Chhatrapati Sivaji Birthday Celebration

The TechnoFest Association and Department of Computer Science (SSS) jointly celebrated the birth day of Chhatrapati Sivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Kingdom on 18.02.2022 at the  Seminar Hall. The celebration started with the welcome address delivered by Ms.Sahithya of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head of the Department, delivered a speech to commemorate the life of Sivaji Maharaj. Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, AP of CS delivered a felicitation address and insisted the importance of student’s participation in the association activities.

In order to celebrate  Chhatrapati Sivaji’s birth day, the department organized various competitions such as Elocution, Drawing and verse writing for the students of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Various non technical events were organized to the students of II B.Sc CS (SSS) and their details are given below. Finally the session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms.Pooja shri of II B.Sc CS (SSS).


The Department of Computer Science (SSS), as a part of its SLCS – Samaaj Seva (Extension Activity), organized a program “Awareness about Online Safety for Women” on 12.02.2022 at Samathuva Makkal Mandram, Kariapatti. Five students from I & II B.Sc CS (SSS) participated and created awareness about social media safety for women in this digital era. They explained various safety features in WhatsApp & Facebook. Finally they explained mobile security applications. Mrs.V.Gayathri, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS (SSS) accompanied the students. Overall 39 people got benefitted by involving themselves in this activity.

Soft Skills Program

An Online Soft Skills Program Resourced by Nithya Santhakumar was conducted on 12.02.2022 by the Students Forum and Curriculum Development Cell at 9:30 am in the auditorium through the google meet.

All the second year students of Batch 2020-23 participated in the program.  Madam spoke about dependability, listening, positivity, communication and team work. The session was made live with the students’ interaction. Ways of talking and positive body language postures were also elaborated by the resource person. A total of 303 students enjoyed the session and said that it was very useful.


Technofest, an association of Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization), organized a seminar on “Employability Opportunities in Web Designing Field” for II B.Sc CS (SSS) students. The workshop was held on 11/02/2022 from 09.00AM to 10.00AM. The seminar was started with the welcome address by S.Srivatsav, II B.Sc. CS(SSS).Special address was delivered by Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Department of CS (SSS). She introduced the Chief Guest Mr.Prabahar Murugan, CEO & Founder, Amizhth Techno Solutions, Madurai.

          The Chief Guest elaborated on the importance of learning basic web designing tools.  He also explained the importance of web designing to get employment in software development. Finally vote of thanks was delivered by N.Sivashankari, II B.Sc. CS (SSS). The association members of TechnoFest, A.Subhashini, & S.Badri Narayanan of II B.Sc. CS(SSS) compered the entire session. Totally 47 students attended the session and got benefitted.


The Department of Computer Science (SSS), as a part of its SLCS – Samaaj Seva (Extension Activity), organized a program “Social Media Awareness Through Villupattu(Narrating Story Through Song)” on 10.02.2022 at T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai. Nine students from II B.Sc CS (SSS) participated and created awareness about social media safety in this digital era. They interacted with the school students through villupattu and explained how to use smart phones in a safe manner. Finally they explained the pros and cons of smart phone. Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS (SSS) accompanied the students. Overall 40 students from T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai got benefitted by involving themselves in this activity.


Technofest, an association of Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization), organized a webinar on “A Real Time Approach of C Language” for I B.Sc CS (SSS) students. The workshop was held on 04/02/2022 from 11.00 AM to 12.30 PM. The workshop  started with the welcome address by R.Divya, I B.Sc. CS(SSS). The presidential address was delivered by Dr.R.Sujatha, Prinipal. Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Department of CS (SSS) introduced the Chief Guest Dr.S.Prasanna, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.

          The Chief Guest elaborated on the importance of learning basic programming language C. He explained the various real time applications of C language for the better understanding. Also he explained the importance of C programming to get employment in software development. Finally vote of thanks was delivered by A.Deepak, I B.Sc. CS (SSS). The association members of TechnoFest, S.Sasi Regha, & S.Gokulakannan of I B.Sc. CS(SSS) compered the entire session. Totally 33 students attended the session and got benefitted.

Seminar on “PC Assembling and Functional units of the computer”

The department of Computer Science(Security System Specialization) organized a Seminar on  “PC Assembling and Functional units of the computer” for the students of I B.Sc CS(SSS) for augumenting their knowledge in digital principles and organization of the computers.

The seminar was taken by Mr.V.Deepan Chakaravarthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Networking, SLCS on 03/02/2022 from 01.30PM to 02.30PM.

Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, delivered the felicitation address and introduced the resource person Mr.V.Deepan Chakaravarthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Networking, SLCS. The resource person clearly demonstrated the internal components of the computer. He showed the motherboard and explained about the interconnection between the components. The resource person also explained about the different types of servers used for the computing purposes in a real time by showing the real-time servers. The memory unit of the computer was explained by the resource person.

As a whole, the seminar was an informative session for the students and gave a clear insight about the working functionality of all interanl components of the computer.

Ms.Sathya and  Mr.Sridhar, I B.Sc CS(SSS) compeered the entire session and Mr.Dharnesh kumar, I B.Sc CS(SSS)  welcomed the gathering. Finally, Mr.Hari Roopan, I B.Sc CS(SSS) thanked the gathering by proposing vote of thanks.

Totally 35 students from I B.Sc CS(SSS) attended the session and got benefitted. Students shared their feedback about the session through google form.


The Department of Computer Science (SSS), as a part of their SLCS – Samaaj Seva (Extension Activity) organized a program “Basic Awareness about Cyber Security” on 26.01.2022 at Nedumadurai. Five students from I & II B.Sc CS (SSS) participated and created awareness about the importance of cyber security in this digital era. They interacted with the public and explained how to use ATM, importance of pin number and also elaborated the available facilities in E-Seva Kendra for the farmers. Finally, they explained the effect and impact of smart phone in the present scenario. Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS (SSS) accompanied the students.  Overall 15 people from Nedumadurai village got benefitted by involving themselves in this activity.


Kalaisaral, the Association Meet, was conducted by the Association Members  of  TechnoFest on 19.01.2022  via Google Meet. Students from II B.Sc CS (SSS) participated in the event. Ms.K.Shahithya of  II B.Sc C.S (SSS) compered the programme. The program was started with welcome address given by Ms.A.Yuvashree of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mrs.V.Gayathri, AP of CS (SSS) gave the felicitation address. Totally 51 students participated in this program.

Following non-technical events were conducted for the edutainment of the students.

Sl.No Details of the organizing Team Event
1. Ms.Sasirekha – I CS(SSS)

Ms.Tharuni– I CS(SSS)

Ms.Vanitha – I CS(SSS)

Guess What??


The session was ended with vote of thanks proposed by Ms.Tharuni of I B.Sc CS (SSS).


The Department of CS (SSS) & TechnoSoft Association jointly conducted a Tech Talk program on 19.01.2022 via Google Meet. II B.Sc CS (SSS) Students participated in the event. The session was started with the welcome address delivered by Ms.A.Yuvashree of  II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mrs.V.Gayathri, Assistant Professor of CS (SSS) delivered the felicitation address. Students from II CS (SSS) presented a paper on various innovative topics and the details are given below. The entire session was very useful to the students and also helped them to improve their presentation & technical skill. Finally, the session was ended with vote of thanks proposed by Ms.Tharuni  of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Totally 51 students participated in this program.

II year students of CS (SSS) presented the following topics by using PowerPoint Presentation

Sl.No Name of the Student Topic Presented by the Student
1. Mr.Chandru – II CS(SSS)

Mr.Lokesh Kumar – II CS(SSS)

Silent Sound Technology
2. Ms.Vinoth Kanna – I CS(SSS)

Ms.Anand.R – I CS(SSS)

Data Mining