Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Industrial Visit to Naga Foods– Dindigul on 26.11.2022. It was an informative and interesting visit and the students learned the processing of maida, sooji and whole wheat flour based food products and their preservation techniques, which inhibit microbiological or biochemical changes and thus allow time for distribution, sales and home storage. Ms. Soniya, Marketing BTL Manager Naga Foods, explained the history, industrial development and technological aspects and professional ethics involved in food processing. Totally, 35 students of FSPM actively participated in this industrial visit.



To commemorate “WORLD MILK  DAY, FAGAS Association, Department of Food Science and Processing Management, celebrated World Milk day with the theme- “Dairy Net Zero” on 25.11.22 at 11.30 am in our college. The program was inaugurated by                          Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, Dr. K. Archunan, vice Principal and Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics. .Dr. K. U. Pavitra Krishna, Head of the department, introduced the students to the Principal and explained that the day provided an opportunity to focus on the types of milk and created awareness on our healthy diets. Totally, 37 students actively participated in the entire program and got benefited.

Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) on “Raising Awareness on Diabetes Management for All”

To commemorate “World Diabetes Day”, FAGAS Association of Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an (Outreach Program SLCS Samaaj Seva) on “Raising Awareness on Diabetes Management for Allon 23.11.2022 at TVS Nagar & Anupannadi between 4.00-6.00 pm to raise awareness on diabetes as a global public health issue and what needs to be done, collectively and individually for better prevention, diagnosis and management of the condition on the theme ‘Access to Diabetes Education‘. Our Students realized that everyone must contribute and understand his/her social responsibilities towards society. Totally, 11 students participated and 20 members got benefited through this activity.

Webinar on “Innovation in Food Regulation and Plant Management”

       A webinar on “Innovation in Food Regulation and Plant Management” was organized by the Department of Food Science and Processing Management on 18.11.22 at Seminar Hall. Dr. K. Singaravadivel, Independent director, Tamil Nadu Food Grains Marketing Yard, Madurai, acted as the resource person for the webinar. During this webinar, the resource person clearly explained the various innovative food regulations and the benefits to the consumers. Overall, the webinar was highly beneficial for the students, and they gained a good knowledge on the innovation of food regulations and it is related to the course “Food Regulation and Plant Management”. In Total, 35 students from I, II & III years actively participated in the webinar.


FAGAS Association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Industrial visit to Annai idli, Madurai, on 08.11.2022.  The students of I, II and III year FSPM (Totally 37 students) and two faculty members participated in the visit. It was an informative and interesting visit and the students learnt the processing methods and the factors affecting storage conditions in cereal and pulse based products especially idli, Chapathi and curd. Mr. Vel Murugan, Factory Manager, explained the history, industrial development and technological aspects involved in processing. In general, the visit helped to gain some technical inputs to improve the shelf life by proper storage to avoid decay, contamination and spoilage.

Webinar on “Role of chemistry in Food Industry”

FAGAS Assoiciation of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a Webinar on “Role of chemistry in Food Industry” on 07.11.2022 through google meet ( Mr. P. Edwin Deepak, Quality control Officer, Chemplast Sanmark Private limited, Mettur, highlighted the importance and role of chemicals in food industry and how it is processed with preservatives. The session was interactive and the resource person answered all the queries raised by the participants related to the program. The feedback of the program was collected from the students and the analysis showed that the  program was highly informative to all the students. Totally, 35 students and 5 faculty members participated and got benefited through this program.


Outreach Program (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on “Together We Rise”

                     Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Outreach Program (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) “Together We Rise” for working women in a textile shop on 31.10.2022. Our students educated the general public, particularly women, about breast cancer, its identification, treatment, the necessity for an effective, long-lasting preventive cure, and the importance of self-examination to check for lumps or other solid growths in the breasts. If there is a persistent lump in the breast or any change in the breast tissue, always consult a doctor for a clinical breast examination. Totally 13 students of II FSPM participated in this outreach program and 25 members got benefited through this activity.

Outreach Program (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on “Step Up For Bone Health”

To commemorate “World Osteoporosis Day – 12th October 2022” FAGAS association and Health and Nutrition Club of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management celebrated World Osteoporosis Day on the theme of ““Step Up For Bone Health”, organized an outreach program (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on World Day on 20.10.2022”, Our students explain the importance of calcium to prevent osteoporosis and also slow down the bone density loss associated with osteoporosis. Totally thirteen students of II year FSPM students participated in this outreach program and 10 members got benefited from this activity.


To commemorate “WORLD FOOD DAY” , FAGAS Association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Health and Nutrition Club, jointly organized an event on the theme- “Leave No One Behind” on 18.10.22 at 9.30 am in our college. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, inaugurated the program. Various competitions like, Grain Carpet, Poster Making, and Regard before You Discard were conducted for students to showcase their talents. The winners were encouraged by distributing prizes. Dr. K. U. Pavitra Krishna, Head of the Department, delivered a valedictory speech on the ‘Importance of food for all’. Totally, 37 students actively participated and benefited through this program.


To commemorate “World Food Day – 16th October 2022”,  FAGAS association and Health and Nutrition Club of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management conducted events on the theme of “Leave no one behind” on 14.10.2022 at our FSPM lab. The main goal of this programme was to educate higher secondary school students the significance of Food Science and Processing Management as well as the spirit of World Food Day. Through numerous posters, charts, and functioning models of various milling machines, the FSPM students briefly discussed the significance and application of their field while also calculating each student’s BMI. Fifty school children from Amudham School were participated and counselled based on their BMI- what are the foods to be included and excluded during this age to promote their good health.