The Dean, Academics Dr.S.Priya was also present in the function. Advisor of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy Foundation Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan delivered the Chief Guest address. In his address he stressed that Education helps us to develop manifolds in our career. He also urged the students to have an ambition and to work hard towards that ambition with passion in order to achieve it. The students were awarded for Academic Proficiency, Academic Achiever and 100% Attendance. A grand cultural event was organized, wherein students exhibited their talent in Dance, skit and Light Music. All the dignitaries distributed the prizes. Assistant Professor of Commerce Dr.S.Gurupriya proposed the vote of thanks. The Achievers Day wound up with the National Anthem.

Career counseling – PG

Mr. Thirumalaisamy, Mentor of 2nd M.Sc Viscom encouraged the students to choose the field of Journalism and press media. Students actively participated in the programme. The staff who took the workshop were immensely experienced and professional. The interactions made sure that there was no low point in the session. It gave everyone a clear perspective for the long run. All the factors affecting the choice of the students were addressed and the myths and superstitions regarding the choices were removed to a large extent. They showed presentations and various forms which were and organized and broken down into particular streams. It was very informative and interactive and even quite fun. They quite well managed to persuade the parents to attend their sessions being conducted separately too.