FDP on E-Content & MOOC Development

The Department of Computer Science, Department of Networking and ICT Committee of SLCS together organized a one-day FDP on E-Content & MOOC Development for all staff members in F40 hall at SLCS on 15th December, 2020. Mr N. Ramkeerthi, Producer, EMRC, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai was invited as the chief guest for the event.
Mr. M/ Athigopal, HoD, Department of Networking gave a warm welcome to the chief guest and everyone present there.
Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, SLCS delivered the presidential address.
Mrs. N. Anuradha, HoD, Department of Computer Science introduced the chief guest.
Mr. M. Ramkeerthi, the chief guest, spoke about his attachment with the former Principal of SLCS, Dr. R. Ramamoorthi and started his session by explaining the teaching aids that a teacher employs to pass on knowledge to a larger group. He, then, explained various aspects of e-content, e-learning, different learning styles, incorporation of instructional designs, forms of e-content elements, components of e-content and voice cadence for educational communication. His speech was so enlightening and beneficial that everyone could create e- content and use them in an effective manner.
Finally, Dr. P. Joe Arun Raja, Assistant Professor, Department of Networking, proposed the vote of thanks.

Career Guidance Program on Software Design and Development

A Career Counselling program on “Software Design and Development” was held on 11.12.2020 for the III year students of CS and Networking departments, through Google Meet.

Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Department of Computer Science gave the welcome address and introduced the Chief Guest, Mr.Prabahar Murugan, CEO and founder of Amizth Techno Solutions & Amizth Academy, Madurai. Mr.M.Aadhi Gopal, Head, Department of Networking delivered the felicitation address.

The chief guest shared his IT industry experience and spoke of the various recent techniques and tool requirements in the IT field. He explained areas such as Software Design & Development, Data, Infrastructure & Process and Digital Marketing. He exhorted the students to be strong in Programming Languages for sustaining in the IT field. Around 58 students from III CS participated in the event.


The department of Computer Science conducted a workshop on “Awareness on Cyber Security Features” for all the Non-Teaching and Administrative staff members on 10th, December 2020 at 11am in F40 classroom. A total of 13 members participated in this event.The session started with a prayer. The welcome address was given by Mrs.J.Varalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS. The felicitation address was given by Mrs.N.Anuradha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS. She spoke of the need of cyber security in all fields. The presidential address was given by Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal, SLCS. She stressed the importance of web browser security in daily activities. The felicitation address was given by Dr.S.Priya, Dean, SLCS, who motivated them to participate in various events.

The first technical session was handled by Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS. She explained the need for cyber security and also about Browser security, Google Account security and Mobile security. The second session was handled by Mrs.V.Gayathri, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS. She explained the two step verification, Google Chrome security, Face book security and Whats App security features. Finally, the vote of thanks was given by Mrs.J.Varalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS.

Webinar on Computer Graphics & Animation

Adhering to the vision of the college, the Department of CS takes all possible steps to make students employable. In continuance of the same, the Department has introduced a course on Computer Graphics Lab. In order to provide the latest trends in Computer Graphics, the Department of CS (SSS) along with  Dream zone, Madurai organized a Webinar on “Computer Graphics & Animation” for the III B.Sc CS(SSS) students on 09.12.2020 at 11.30 AM. Ms.K.R.Thangarajeswari, Managing Director, Dream zone, Madurai was the trainer. Students participated in the Webinar which was conducted through Google Meet.

The session started with a Demo on advanced tools in Adobe Photoshop, following which, the trainer explained the different fields in Graphics Designing such as Digital Marketing, SEO, Photography, Logo Designing, and Advertisement. This webinar was beneficial to the students in acquiring more knowledge about the latest designing fields and also the job opportunities available in computer graphics. Around 58 students participated the webinar.

EXTENSION ACTIVITY – Cyber Security Issues in Day-to-day Life

      The Department of CS, as a part of their Extension Activity recorded and aired a programme “Cyber Security Issues in Day Today Life” through SLCS’s Community Radio Shyamalavani on 07.12.2020 at 01.30 PM. Two students from III B.Sc CS (SSS) ‘B’ performed a skit, “Cyber Security Issues in Day-to-day Life”, a play about issues concerning cyber security, for the benefit of the neighbouring rural people. This skit disseminated knowledge on the safety measures to be followed in the cyber world.



A TechTalk event was conducted on 27.11.2020 for the students of I year, Computer Science Department through Google Meet. The programme started with   Ms.Raja Lakshmi of II  CS(SSS) welcoming the students and the faculty members.

Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head of the Department in her felicitation address explained the importance of the TechTalk event. Mr.Vikas of III CS(SSS) presented a paper on Social Media Security. He explained the various security measures to be followed in Social Media. Mr.Shiyam Ruthan and Mr.Sasti Priyan of III CS(SSS) followed it up by presenting  a paper on Cyber Security Tools. This session was useful for all the students and helped them improve their overall presentation skills.


Kalaisaral, the Association Meet was conducted by the members of TechnoFest Association on 27.11.2020 for the I,II and III year students of  Computer Science department, through Google Meet. Ms.N.P.D.Naganandhini of III C.S(SSS) compered the programme, which started with the welcome address given by  Ms.Raja Lakshmi of II  CS(SSS).

Mrs.S.Nirmaladevi, Assistant Professor delivered the felicitation address. Non-technical events were conducted for the edutainment of the students. Ms.Shalini  & Ms.Raagem of III CS hosted an entertaining event called Connection.The consolidated scores were  announced by the Association member, Ms.Shalini of III CS. The session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms.Uma of III C.S(SSS). The students were able to expose their talents and also gain knowledge on technology through this programme.

Totally 152 students got benefited through this program.


On behalf of the Department of CS, the Ninth Mentor Meeting for the Odd Semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 27.11.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. All mentors in the department discussed the 2019-2020 Even semester result analysis and advised them to clear the arrears as soon as possible. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.


On behalf of the Department of CS, the eighth Mentor Meeting for the Odd Semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 20.11.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.

All mentors in the department discussed the following:

  • 2019-2020 Even semester results
  • Procedure to apply for Revaluation
  • Internal Examinations marks
  • Tips for Examination preparation.


On 19th November 2020, a  peer teaching class was conducted through Google Meet for 45 students of II B.Sc CS(SSS). Ms. G.Subarshana of II B.Sc CS(SSS) explained the concept of “Design Principles of Firewall”. The students of II B.Sc CS made the session interactive by clarifying their queries.