Visual Session on “Information Security Awareness”

The Techie Quest Club conducted a Visual Session on “Information Security Awareness” for the club members on 12.01.2022 via Google Meet. The student’s coordinator Mr. Abdul Riyan welcomed the gathering and conducted the event. He briefed the required information about security measures and their importance in the IT industry. The event was conducted for a group of 17 students, they enjoyed and said that it was a new concept and it would be very useful for them in their future endeavors.

The sole aim of the activities conducted is to impart skills to the target group that will help to build their confidence and thus inculcate a sense of social responsibility among the students.


The Students Forum, Students Corner Club in association with NSS celebrated the NATIONAL YOUTH DAY / YUWA DIVAS 2022 on 12th January, 2022 and organized a Quiz Competition on life of Swamiji Vivekananda. Students enthusiastically participated in the quiz competition and gained lots of insight. The responses were scrutinised by Dr.S.Priya,  Dean-Academics and Ms.T.Shunmuga Priya, Coordinator, Students Forum. Totally 25 questions were shared in a google form and 284 responses were collected from students and faculty members. The quiz enlightened the students to honour the ideals and thoughts of Swamiji Vivekananda who had tremendous faith in youth. Students learnt moral and ethical values through this quiz. Totally 284 students benefited by attending this online quiz.E-Certificates were issued to the students.



The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on “Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking” for 8 students of III B.Sc CS (SSS) – Batch 2019-2022 from 03.01.2022 to 7.01.2022. Mr.Vivek, CEO, Mr.G.Dinesh, Penetration Testing Analyst and Mr. Shiyam Ruthan, Penetration Testing Analyst, Ozone Cyber Security, Trichy trained the students on cyber security concepts. The students worked with the hacking tools and performed system Hacking, web Server Hacking, SQL injection in an ethical way. The students were benefitted with the hands-on session given by the trainers. Based on the performance of the students, assignments were allotted during the training session.

Techie Quest club-Cyber Security Cross Word Puzzle Competition

The Techie Quest club of Computer Science department conducted a crossword puzzle competition on 03.01.2022 at Academic Lab–I. The club members, club coordinator and student club coordinators participated in the event.  Welcome address was given by Mr.Abdul Riyan (II Networking), Student Coordinator. Mrs.V.Gayathri, Club Coordinator conducted a cross word puzzle competition on cyber security concepts. All the club members participated & solved the puzzles in enthusiastic manner.Finally vote of thanks was proposed by Ms.Abinaya of II B.Com B & I. Totally 24 students participated in this event.


The Department of CS (SSS) &TechnoSoft Association jointly conducted a Tech Talk program on 30.12.2021 at F40 Class room.  I & II B.Sc CS (SSS) students participated in the event. The session started with the welcome address delivered by Mr.Ramji of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mrs.V.Gayathri, AP of CS (SSS) delivered a felicitation address. Totally 86 (I year =37, II year =49) students participated in this program.


Kalaisaral, the Association Meet, was conducted by the TechnoFest Association Members on 30.12.2021 at F40 class room. Students from I and II B.Sc CS (SSS) participated in the event. Ms.K.Shahithya of II B.Sc C.S (SSS) compered the programme. The event started with the welcome address given by Mr.Ramji of II B.Sc CS (SSS).Mrs.V.Gayathri, AP of CS (SSS) gave the felicitation address. Totally 86 (I year =37, II year =49) students participated in this program.


The Readers’ Hub & Techie quest club jointly organized the programme to commemorate the “International Farmers’ Day” on 24th, December, 2021 in the Classroom S52.  The student’s coordinator S.Madhubala (20302-Animation) welcomed the gathering and the Coordinators of the Clubs Mrs.R.Sailakshmi& Mrs.Gayathri, conducted the event.

Mr.VV.Sundharam(Dept.ofEnglish)& Mr.Sivasubramaniyan(Dept.of Maths) gave special address during the event. They stressed the importance of Agriculture & Farmers and their struggles. Also they explained about the technology innovation such as IoT usage, Corp prediction, Pesticide Prediction etc.,

Totally 104 (Reader’s Hub = 12 students, Techie Quest Club= 12 students, Yoga Club= 11, Electroral literacy club=42, Students’ Corner=27) students eagerly participated and benefitted from it. Students enjoyed and it would be very useful for them in their future endeavors

The sole aim of the activities conducted is to impart skills to the target group that would help to build their confidence and thus inculcate a sense of social responsibility amongst the students.


The Readers’ Hub & Techie quest club jointly organized the programme to commemorate the “International Farmers’ Day” on 24th, December, 2021 in the Classroom S52.  The student’s coordinator S.Madhubala (20302-Animation) welcomed the gathering and the Coordinators of the Clubs Mrs.R.Sailakshmi& Mrs.Gayathri, conducted the event.

Mr.VV.Sundharam(Dept.ofEnglish)& Mr.Sivasubramaniyan(Dept.of Maths) gave special address during the event. They stressed the importance of Agriculture & Farmers and their struggles. Also they explained about the technology innovation such as IoT usage, Corp prediction, Pesticide Prediction etc.,

Totally 104 (Reader’s Hub = 12 students, Techie Quest Club= 12 students, Yoga Club= 11, Electroral literacy club=42, Students’ Corner=27) students eagerly participated and benefitted from it. Students enjoyed and it would be very useful for them in their future endeavors

The sole aim of the activities conducted is to impart skills to the target group that would help to build their confidence and thus inculcate a sense of social responsibility amongst the students.

Value Added Course on HTML 5 Essentials

The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on HTML 5 Essentials for 36 students of I B.Sc CS (SSS)- Batch 2021 – 2024 from 18.12.2021 to 23.12.2021. Mr.N.Shaliya, CEO, Zerami Infotech Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore was the trainer. The students were trained with the basics of HTML 5. By attending  this course, the students are able to create their own websites by using HTML 5 and Java Script. They were also trained to appear for Microsoft International Certification in HTML5.


The Department of CS (SSS) &TechnoSoft Association jointly conducted a Tech Talk program on 22.12.2021 at F32 Class room.  Students from II B.Sc CS (SSS) participated in the event. The session started with the welcome address delivered by Mr.AjayMathesh of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD of CS (SSS) delivered a felicitation address. Students from II CS (SSS) presented a paper on various innovative topics and the details are given below. Entirely the session was very useful to the students and also helped to improve their presentation & technical skill. Finally the session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr.Gururathinavel of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Totally 51 students participated in this program.