Health & Nutrition club of the department of Food Science and Processing Management conducted an activity entitled “CONNEXION”, for the First year club students on 24th February between 3.00 pm to 3.50 pm. Around 25 students participated in the game, which started with a prayer song. Ms.Subavarshini Final Year Student of FSPM welcomed the gathering. The Club Coordinator explained the importance and briefed an overview on Connexion. Ms.Yogalakshmi and Ms.Vigneshwari preceded the game and
the participants segregated into groups for the Prelims round. Then for the next round 6 members were selected. They enthusiastically enjoyed and actively participated. The session came to an end by congratulating and announcing the winners and runners of the game. Ms.Hema proposed Vote of Thanks, feedback from the students was highly satisfied. A word of appreciation given by our Dean Academics Dr. S. Priya made us to feel happy and it boosts us to arrange several other activities in future.