National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science allegedly organized “Celebration of Law day” to commemorate the constitution day on 30th November 2020 between 3.00 p.m and 4.30 p.m at the seminar Hall. The Key address was merely delivered by Mr.G.Kannan., M.Com., B.L. He assertively addressed the essential features of our Indian Constitution and addressed the various questions naturally prompted by the dedicated audience. 35 faculty members explicitly benefited from the program.
A TechTalk event was conducted on 27.11.2020 for the students of I year, Computer Science Department through Google Meet. The programme started with Ms.Raja Lakshmi of II CS(SSS) welcoming the students and the faculty members.
Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head of the Department in her felicitation address explained the importance of the TechTalk event. Mr.Vikas of III CS(SSS) presented a paper on Social Media Security. He explained the various security measures to be followed in Social Media. Mr.Shiyam Ruthan and Mr.Sasti Priyan of III CS(SSS) followed it up by presenting a paper on Cyber Security Tools. This session was useful for all the students and helped them improve their overall presentation skills.
Kalaisaral, the Association Meet was conducted by the members of TechnoFest Association on 27.11.2020 for the I,II and III year students of Computer Science department, through Google Meet. Ms.N.P.D.Naganandhini of III C.S(SSS) compered the programme, which started with the welcome address given by Ms.Raja Lakshmi of II CS(SSS).
Mrs.S.Nirmaladevi, Assistant Professor delivered the felicitation address. Non-technical events were conducted for the edutainment of the students. Ms.Shalini & Ms.Raagem of III CS hosted an entertaining event called Connection.The consolidated scores were announced by the Association member, Ms.Shalini of III CS. The session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms.Uma of III C.S(SSS). The students were able to expose their talents and also gain knowledge on technology through this programme.
Totally 152 students got benefited through this program.
Virtual Seminar on “Challenges & Opportunities in Logistics & Supply Chain”
ZEAL, BBA Association of SubbalakshmiLakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a Virtual Seminar on “Challenges & Opportunities in Logistics & Supply Chain”on 27.11.2020. Dr.S.Suresh, Assistant Professor – Systems & Analytics, St.Joseph’s Institute of Management, Trichy was the resource person. The various issues and challenges in the Logistics & Supply Chain sector along with the scope and opportunities available in it were expounded. Students actively participated in the Seminar and acquired a detailed understanding. No. of Students Participated: 83
Webinar on “Women Entrepreneurs: opportunities and Challenges”
The Entrepreneurship Development Cell and the Women empowerment cell jointly conducted a one day webinar with alacrity of Women Entrepreneurs opportunities and Challenges on 27.11.2020. The Chief Guest of the webinar Ms. M. Jeya, Deputy Director, (Survey & Statistics), District Industries Centre, Madurai The webinar aims at acquainting the student participants with the various issues being encountered by women entrepreneurs in India and the opportunities available for them. A total no of 66 students participated in this event.
On behalf of the Department of CS, the Ninth Mentor Meeting for the Odd Semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 27.11.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. All mentors in the department discussed the 2019-2020 Even semester result analysis and advised them to clear the arrears as soon as possible. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.
Celebration of Constitution Day (Samvidhan Diwas)
National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi lakshmipathy College of Science Celebrated the Constitution Day (Samvidhan Diwas) on 26th November to Commemorate the successful adoption of the Constitution of India. 394 students and all faculty members patriotically read out the preamble through the below mentioned link on 26.11.2020.
Awareness Programme on Road Safety
National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science conducted an awareness programme for the faculty members on “Safe Driving” with R.L.Driving School on 21st November, 2020, between 3.15 p.m and 4.30 p.m at seminar Hall. The key note address was presented by Mr.G.Kannan, Administrative Officer, R.L.Driving school. Mr.G.Kannan explained the black spots with the appropriate videos. 41 faculty members participated in this programme.
International Symposium on “FINTECH : THE ROAD AHEAD”
An International Level Symposium was organized by “Lakshya” the MBA department association on “Fintech – The Road Ahead (TBUSH 2020)” on 21st November 2020-10.30 am through Google Meet. Key Speakers were from across India and abroad (P Kathirvel-AVP- Tata Capital-Mumbai, O Subbia- Fintech Practioner- Mumbai, M Ganesh- Director-Visa International- Mumbai, Mari Rajan-CEO-Remitech-Singapore, M Prasad-Sr. Manager-KVB-Mumbai). 106 students (MBA 1’st Year-46, 2’nd Year-26, other colleges – 34) benefited out of this program. The program was very useful and the participants were able to comprehend all the new concepts of fintech and career opportunities with regard to fintech segment.
On behalf of the Department of CS, the eighth Mentor Meeting for the Odd Semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 20.11.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.
All mentors in the department discussed the following:
- 2019-2020 Even semester results
- Procedure to apply for Revaluation
- Internal Examinations marks
- Tips for Examination preparation.