Workshop on “Rural Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Preparation”

The Entrepreneurship Development Cell and the Women empowerment cell jointly conducted a one day workshop on  Rural Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Preparation on 30.03.2021. The Chief Guest of the workshop Prof. Chethan Babu Chittalkar, Director Rural Management, MGNCRE and Mrs. Ankita Roy, Program Manager, MGNCRE .The workshop aims at Rural Entrepreneurship and the way of business plan preparation.Totally 53 students participated in the event. Professor, Chethan Babu Chittalkar, Director, Rural Management, MGNCRE and Mrs.Ankita Roi, Programme Manager, MGNCRE were the guest speakers for the workshop.

Yoga Club – Demonstration of Prone and Supine Asanas postures in Yoga

Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science has conducted an activity in the Yoga Club on 30.03.2021 for the Yoga club students. Mr.P.Thangamuthu, Coordinator Yoga club, has recalled the previous activities.The club students performed Vajrasana, Sukhasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, and Savasana. Students also learnt about the prone and supine Asanas posture. Totally 60 students participated in the activity of Yoga club.

HEALTH and NUTRITION CLUB-Eat Right Live Strong

Health & Nutrition club of the department of Food Science and Processing Management conducted an event- Poster making entitled “Eat Right Live Strong” for the Second year club students on 30th March between 3.00 pm to 3.50 pm. The main motto of this activity is to create awareness among the adolescents in the right path to choose and eat healthy foods. The club coordinator gave a brief orientation about the activity. Around 20 students enthusiastically participated in the event.


The department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization) conducted an activity for the Techie Quest club on 30th March, 2021 for the academic year 2020-21 Even semester, through Google Meet and Google Classroom from 3.00 PM to 3.50 PM. Second year students from various departments participated in the club activity.

The session started with the welcome address, which was given by Mrs.J.Varalakshmi, Assistant Professor and Event Coordinator, Dept. of CS. She, also, delivered the felicitation address and shared many concepts regarding the importance of innovations and the latest technology in the field of Computer Science. She encouraged the students to actively participate in club activities and develop their skills in their domain of interest.

Mr.R.Sudharson Prabhu of II Year CS(SSS) delivered a presentation on “Ethical Hacking Basic Concepts”. This session was useful to the students as they understood the fundamentals of Cyber Security. They also learned online websites for mastering ethical hacking and how to earn by finding bugs in websites through online. The session ended with Mrs.J.Varalakshmi, AP of CS  proposing the vote of thanks.

No. of students Participated: 05

Workshop on Stop Motion Animation

The D. P. Roy Choudhury Association of Animation department organized a One Day Stop Motion workshop for the Students of Animation Department on 29.03.2021 through Google Meet. The Workshop commenced with a welcome address by Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Asst. Prof., Department of Animation. The workshop provided the students with the much-needed industrial exposure and they learnt about the tips and tricks during the Stop Motion Animation. The trainer of the workshop is Mr.S.Praveen Kumar, Instructor, Department of Animation. He trained the students with the Clay Materials and also explained how to capture the Motions and the software used. The Students were very positive with the workshop; they felt workshops like this will give them the right foundation and insight into future ventures and all the students gave a positive feedback. Totally 60 students participated in the workshop.

A Report of the Department Quality Assurance Cell (DQAC) Meeting

The Department of MC&HM held a DQAC meeting on 24.3.2021 at 11.00 a.m. in the Training Restaurant. The examination reformation in the final examinations for the Even semester was discussed. Staff members were urged to prepare the Slow Learner- Advanced Learner name list, and also the Slow Learners’ Time Table, Course material & Lesson Plan for conducting remedial classes.  It will be approved by the Principal. NAAC related files were distributed to the staff members for updating, according to the instructions given by the IQAC cell.


Extra Curricular Activities Committee of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, organized a Dance competition on 22.03.2021 and 23.03.2021  in the Seminar Hall  of our college. In this competition totally 16 groups participated in the group dance event.  Students from various departments participated and registered their names in the event successfully.

Conveners of this event are Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant professor, Department of Tamil welcomed the Participants and explained the rules and regulations of the Dance competition.

The Team member of this event ,Mrs.S.Neela, Assistant professor, Department of Hindi  represented the Event and Evaluated the dance performance of the Students. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members  who awarded the marks based on the song selection, coordination and dress code.

Then all the group dance teams’ started performing one by one, after the successful completion of the events, the convener and members of the competition awarded the  marks on the basis of  their performances. Based on the marks obtained by the team, the convener and members selected the teams for the first, second and third places.

Finally the competition ended  and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful performance. Around 69 students participated in the competition.


As a part of students career development and moulding the PG students into industry-ready, Department of MBA(RLIMS) conducted a demo session on “Business English Certificate” ( BEC-Preliminary) to all the 1st year MBA 46 students on 23.03.2021 from 4.00 to 4.30 p.m.  Ms.Sharmila, Business Development Manager, English Academy briefed the students about the Business English Certificate – Preliminary Examination.Outcome of this program is students learned the way of the obtaining Business English Certification from the English academy.


Celebration of World Water Day

National Service Scheme and Eco Club of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science allegedly conducted an awareness programme on water conservation to commemorate the “World Water Day” on 22nd March 2021 among first year students at room number F40. Selvi.C.Abinaya, I B.Com (B&I) merely shared her personal observations and critical importance of water conservation. 47 students are benefited.


Extra Curricular Activities Committee of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, organized a  Solo Dance competition. It was held on 22.03.2021 in the college campus at the Seminar Hall of our College. In this competition there were seven students participated in the event Participants from various departments registered their names in the Event Successfully.

The convener of this event, Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant professor, Department of Tamil welcomed the Participants and explained the rules and regulations of the Dance competition.

Team member of this event, Mr.R.Ganesh, Assistan professor, Department of MCHM also represented the event and Evaluated the dance performance of the Students. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members who awarded the marks based on the song selection, coordination and costume.

Then all the solo dance participants started performing one by one, after the successful completion of the event the convener and members of the competition awarded the marks for their performances. Based on the marks obtained by the participants, the convener and members selected the students for the  first, second and third places.

Finally the competition ended  and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful performance. Around 7 students participated in the competition.