Value Added Course

The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added courses on “Python Programming” for III year CS students and “Security Fundamentals” for II year CS students from 22.07.2019 to 30.07.2019.

Mr.Naga Kumar, COE, Metrolab, Hyderabad was trainer. The students were trained with the basics of python programming. The training was given to the second year students on the following topics, Operating System Security, Security Layer, Network Security and Security Softwares. The hands-on session was very helpful to the students to appear for MTA examinations in Python Programming and Security Fundamentals. The students were trained with scenario based exercises and assignments, which was helpful for the students to appear for Microsoft International Certifications. On 30.07.2019, the students attended Certification examination through online.

Guest Lecture on “Web Designing using PHP”

On behalf of Department of CS, a guest lecture was organized on 19th, July 2019 for all the students in our department at Seminar Hall in the topic “Web Designing using PHP”. M.Haritha of II B.Sc.CS(SSS) welcomed the gathering. Dr.B.Ramamoorthy, Principal delivered presidential address. Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Dept. Of CS introduced the resource person to the students.

Chief Guest Ms.N.R.Anitha Rani, Academic Head (SSI EDUCATION), Madurai gave introductory knowledge about web designing. She demonstrated a sample program to design a dynamic web page using PHP. Vote of thanks was delivered by M.Muthu Raja, II .B.Sc CS (SSS). Totally 100 students got benefited through this program.

Ice Breaking Session

On behalf of Department of CS an ICE BREAKING SESSION was organized to welcome the freshers on 19th July 2019. The presidential address was delivered by our Principal Dr.B.Ramamoorthy followed by our HOD Mrs.N.Anuradha delivered the felicitation address.

Then the session was continued with the games conducted by II year & III year students to I years. Few students exhibited their talents like dancing and mimicry. At the end of the session, as a green initiative seniors had given plant saplings to all their juniors as a token of memory.

Hands-on Session for Blog Creation

The II & III year students of Computer Science department Mr.Sivaa, Ms.Monisha, Mr.Suriya and Mr.Nachiyappan, demonstrated the blog creation to I year CS students on 18.07.2019. They taught the students to create their own blogs using and explained the ways to update the blogs.

All I year students created their own blog. The session was very useful for them to develop their technical skills and to earn in online through their blogs. The faculty members Mrs.K.P.Maheswari & Mrs. S.Nirmala Devi guided and encouraged the students.


The II & III year students of Computer Science (SSS) Department have attended the two days workshop on “Advanced Ethical Hacking”, which was held on 11th and 12th JULY 2019 at M.I.E.T. Engineering College, Trichy. 28 Students and 2 Faculties from our college have attended the workshop. This workshop was conducted by Ozone Cyber Security team. Students and Faculties have gained the knowledge about the system rooting, android rooting, mobile hacking which can be done by automatic or manual rooting. They also learnt about how the wifi works and how the access to the wifi can be denied. And they have also got the awareness of works done by Black Hackers and the ethics of White Hackers.


Department of Computer Science(SSS) conducted TechTalk event for the students of II year of Computer Science Department on 05, July 2019 at Seminar Hall. The session was started with the presentation by the students, P.NirmalRaj and P.K.Dilip Kumar of II CS, on “Artificial Intelligence”. And there was also presentation on the medicine application project by Karthiyaini & R.K.Naga Divya. This session gave the students some knowledge about the Artificial Intelligence and how the project was developed and its use.


On behalf of Department of CS orientation programme has been conducted on 02.07.2019 at 08.00 AM in Seminar Hall for I B.Sc CS (SSS) ‘A’ & ‘B’ students. Our department HOD Mrs.N.Anuradha introduced the subjects which they are going to study in I semester also she informed the faculty in-charges for each class.

Students from our department interacted with I year students by introducing the facilities and opportunities in our department. Also association members elaborated about Technofest Association and roles & responsibilities of association members.


Department of Computer Science(SSS) conducted TechTalk event for the students of II year and III year of Computer Science Department on 14, June 2019 at Seminar Hall. The session was started with the power point presentation by the students, M.S.Raagem and S.Shruthikaa of II CS on technical topics such as History of Java, JVM, JRE and JDK. The session was continued by the project presentation of N.Aashiq Ahamed of III CS. He explained how he developed his own protective security based software. This session gave the students some knowledge about the concepts of Java and developing Security Based Software.

Orientation Programme

On behalf of Department of CS orientation programme has been conducted on 01.06.2019 at 11.10 AM in Seminar Hall for II B.Sc CS (SSS) & III B.Sc CS students. Our department HOD Mrs.N.Anuradha introduced the subjects which they are going to study in III & V semester for 2nd and 3rd years respectively also she informed the faculty in-charges for each class.

Our Principal & IQAC Advisor addressed students. They encouraged students to use the facilities and infrastructure in our college to excel in their career. Students from III B.Sc CS had undergone summer internship training during April & May 2019. They shared their industry experience. They have been appreciated by the Principal & IQAC Advisor.


Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization) conducted workshop on “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking” for +2 students at College premises on 11th, April, 2019. The Chief Guest was Mr.M.Nambi Krishnan, Training Operations Lead, HCL Technologies, Madurai.

The program was started with the Prayer Song. Mrs.K.P.Maheswari, Assistant Professor welcomed the gathering. Prof.N.Anuradha, Head of the Department delivered felicitation address. Dr.B.Ramamoorthy, Principal, SLCS delivered presidential address. Dr.R.L.Ramnath, IQAC Advisor delivered special address.

The Chief Guest, Mr.M.Nambi Krishnan through his lively and interactive session created awareness on the “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking”. He also delivered an intellectual speech about the requirements of software industries, the skills to be developed to get a job in software field. He shared about the opportunities in software field

T.Vigneshwaran, G.Divya Bharathi & K.K. Rajashree of III B.Sc CS jointly presented a presentation on the importance of the Computer learning and the Cyber Security. They explained about basics of ethical hacking and how data were stolen by demonstrating through Mobile Applications.

At the end of the workshop every participant was awarded a certificate of participation.  A vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science.