On 24.08.2019, alumna of Computer Science department, Ms.G. Divya Bharathi (Batch: 2016 – 2019), currently studying at Karunya Universtiy, interacted with I year CS (SSS) students. She shared her experience and explained about the resource availability and utilization inside SLCS for the student community. She also motivated the students to do many projects and to concentrate much on studies for better living. Ms. Divya Bharathi enlightened the students about the opportunities for security systems and its scope in industries and other sectors. The students are well motivated through this session.
The KalaiSaral program was held on 23, August 2019 by the Association Members of Department of Computer Science. Since 2017, KalaiSaral non-technical program, conducted by the Department of Computer Science. It gained a great comeback this year after a quite long time. This program started with Prayer Song at 11.00am and followed by welcome speech, delivered by Mr. J. Karthick Prabhakaran of II CS.
Ms. V. Uma of II CS and Mr. C. Perumal of II CS did the compering on this occasion. Our Principal Dr. B. Ramamoorthy, Advisor Dr. R. L. Ramnath, and Dean Dr. S. Priya delivered the Felicitation Address. They also gave the motivational speech and encouraged the students to participate in these kinds of program regularly and the HOD of CS, Mrs. N. Anuradha, inculcated the way of overcoming difficulties in the life of the students.
A new initiative of the concept ‘Rolling Trophy’ was taken by the association members of this year. The Department of CS will be divided into 5 teams: I year-A, II year-B, II year-A, II year-B and III year. The Rolling Trophy will be awarded to the team which scores a high cumulative point in each such KalaiSaral program. And the same will be given to next year’s winner team.
The non-technical events started with Word Play event conducted by Ms. M. S. Raagem of II CS for all the five teams. Then, Google Doodle Finding event was conducted by Mr. R. A. Sathish Babu of II CS. In the previous meet, the announcement for a contest of taking a snap of grown saplings was given in the fresher’s party for I year students. The winners of that contest, Ms. Swetha and Ms. Yogasri of I year B Section, were given prizes. The prize distribution for the winner of KalaiSaral events were given by Mrs. K. P. Maheswari to I year-B Section and distribution of certificates for the students who participated in the workshops were provided.
This session was closed at 1.00pm with a vote of thanks, delivered by Ms. R. K. Nagadivya of II CS. The Students exposed their talents through this program.
Department of Computer Science(SSS) conducted the Peer Teaching for the students. In this session, senior student addresses and instructs their juniors in academics. Ms. S. Shruthikaa of II B.Sc CS had given her peer teaching on 22, August 2019 to the students of I B.Sc CS. She explained them the Memory Unit concept from the subject “Computer Organisation”. The session came to an end with query session.
Career Guidance Programme
On behalf of the Department of CS, a Career Guidance programme was organized on 20.08.2019 for II B.sc CS (SSS) & III B.Sc CS(SSS) students at the Seminar Hall. Mrs. N.Anuradha, HoD, Dept. of CS introduced the Chief Guest Mr.S.Vivek, CEO, Ozone Cyber Security, Trichy.
The Chief Guest shared his industry experience and the various job opportunities available in IT industry, especially in the Cyber Security field. He also encouraged students to take training for clearing Ethical Hacking Certification.
The III year students of computer science (SSS) Department attended a Intercollegiate Meet “STRATA” conducted by Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi on 9.8.2019. 16 students accompanied by a faculty participated in various events.N.Asiq Ahemed and P.Jeraled Giltus were runners up in paper presentation.The students got to know about the culture of ANJAC College and had the chance to interact with other college students.From participating in the events, the students became aware of how to improve themselves.
Workshop on Web Programming
The three days training workshop on “Web Programming using PHP, Mongo DB & NodeJS” took place on 31.07.2019 to 02.08.2019 for II B.Sc CS (SSS) and III B.Sc CS(SSS) students. The resource person of this session Mr.N.Shaliya, Founder, Zerame, Chennai, had given strong knowledge in web programming domain.
Also he trained the students with practical session by giving individual projects in PHP. Through this practical session students came to know the importance of web designing and they got the knowledge of how to design a web page using PHP, Mongo DB & NodeJS. The session came to an end with the various job opportunities in web designing. Totally 52 students got benefited through this program.
Career Guidance Programme
On behalf of Department of CS(SSS) Career Guidance programme was organized on 02.08.2019 for III B.Sc CS(SSS) students at Academic Lab. Mrs.K.P.Maheswari, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS introduced our Chief Guest Mr. N.Shaliya, Managing Director, Zerame, Chennai.
The Chief Guest of this session, shared his own industry experience and the various job opportunities in IT industry. Also he encouraged the students to choose a particular domain to shine in their career.
Alumnus Interaction
On 02.08.2019 alumnus of Computer Science department, Mr.Suriya Narayanan (Batch: 2016 – 2019) currently working as Software Developer , Zerame Solutions, Chennai interacted with I year CS (SSS) students. He shared his experience and explained about the resource availability and utilization inside SLCS for the student community. He also motivated the students to do many projects and to concentrate much on studies for better living.
Mr. Suriya Narayanan enlighten the students about the opportunities for security systems and its scope in industries and other sectors. The students are well motivated through this session.
Value Added Course
The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added courses on “Python Programming” for III year CS students and “Security Fundamentals” for II year CS students from 22.07.2019 to 30.07.2019.
Mr.Naga Kumar, COE, Metrolab, Hyderabad was trainer. The students were trained with the basics of python programming. The training was given to the second year students on the following topics, Operating System Security, Security Layer, Network Security and Security Softwares. The hands-on session was very helpful to the students to appear for MTA examinations in Python Programming and Security Fundamentals. The students were trained with scenario based exercises and assignments, which was helpful for the students to appear for Microsoft International Certifications. On 30.07.2019, the students attended Certification examination through online.
MoU Signing
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai and Gateway Devspark IT Solutions, Hyderabad on 30.07.2019 at President Office, SLCS. Our Honorable President Dr.R.Lakshmipathy and Mr.Nagakumar, Managing
Director, Devspark IT Solutions, Hyderabad were the chief guest. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Dept. of CS coordinated the program. The faculty members of the department of CS were also participated. The purpose of the memorandum of understanding is to ensure research & projects to the students of Computer Science and share the knowledge and skills available in both organizations. Through this MoU, activities such as Value Added Courses, Seminars, Workshops, Internship on various recent technologies were planned for execution.