Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA organized an Industrial Visit to the Dinamalar daily newspaper printing unit and Office on 07th January 2022. The day was begun with trekking to Samanar hills at Kilakuyilkudi, Madurai. The most famous Madurai writer Chithirai Veethikaran alias Mr. Kumar gave his valuable speech about Samanar hills by throwing lights on the historical background of Samanar hills, its ancient trade routes and its traditional link with old Madurai societies. Then the students were taken to the printing unit of Dinamalar at Kappalur, Madurai and the program came to an end at the Dinamalar Office at DSP Nagar, By-pass Road, Madurai. This industrial visit helped the students to understand the process involved in editing the news, its process to final printing form. Our students were aware of the newspaper production and the importance of news reading. 26 students of our I, II and III year ACCA visited these places.