The Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Industrial visit to “Krishi Vigyan Kendra- Kamatchipuram, Theni” on 10/08/2022 between 11.00am-4.00pm. This program is to familiarize the students with the real-life scenario of the industry- working environment and to provide practical exposure for the courses taught to them during regular sessions in the campus. Dr. Patchaimal the Chairman, briefed about the history, growth and development of CENDECT, KVK as well as the several forms of training offered to farmers. The Home Science Subject Matter Specialist, Mrs. R. Ramya Siva Selvi, provided hands on training to our students in the honey processing with the equipments such as, honey storage tank, honey sachet packing machine, handy induction sealing machine and honey filling machine. She also highlighted the working principles of some food processing and preservation equipments such as, vegetable cutting machine, pulverizer, grape seed oil extraction machine, solar dryer, shade drier and various types of nutritious garden. Students gained practical knowledge through interaction, industrial exposure, and employment opportunities. They procured the entrepreneurial skills to develop new food products and marketing strategies emphasizing the women entrepreneurship and also understood the role of younger generations in the development of rural community. An MoU is signed with KVK for the betterment and future scope of our students. Totally, 33 students of I, II, III year FSPM and three faculty members were benefitted through this visit.