The Oath ceremony of the Royal Charter Association of Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA was pure success. The event took place at the SLCS Seminar Hall ON 06.10.2022 at 2.30pm. The event started with the prayer songs. Head Incharge of the Department Dr. D.Selvaraj and Assistant Professor Mr. A.Raja addressed the gathering. Student of 3rd year Ms. K.Durka Devi was nominated as ‘President’, 2nd year Ms. M.Subhashree as ‘Vice President’ and 1st year Mr. S.Vignesh as ‘Member Secretary’ from the department of B.Com. (Honours) ACCA from the voting was done through Google forms. Elected members are read their roles and responsibilities. The event was concluded with the national anthem. Totally, 52 students participated in this association meet.