Department of Networking and Computer Science together conducted three days workshop on “Software Testing” from 09.01.2023 to 11.01.2023. The session started with the prayer song. Mrs. D.Padmapriya, HoD, Department of Computer Science, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest, Mr. Nagakumar Kondisetti, Managing Director, Devspark IT Solution, Hyderabad. Our Chief Guest gave an intellectual lecture on Selenium Testing, one of the popular software testing frameworks for web applications. It allows you to automate web application testing and serves as an open source testing tool. He also covered the basics of test planning and case design for advanced topic Selenium-Web Driver. Totally, 63 students were benefited through this workshop (12 students from III year Networking and 51 students from III year Computer Science).
The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on “DATA ANALYTICS USING PYTHON” for 34 students of II B.Sc CS (SSS) – Batch 2021 – 2024 from 05.01.2023 & 06.01.2023 & 09.01.2023 to 11.01.2023. Mr.Shaliya, & Mr.Nagakumar Kondisetti.M, CEO, Devspark IT Solutions, Hyderabad were the trainers. They trained the students in the domain of Programming concepts in Python and demonstrated using the tools of Python..
This training program equips the students to master significant concepts of Python and implement its various tools. Students got an in-depth Understanding of Python and their application based tools. The students were actively participated in this value added course and got benefited.
The Departments of Computer Science( Security system Specialisation) and Networking together organized a Value Added Course on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” for III B.Sc., (CS) students from 02.01.2023 to 06.01.2023 . The session inauguration was conducted on 02.01.2023 at seminar hall at 9:30am under the guidance of Heads of the Department (CS & Networking). The session started at 11:30 am with the brief introduction on Deep Learning and Machine Learning, which are the basics of Data Science.
The field of machine learning demands proficient technical skills. In the training, students were able to develop their skills in programming, algorithms, and network architectures. The students were split up into teams and presented their modules on “AIML” on 06.01.2023 from 2:00pm to 4:30 pm at F32. The session came out with many innovative ideas.
No. of students Benefited = 49 (III B. Sc CS) Batch: 2020-2023
Department of Computer Science (SSS), Department of Networking and Career Counseling Cell jointly organized a Career Guidance Program on “Career Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” on 02.01.2023 for the students of III CS & III Networking. Mr. M. Athigopal, Head, Department of Networking, introduced the Chief Guest, Mr. Nanuswamy, President, Maxelerator Foundation, Madurai. The resource person shared the importance of Artificial Intelligence and its applications, Machine Learning algorithms & Data Science and Analytics concept. He shared the real time applications of AI & ML. He highlighted the job opportunities in IT sector. Totally, 16 students from Networking and 51 students from Computer Science were benefitted through this career guidance program.
The Department of Computer Science conducted an Administrative Training Program on “Go Cyber-Safe” for all the Non-Teaching and Administrative staff members on 30th, December 2022, 03.00 p.m. at F40 classroom. A total of 12 members participated in this event. The session started with a prayer song. Welcome address was delivered by Mrs.S.Ponmalar, Assistant Professor of CS. The first technical session was handled by Mrs. D. PadmaPriya, Head & Assistant Professor of CS.
Cyber Safe is an application developed jointly by FCORD and the private sector with the objective of making the digital payment eco-system safe and secure, enhancing the faith of the common man in the platform.
During the session resource person insisted that password must be changed by user frequently with all special symbols and characters. She also insisted to use our password with a backup plan and keep our information safe to strengthen our security. She also explained about multifactor authentication settings while using Social media and cites.
Finally vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs.S.Ponmalar, Assistant Professor (Dept of CS).
Department of Computer Science (SSS) & Career Counseling Cell jointly organized a Career Guidance Program on “Career Opportunities in IT Industry” on 28.12.2022 for the I & II year students of CS and Networking. Mr. M. Athigopal, Head, Department of Networking, introduced the Chief Guest- Mr. Udhayasuriyan, CTS, Consultant, Chennai. The resource person shared the importance of core paper like Cloud Computing using AWS, Internet of Things and Devops and also shared job opportunities that are available for CS and Networking students. Totally, 47 students from Networking and 94 students from Computer Science were benefitted through this career guidance program.
webinar on “Data Structures in Python”
Python language strives for a simpler, less-cluttered syntax and grammar while giving developers a choice in their coding methodology. Python language supports various types of data structures. The Department of Computer Science(Security System Specialization) organized a webinar on “Data Structures in Python” for the students of II B.Sc CS(SSS) to know the data structures in python Language. Mr. Nagakumar, CEO of Devspark IT Solutions, conducted the webinar. The webinar was arranged through G-Meet on 14/12/2022 from 11.00 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. Our principal, Dr.Sujatha, delivered the presidential address and advised the students to learn new technical things every day. Mrs. D. Padmapriya, Head, Department of CS(SSS), gave the felicitation address and shared with students the role of data structures in the software development field. The resource person, Mr.Nagakumar, clearly explained the various data structures used in python and the importance of data structures in all applications development. He also explained the importance of mapping and reducing functions used in ‘Big Data storage’. These functions are used to organize the data efficiently for easy retrieval.
The webinar was an eye-opening session for the students and gave a clear insight into the importance of python language in the job market and the implementation of various data types in python.
The association members of TechnoFest Association, Department of CS(SSS), compeered the entire session. Mr.Deepak, II B.Sc CS(SSS), delivered a welcome address and Ms.Tharuni, II B.Sc CS(SSS), thanked the gathering by proposing a vote of thanks.
Totally, 34 students from II B.Sc CS(SSS) attended the session and got benefitted.
Seminar on “PC Assembling and Functional units of the computer”
Department of Computer Science(Security System Specialization) organized a seminar on “PC Assembling and Functional units of the computer” for the students of I B.Sc CS(SSS) to enhance their knowledge on the internal organization of computers.
Mr. Srinath, System Administrator and his team members, Mr.Jeyaraman and Mr.Arun, SLCS, conducted the seminar on 14/12/2022 from 09.00 to 11.00 A.M. Mrs.D.Padmapriya, Head, Department of Computer Science(Security System Specialization), delivered the felicitation address and introduced the resource person. The resource person showed the motherboard and explained the interconnection between the computer parts. The students have demonstrated the input and output interface circuits and the working principles of the I/O interface. The seminar was an informative session for the students and gave a clear insight into the functionality of all computer’s internal components.
Ms.Raakesh and Ms.Dhivya, I B.Sc CS(SSS), compeered the entire session and Ms.Dharsitha, I B.Sc CS(SSS), welcomed the gathering. Finally, Mr.Bharath, I B.Sc CS(SSS), thanked the gathering by proposing a vote of thanks. Totally, 60 students from I B.Sc CS(SSS) attended the session and got benefited.
Department of Computer Science (SSS), Department of Networking, & Career Counseling Cell in association with Placement Cell jointly organized an “On Campus Drive” for Networking & Computer Science final year students on 03.12.2022. Our Principal, Dr. R. Sujatha, led the “On Campus Drive”. Our Vice Principal, Dr. K. Arjunan and Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics, delivered the keynote address. Mr. Nanuswamy, President Maxeleator Foundation, Madurai and the team conducted the recruitment process with different rounds. Totally, 53 students participated in this drive. Totally, 20 students got selected for the final HR round with 15 shortlisted students.
Alumni Interaction on Developing Career Skills
In association with Alumni Cell, Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a session – “Alumni Interaction on Career Skills” for II B.Sc. CS (SSS) on 02.12.2022. Mr. N. Aashiq Ahamed, Associate Security Engineer, Crossbow Labs, Bangalore, was the Alumni of 2017 – 2020 batch. He interacted with the students on his experience in the Industry. He shared the knowledge that is required to develop their skills in cyber security domain. He explained how to do bug bounty in IT field for gaining knowledge. He advised the students to learn domain related courses with their tools and techniques. He described the importance of Value Added Courses (VAC), Workshop and Guest Lectures offered by our college. Totally, 34 students got benefited.