OnlineWorkshop on “ஆடிட்டர்ஆகவேண்டுமா?”

Department of Commerce (Honours and ACCA)of SubbalakshmiLakshmipathy College of Science, Maduraiorganized a one day OnlineWorkshop on ஆடிட்டர்ஆகவேண்டுமா?”on 25.06.2021. The resource persons    Mr. Aravind CR, Regional Manager-Business Development, ISDC, UK and Mr. A. Rajaseelan, CEO, SUCLA Academyexplained the career opportunities in Chartered Accountant (CA) &Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA). The session was interactive and the resource persons answered the participants queries related to the course. The college facilities, hostel facilities, academic strength and department values were also highlighted with regard to admission of B.Com. Honours and B.Com. (Honours) ACCA. A total of 30 students participated and got benefited from this program.

Value Added Course on “Adobe XD“

The Department of Animation conducted a Value Added Course on “Adobe XD“ for the I year students (2020-23 batch) from June 21 – 25, 2021. The Course was handled by an eminent company “Abservetch Pvt. Ltd” in Madurai. The First Day commenced with the Welcome Address delivered by Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Head i/c, Department of Animation.The session was based on the need and scope for UI & UX Design for Android App development. Before the Class commences, they taught the students about the installation of software used for the UI & UX Design, what are the problems faced during the installation process were discussed. The students learnt how to develop simple UI & UX Designs for android applications and they are familiar with how to create an app, and run the app, how to display the contents in the text box as simple text. From this, they learnt how to use the components in the app development and also learnt to host the app in various platforms. They are very well trained with how to use Adobe XD software for UI & UX development for the mobile application. Students felt that this value added Course was very much useful for them and they got the idea for developing UI & UX Design for mobile applications. Totally 30 Students were participated and benefitted from this course.


The Department of Visual Communication conducted “Manava Iyakunar” for +2 students as a webinar on 24.06.2021. A total number of 25 students participated in the webinar. The expert, Mr. Vetrivel, , alumni of the department, went all out of his way in covering all important aspects of Journalism, with the sole purpose of enabling students in joining News channels and taking up media jobs. He elaborated on various topics such as screen face, acting skills, and so on. The students got due exposure on the topics discussed in the webinar.

Mr. Vetrivel also shared his nostalgia as a student in the department of Visual Communication, SLCS and reiterated that he had complete focus on his career even when he was studying. Presently he is designated as the Journalist & Madurai Bureau Incharge in News 18 Tamil nadu, a renowned television news channel.

The webinar was welcomed by the students of the department, especially during the Corona pandemic period. The students requested to conduct a number of similar events in the future days.


An Awareness Program on Insurance Policies and its benefits was conducted in Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science on 23rd June.2021. Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal, SLCS welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest Mr.Govindharajan, Royal Sundaram Insurance Ltd., who briefed the welfare measures of existing and new policies to all the faculty members. He also added the benefits of Health Insurance when it is obtained as a Group of members from a particular domain. The session was opened for discussion to clarify the doubts. Many of the faculty members raised questions related to group insurance and claiming health insurance for diagnosing ailments like cataract and corona. The session benefitted everyone by knowing and clarifying their queries of insurance policies. The Principal thanked everyone for making their presence and the session was informative.

Online Certificate Programme

Second and Third year students of Marine Catering and Hotel Management participated in  an online Certificate Programme conducted by Senoget Technologies Private Limited, Bangalore from 17.6.2021 to 22.6.21 and the certificate was awarded to the students  by Alippo, Bangalore . The students actively participated in various online courses such as Tarts & Pie, Ice Cream Making and Chocolate Making.  It will help the students to update their Knowledge as industry requirement.

The following Students Completed their online certificate Programme :


Year Date Name of the Students Name of the Training Programme
1 II YEAR 17.6.2021 To







9 III YEAR 17.6.2021 To


    21/6/21 TO 25/6/21. K.JAGADESH ICE CREAM MAKING

Quiz on International Yoga Day

National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science properly guided the students to gently take a quiz on International day of yoga 2021. 8 prospective students voluntarily participated in the quiz on 21.06.2021 which was efficiently conducted by St.Xaviers College, Palayamkottai. The following students were participated in this Quiz programme.

S.No Name Roll No.
1 Janani sri .G 19408
2 K. Iswarya 20411
3 Meenakshi.R 19415
4 P.HEMA 20412
6 R.Ishwarya Prabha 204420
7 K.K.Subhasree 19218
8 B. Harshavarthini 20613

Online International Webinar on “On Being an Entrepreneur amidst Covid 19”

Department of Commerce (Honours and ACCA)&Internal Quality Assurance Cell of SubbalakshmiLakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai jointly organizedanOnlineInternational Webinar on “On Being an Entrepreneur amidst Covid 19”on 19.06.2021. The resource person of this programme was Prof. Dr. KosgaYagapparaj M.Com. M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D., (ACCA-UK),Putra International College, Malaysia / Trine University, USA,who explained the significance of Entrepreneurship Development in various areas related to career development and enrichment of success in life. The important strategies and techniques for entrepreneur amidst Covid 19 were also explained in detail with real life examples. A total of 3 faculty members and 68 students participated and got benefited in this program.

Online Seminar on “Managing stress during Covid Pandemic”

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Online Seminar on “Managing stress during Covid Pandemic” on 19.06.2021. Mrs.M.Hema Rakesh, News Editor & Motivational Speaker was the resource person. She explained various strategies and techniques to overcome stress during Covid pandemic. Some innovative methods to tackle and manage stress were also explained. A total of  83 students participated and got benefited in this program.

Online Seminar on “Personality Development for all walks of life”

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Online Seminar on “Personality Development for all walks of life” on 17.06.2021. Mr.K.Chinnaraj,@ Kalai Priyan M.A., B.Ed., BT.Asst (English), GHSS, Chennasandiram, Krishnagiri was the resource person. He explained the significance of Personality Development in various areas related to career development and enrichment of life. Some strategies and techniques for improving personality were also explained in detail with real life examples. A total of 83 students participated and got benefited in this program.


The department of Animation & DIRA Studios, Netherland jointly organized a Creative Mind competition for the Students of Animation Department. The Prize Winning Programme Ceremonywas conducted virtually on 09.06.2021 between 02.00 PM and 03.00 PM. The Programme commenced with a welcome address by Mr.S.Praveen Kumar, Instructor-Animation. The main aim of the event was explained by Mr. Kishore Kumar, Head i/c, Department of Animation and the felicitation address was delivered by Dr.S.Priya, Dean-Academics. The Presidential Address was given by Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal, SLCS. The specialinvitee, Mr. Raj Thilak Ramachandhranfrom DIRA Studios,Netherland who created awareness among the students who can better opportunities and career progress after completing this much reputed programme.

The Contest was conducted in two categories – Comic Strip and Motion Poster. The main aim of this event is to identify and enhance the hidden talents of the students. The winners of the competition were announced by the respected Principal,Dr.R.Sujatha. She congratulated the students who took coveted prizes in the creative mind competition held virtually. The winners were Mr.Sandeep Raj for Motion Poster and Mr.Pavethran for Comic Strip from III year Animation. The Students were gifted with the Wacom Graphic Tablet, which is an essential accessory for the animators. The Students thanked the department and the DIRA Studios for organizing such an excellent programmes which encouraged them to do their best in the competition.The programme helped in bringing out the skills of the students in this domain.Around 60 students benefitted from this programme.