Quiz on Gandhi Jeyanthi

The NSS of the college suggested the students to willingly participate in a quiz on Gandhi Jeyanthi. The quiz program was justly entitled Gandhi Jeyanthi in Mygov.in. It was enthusiastically conducted between 2nd October 2020 and 31st October 2020 to commemorate the celebration of Gandhi Jeyanthi. An E certificate was received by all the participants. 17 students participated and gained their certificates for their effective participation. The following students were participated in this quiz programme.

S.No Name of the Student Roll Number
2 Varshini NP 18221
3 Shalini A 18217
4 K.K.Subhasree 19218
5 Nivetha A 20414
6 Nithyaprabha 20450
7 Jeevithar 20404
8 R.sakthi 20435
9 Viswa v.r 20461
10 Nagarjun 20438
11 Chandra pandi 20428
12 HARIHARAN 20217
13 Pradeebha 18415
14 Prithivraj Gankai R 18924
15 Vesman Martin P Slcs 20911
16 SURYA.T 18030
17 Kishore 18919

Celebration of Rashtriya ekta Diwas

The Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) was solemnly celebrated on 31.10.2020 through a personal pledge on Unity. 35 faculty members cheerfully participated in the pledge. The Principal initiated the pledge and that was followed by all faculties. The pledge was taken to merely preserve and foster the national unity and to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar vallabhbhai Patel.


The Valediction Ceremony of the International Animation Day Celebration 2020 was held on 31.10.2020. It started with a Prayer song and Mr.Gokul Ram of III year Animation gave the Welcome Address. Prof.Chenthil Kumar, Head of Animation Department the Chief Guests, Dr.R.Prabhakar Vedamanickam, Associate Professor, Department of Tamil & Artist Thirunavukarasu. They delivered excellent speeches on the Topic “A Day with the Masters”. Dr.R.Prabhakar Vedamanickam is an experienced person in the Art & Media Field with an exposure of 30+ years. He delivered a Talk on” How to watch Paintings & Movies in a different Perspective?” He told the students that only watching movies doesn’t create any impact but listening to them makes a great impact in their lives. Mr.Thirunavukarasu advised the students to think out of the box so that they can shine in the Industry. The speech was followed by a Discussion forum. Posters of Short films made by the second and third year students were released.  Ms.I.Swetha of II Animation proposed the Vote of Thanks. Totally 100 students from the department of the college participated in the event. Professors M. Purushothaman, P. Kishore Kumar and M. Abdul Aziz Hakkim made the arrangements for the Celebrations. The students gave a Positive Feedback about the entire celebrations.


The second day (29.10.2020) started with the introduction of the Chief Guest, Mr.Santhosh Narayanan who is great Artist, Designer & Writer from Chennai by Prof.Chenthil Kumar, Head of Animation Department. He gave an amazing speech on the Topic “A Day with a Minimalist”. He spoke of the concept & history of Minimalism in a lucid manner so as the students could easily understand. He also advised the students to read a variety of books to enhance and develop their knowledge which is an essential skill of an artist. He led the session to a Discussion forum which forced the students to interact and resulting in sharing of knowledge. Totally 100 students from the department of the college participated in the event.


On the Inauguration Day (28.10.2020), Artist Mr.Trotsky Marudu, Kalaimamani Awardee, a great Artist, VFX & Art Director was invited as a Special Guest.  He delivered a inspiring speech on the Topic “A Day with an Artist”. He narrated his childhood life and the magnificent vision of films in olden days. He also mentioned lot of World Movies and the names of various films which have created a strong impact on society as well as in the film industry. He advised the students to learn about the Traditional Methods which, according to him, will be useful for their strong foundation. After his speech, students clarified their doubts with the Guest. Ms.I.Swetha of II Animation proposed the vote of thanks.

Totally 100 students from the department of the college participated in the event.

Career Counselling Program on “Importance of Learning Current Technologies in IT Industry”

The Department of CS organized a Career Guidance programme on 28.10.2020 for the III year students through Google Meet. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Dept. of CS introduced the Chief Guest,Mr.N.Shaliya, Managing Director, Zerame,Chennai.

The Chief Guest shared his industry experience and importance of learning current technologies in the IT field. This session was an eye opening session for students as it enables them to choose their domain in the IT industry.Around 58 students were participated in this event.


The first activity of Techie Quest club was conducted online on 28.10.2020 through Google Classroom and Google Meet. The club members, club coordinator and student club coordinators participated in the meeting. The welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Gayathri, AP of CS. Mr.K.U.Sastipriyan and Mr.K.Shyam Ruthan, student coordinators from III Year CS conducted a session on “Cyber Attacks and Types of Security”. They explained the various types of cyber attacks and created awareness on Social Media Security and Mobile Security. The club members clarified their doubts regarding Mobile Security during the presentation. Finally, an event “Jumbled Words” was conducted for the club members.

Extension Activity – ”Helping hands are better than Praying lips”

Sharing is caring. Blessed is a person who gives than receives. Human beings should be humane. Giving is an act of kindness which binds human relationship. In order to inculcate such vales, even from Kinder Garden onwards this aspect of sharing is given more importance.

Every day life is a gift from God. We come across different types of people in our life. We meet rich as well as the poor. It is our Borden duty to help the poor and needy.

RLIMS organized Share a Meal program as a part of extension activity on 25.10.2020. The First Year and Final Year Students and Faculty Leaders were motivated by Dr. M. Subramanian, Head – Management Programs. The students happily came forward to share a meal with the poor and homeless. One hundred pax of food were shared through this program. For our students it was a heart- warming and unforgettable experience. Our students determined to continue their support within their reach.

Awareness videos on COVID

National Service Scheme and Youth Red Cross of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science has created an awareness on the topic “Preventive measures against COVID 19” on 24-10-2020 by telecasting a video in the YouTube channel “SLCS Activities” shoot by the department of Visual Communication. The following 6 NSS Volunteers has created and delivered the script with the help of faculty members. They volunteers are

  1.     Selvan.M.Chandrapandi
  2.     Selvan. S.Sanjai
  3.     Selvan.V.Udhayaprakash
  4.     Selvan.M.Roopan
  5.     Selvan.S.Srinivas
  6.     Selvan.P.Subbu


On behalf of the Department of CS, the sixth Mentor Meeting for the Odd Semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 23.10.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.