Seminar on “What You Think Is What You Become”

The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology conducted seminar on topic “What You Think Is  What You Become” on 21-7-2017 morning.

The event began with a prayer song followed by a welcome address by K.Vignesh III B.Sc CS.           Mrs.N.Anuradha, HOD-CS and Mrs.K.P.Maheswari, HOD-IT gave Felicitation Speech.

Miss. Archana of II B.Sc CS Introduced Chief guest.

The chief guest Mr.Vivek Subburaj, founder & COE, BreakThrough Academy, Madurai, inspired the student through his lecture. He insists everyone to fix a goal and work towards it with full confident.

He too added that the goal will provide us the sense of direction, passion and energy to our life and will make us to complete the tasks within given scheduled time slots.

He said that each and every failure is actually not failures but it gives experiences on what not to be done to achieve success.

He too gave the steps to achieve goal.

Totally 120 students got benefited through this program


Department of Computer Science & Department of Information Technology organized an event “Kalaichaaral” for the students of II B.Sc CS, III B.Sc CS, II B.Sc IT & III B.Sc IT on 24/06/2017 from 02.00pm to 03.00pm. The Vice principal Mr.K.Archunan chaired the function.

The objective of the event is to give platform for the students to exhibit their talents. Two teams from IT & CS departments participated in that event. They enacted mime and drama with mimicry. Students from II B.Sc IT & CS presented a mime with the theme “Integrity & Unity among Indians”. Students from III B.Sc IT showed their talent by enacting in a drama. They showed off their mimicry skills also.

Vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.K.S.Sivaprakasam III-CS.

All together this session was useful for the students to reveal their inner talents and gave a chance to have some entertainment.


On behalf of our CS Department’s “Techglorians” association meet, many events were conducted to bring out the inner talents of students and to enhance their technical as well as non-technical talents. Dr.R.LRamnath,.Principal,SLCS preside over the function and the meeting begins with the inspiring speech by our Hod, Mrs. Anuradha followed by welcome speech by a second year student.

Many students eagerly participated in many events and showed their talents in Paper presentation, Technical Dubsmash, Software Marketing and few.Among which the Karthikeyan’S II-CS I Software marketing strategy, Elavarasan’s,II-CS Dubsmash, Mahendran and Sriram’s I-CS Dubsmash were the highlights of that day.

Paper presentation given by GowthamSankar of I-CS was very informative. All third year students helped to conducts the events in a peaceful and fruitful way.Deepika mai and S.Nandhini did the compeering.

Vote of thanks by Namperumal II-CS. Finally the function ends with sweet memories


A department level workshop on “Robotics and Automation” was conducted for the students of III B.Sc CS on 12/08/16 and 13/08/16. The students are trained on Overview of Open source Dev boards, Raspberry Pi, Automation using Arduino and RPi. The training was given by Mr.S.N.S.Gopalan and Mr.K.G.Harshan from Third Party Developers Community for two days 12/8/16 and 13/8/16 Madurai.

This session facilitated the students to get basic knowledge in robotics concept.We appreciate Mr. S. N. S. GOPALAN and Mr.K.G.Harshan, alumni of B.Sc., (CS) for  sharing their knowledge. We wish them all success in their future endeavors

Workshop on Content Management System using WordPress

In today’s modern world E-Commerce websites like Flipkart, Snapdeal and Amazon are developed only through the CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Therefore  We, the department of Computer Science, organized a workshop for the students of III B.Sc Computer Science on “CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING WORDPRESS on 27-06-2016 and 28-06-2016.

Mr.J.P.Rajganesh and Mr.N.Balaji of III B.Sc Computer Science acted as resource persons and trained students on CMS using WordPress.

The trainers gave step by step procedures to the students, beginning from sample website sites Creations, database connectivity and hosting the site in the server for free of cost.

As the Students gained knowledge to develop websites easily in Word press, they successfully hosted their own profile web pages at the end of work shop.

Every one gave a positive feedback on this workshop and the trainers are honored by giving prizes and memento for their valuable contribution and making this workshop a grant success.

Workshop on “ Data Structure WITH C and C++”

Our Department had organized a department level one week work shop (4-6-2016 to 8-6-2016) on programming in DATA STRUCTURES WITH C & C++ as a VALUE added course for second year Computer Science Students.

The resource person, MR.VASU, Technical Consultant, Falcon System & Services, Chennai really did his best to the students on the topics such as binary tree, linked list, pointers, tree traversal and with other simple programs.

All the 23 students gave a good feedback about the resource person and they said they gained more knowledge in C and C++ programming concept and convey their thanks to our Management, Principal, Hod and faculty members for their direct support on their progress.

Various faculty members of our department too attended the session during their free hours. They too gave a good feedback.

Our Department had organized a workshop on programming in DATA STRUCTURES WITH C & C++ for second year Computer Science Students.

The resource person really did his best to the students on the topics such as binary tree, linked list, pointers, tree traversal and with other simple programs.

The students gave a good feedback about the resource person and they said they gained more knowledge in C and C++ programming concept.

They too convey their thanks to our management, principal, hod and faculty members for their direct support on their progress.

Various faculty members of our department too attended the session during their free hours. They too gave a good feedback.

Mobile Apps Development Workshop

Department of Computer Science organized workshop on “Mobile Apps Development” for the +2 completed students on 07 & 08 May 2016. The workshop was started with prayer song. Ms.Sruthi Lakshmi, III B.Sc CS welcomed the gathering. Our president Dr.R.Lakshmipathy delivered the presidential address and he advised the students to choose the job oriented courses. Our principal, Dr.R.L.Ramnath delivered the felicitation address and explained the courses in our college. The trainer Mr.M.Senthilkumar, Senior Research Engineer, Qualcomm Pvt Ltd, Bangalore enlightened the career opportunities in software industry. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Department of Computer science shared about the curriculum, workshops and placement details about the department. Nearly 135 students from various schools participated in the workshop. The participants attended workshop for 2 days and got cleared their doubts from the trainer. The training on “Mobile application development softwares” was given by the trainer. All workshop arrangements were done by Asst Professors Mr.S.Pandikumar & Mr.C.Balaji Viswanath and volunteers from II & III B.Sc CS. Ms.Deepika Mai proposed the vote of thanks.

Workshop on Mobile Apps Development

On behalf of Department of Computer Science, Techglorians Association had arranged for two days workshop on “Mobile Apps Development” held on 14.12.15 & 15.12.15. Mr.M.SenthilKumar, Sr.Research Engineer, Qualcomm Bangalore, was the trainer for the workshop. Students were given training on developing their own mobile app like whatsapp. Students were given clear idea about Angular JS, HTML, CSS. At the end of session students were able to create their own app. They were very interested in such work shop.

Inter Department Meet –Boot Up 2015

On behalf of Department of Computer Science, Techglorian Association had conducted Inter Department meet “Boot Up-2015”. The objective of the meet is to make cordial relationship between the students. Students participated in various events as a team. Students of III B.Sc CS organized the function. Students from I & II B.Sc CS participated in various events such as Quiz, Paper Presentation, Debugging, Marketing, Web Designing and Poster Presentation as a team. This function was held on 11.12.15. Dr.R.L.Ramnath presided over the function and he advised the students to use the opportunities.