On behalf of the Department of CS, the second Mentor Meeting for the odd semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 11.09.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 2.20 PM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Class rooms. They discussed the status of Mini Projects and participation details of Webinars and Certifications. Students shared their achievements, grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.

Webinar on Cloud Computing and its Services

Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore and the Department of Computer Science, SLCS jointly organized a Webinar on “Cloud Computing and its Services” for the II and III year Computer Science students on 01.09.2020. Mr.Sabarinathan Muthu, Technical Manager of Gateway Software Solutions was the trainer. Students participated in the Webinar which was conducted through Google Meet. The session started with the introduction to Cloud Computing and its importance.The key terminologies of Cloud Computing were explained by the trainer, after which, the students raised their queries and clarified their doubts. This webinar was useful for the students, who got to know the various services of Cloud Computing. Around 47 students attended the webinar.


On behalf of department of CS, the first mentor meeting for the odd semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted on 04.09.2020 through online mode at Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II. All mentors in our department met their mentees separately through Google meet and Google class rooms. They discussed the status of Mini Projects and participation details of Webinars and Certifications. Our college has been enrolled under the online learning portal “Coursera” for getting online certifications.  Students were advised to gain online certification through Coursera portal. Those students who completed online certifications through various portals such as Udemy,  Coursera were appreciated. Students shared their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.


The Department of Computer Science along with Devspark IT Solutions, Hyderabad organized a Webinar on “Software Testing Tool – Selenium” for the II and III year Computer Science students and faculty members from 11.06.2020 to 13.06.2020. Mr.Nagakumar, CEO of Devspark IT Solutions was the trainer. Students and four faculty members participated in the Webinar which was conducted through Youtube LIVE Stream. On 11.06.2020, from 9.30 am to 10.30 am, session-1 started with the introduction of software testing and its importance. Session -2 was conducted on 12.06.2020 from 9.30 am to 10.30 am, and the key terminologies of software testing were explained by the trainer.

 Finally in session -3 on 13.06.2020 from 12.30 pm to 01.30 pm, Selenium features were explained. In all the three sessions the students and faculty members raised their queries through LIVE Chat and clarified their doubts. This webinar was useful for the students to know the technical aspects of software testing in IT industry. Around 86 students participated in the webinar.


The Department of Computer Science and  Devspark IT Solutions, Bangalore jointly organized a Webinar on “Blockchain Technology” for the  II and III year students of Computer Science and the  faculty members from 28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020. Mr.Nagakumar , CEO, Devspark IT Solutions was the trainer. All students and four faculty members participated in the webinar that was conducted through Youtube LIVE Stream. The first session started on 28.05.2020, between 9.30 am and 10.30 am, with the introduction of Blockchain, and its features. The second session was conducted on 29.05.2020 between 9.30 am and 10.30 am. Types of Blockchain, Blockchain Mining Algorithms and Key Terminologies were explained by the trainer. Finally in the third session conducted on 30.05.2020 from 9.30 am to 10.30 am, Blockchain Architecture, Applications and Security features were explained. In all the three sessions the students and faculty members raised their queries through LIVE Chat and clarified their doubts. This Webinar was useful for the students to understand the technical aspects of Blockchain Technologies and of great help for the faculty members in  their research work. Totally 64 students got benefited through this program.


The Department of Computer Science and  Devspark IT Solutions, Bangalore jointly organized a Webinar on “Blockchain Technology” for the  II and III year students of Computer Science and the  faculty members from 28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020. Mr.Nagakumar , CEO, Devspark IT Solutions was the trainer. All students and four faculty members participated in the webinar that was conducted through Youtube LIVE Stream. The first session started on 28.05.2020, between 9.30 am and 10.30 am, with the introduction of Blockchain, and its features. The second session was conducted on 29.05.2020 between 9.30 am and 10.30 am. Types of Blockchain, Blockchain Mining Algorithms and Key Terminologies were explained by the trainer. Finally in the third session conducted on 30.05.2020 from 9.30 am to 10.30 am, Blockchain Architecture, Applications and Security features were explained. In all the three sessions the students and faculty members raised their queries through LIVE Chat and clarified their doubts. This Webinar was useful for the students to understand the technical aspects of Blockchain Technologies and of great help for the faculty members in  their research work.

Technofest Association Meet-KalaiSaral

Every individual has different talents. All that one needs is to create such an environment in which their talents could thrive and their abilities improved. Hence, The Department of Computer Science (SSS) has been providing the students a platform to discover their talents. The Technofest Association of the Department organized a meet on 19 February, 2020 to exhibit and develop their skills. The Association members conducted events such as Back Ground Music (BGM), Software Marketing, Poster Design Demo, Look Me Find Me and Your Luck In Your Kai. The Students of I and II B.Sc CS(SSS) enthusiastically participated in these events. Certificates were distributed to the students who handled Peer Teaching Sessions. Badges were provided to the new Association Members. The Students of I B.Sc CS(SSS) ‘A’ section won the first prize in this meet.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Birthday Celebration

Chhatrapati Shivaji was one of the bravest, most progressive and perceptive rulers of India. The founder of the Maratha Kingdom, Shivaji was born, to be a natural leader and fighter, on 19th February, 1630 in the prestigious Shivneri Fort. Till date, the day is celebrated as Shiv Jayanti with great rigour and in traditional style by the Maharashtrians.

The Department of Computer Science (SSS) celebrated his 390th birthday on 19 February, 2020. The students of I B.Sc CS (SSS) performed a skit on “Shivaji’s Good Characteristics” and the students of II B.Sc CS (SSS) performed a skit on “Bravery Act of Shivaji”. Various competitions such as, Drawing, Verse Writing and Elucution were conducted. The winners were appreciated and rewarded with certificates.


The Department of Computer Science (SSS) organized an Industrial Visit for all the I,II and III year students for 3 days ( 31.01.2020 – 02.02.2020)  to Ozone Cyber Security , Cochin. Since the Computer Science Programme is based on Security Specialization this visit was planned. Students were very enthusiastic to learn about hacking and security measures in the IT Industry. Mr.Akhil , Security Engineer of Ozone Cyber Security conducted a informative session by explaining the server configuration and it’s importance. He also explained their current projects to whom (Clients) they are working for. Students of II and III years interacted with him and gained knowledge on Cyber security domain based job opportunities. Totally 96 students got benefited through this program.

Seminar on Cyber Security

On behalf of the Departments of CS & Networking, a Seminar was organized on 29th, January 2020 for the II B.Sc CS (SSS) & II B.Sc Networking students at the Seminar Hall on the topic “Cyber Security”. A.Aarthi, II B.Sc Networking welcomed the gathering. Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Dept. of CS, delivered special address. Mr.M.Athi Gopal, HoD, Dept. of Networking delivered the felicitation address and introduced the Chief Guest Mr.Sajindas, Operations Manager, G-TECH EDUCATION, Madurai.

The Chief Guest delivered the key note address on Cyber Security. He shared the job opportunities available in cyber security in the IT industry and public sectors. A.Shalini, II .B.Sc CS (SSS) delivered the vote of thanks. Totally 58 students got benefited through this program.